Hello, my marvelous Martians!
How are you?
Curiosity roves the silent red planet, oblivious to the daily bedlam on
If I could, I would live up
It’s visually stunning, but the
environment is not human-friendly.
of my customers would also object to the commute.
Our weather has been more or less seasonal, but things are
supposed to really heat up again tomorrow.
Don’t write off the summer of 2012 just yet. The sun and heat will be appreciated by our
vegetable gardens, which we’ve had to water all summer long.
Time does fly as you get older. My blog next week will appear in
September. September? I’d swear it was June just yesterday. Oh dear.
As we approach the big election, my business picks up more
and more. Most people want to be
reassured that their candidate is the one.
Who am I to shatter their dreams?
Personally, I believe that no matter who wins this election, the people
of the USA will
lose. Again. We are a good people, but many of our leaders
are corrupt.
Oh my, how did I get started on politics? Never discuss politics, religion, or sex with
other people and you will avoid most conflicts.
It will be boring, but peaceful.
Instead, let’s talk about road construction in and around Racine. I don’t think it’s ever been this bad
before. So many projects at once is
idiotic. The Four Mile project has been
delayed and delayed. Not only is it hard
to get around the north side, but if you live near one of these projects, you
get to put up with all the noise, dust, and congestion. We should start a pool for each project on
when the concrete will be first busted up because something wasn’t done
Of course the special project is the roundabout in front of
City Hall.
The city has to kick in
nearly $1 million for the state funded project.
(Somehow, we always have money for these things, but not for
streetlights or more police.)
One of my
favorite blogs on the subject is Mr. OrbsCorbs’ “Computer Generated Preview of 6
Street Roundabout:”
th Street
has been shut down entirely, although you can cross at Wisconsin
aerial view would probably look like a partially bombed out city.
Finally, my dears, I can predict a massive increase in
political advertising, robocalls, and mailings.
Many of these are created with the intent to incite people. They are rude, crude lies. Let’s not allow our political affiliations
affect our normal discourse and interactions with others. It is going to get nastier as the campaign
wears on, so please start practicing tolerance now.
Thank you, my deer and does, for reading my blog this
week. I love the visits and I love the
attention. And I love showering it right
back on you. Thank you for spending time
with me.
Have a good week, one and all. Next Tuesday the children go back to school,
so a keep an eye out for the buses. Live,
love, learn. Geloscopy!