Saturday, November 3, 2012
Daylight Saving Time Ends at 2 A.M. Sunday
Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour tonight or early tomorrow morning.
After this, the days will continue to get shorter until the end of the world, on December 21st.
Five Years of True Friendship
Five years ago on the 30th of October, I buried my husband at West Lawn Cemetery. Seems like yesterday and seems like an eternity. After his funeral, I had to remain in Racine for a week or so to tie up legal stuff. His funeral was on a Tuesday as I recall.
That Thursday, the members of JTI put together a gathering at a little restaurant on Highway 20. For the first time in my entire life, I walked into a bar alone. Never had ever done that, even in my single days. LOL. I was greeted with such open arms. It took my breath away to think that these on-line friends of mine, not one of which I knew personally, treated me with such warmth and kindness.
Five years later, here we are, still friends with many different political, religious, and personal beliefs. This proves to the world that you don't have to agree on everything in order to remain steadfast friends.
Thank you, my friends, for getting me through that time of uncertainty. I made it and I think you can take a great deal of credit for that. Minnie's Mom (MinnesotaChick) spent many a night on the phone with me...She, kk, and 'Abby' as we know her here convinced me that I could try a date with Biggie. All those instant messages, flying back and forth. SER, Toad and Drew gave such support and understanding. I look back and smile. You guys probably smiled a lot at my predicament. How was I to know?
We came together as a group of strangers and became such close friends. The internet can be a wondrous thing.
Have a terrific weekend, my friends. I love you all!
Useless Information

In 1939 raisins sold for $45.00 per ton.
Snack boxes of raisins were sent to the G.I.’s during WWII.
By 1946 the cost per ton rose to $312.00.
Friday, November 2, 2012
"Mr. Burns Endorses Romney"
The dog feels my pain. I vote for the dog.
I admit it. I'm a survivalist.
It won't/can't happen here.
Where is the help? I'm hungry, cold, thirsty.
It's been three days! What, you can't work miracles?
Water from a tank truck? No way! Where is my free bottled water?
Ya know, I love NYC. I can take an elevator down from my apartment and walk five minutes to restaurants and stores.
Evacuate? What do ya mean, evacuate? I'm staying right here. HELP, SAVE ME!
Romney does a photo op making it look like he is doing something while the SS watches from the sidelines, doing nothing. Obama visits and claims he cares. Photo op of hugs...
A friend of mine 'listened' to me last year about being prepared. Yes he did. Bought a case of ramen noodles.... He works for FEMA too. Gov agencies take care of their own.
Do you think anyone's disaster planning will be affected so they don't have this problem next time? I say no, you're either an ant or a grasshopper and it looks like the grasshoppers are winning
Four for Fridays
Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a rather short week. It was back to business after a five day weekend. Anyways some questions for you....
1) Have you ever had a surprise (birthday) party in your honor?
2) What is the most spookiest song you have ever heard?
3) What you think the biggest challenge America faces?
4) What your favorite T-shirt?
Enjoy your weekend!
1) Have you ever had a surprise (birthday) party in your honor?
2) What is the most spookiest song you have ever heard?
3) What you think the biggest challenge America faces?
4) What your favorite T-shirt?
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
"What’s the Value of A Human Life In Racine? Not even $3.50"
"$240,000 that’s it. To keep a fire station open and not lose 3 firefighters. As on July 2011 our population was 78,853. That amounts to $3.08 per resident. The cost of a good cup of coffee, a happy meal, or a gallon of milk.
"Guess that is too expensive for the Mayor of Racine. Humble Park Fire Station may be forced to close, response times that have already risen since the City of Racine shut down the Marquette Station will rise even more.
"The City talks of Quality of Life for residents, zoos, beaches, Festival Hall. For the Racine Fire Department quality of life to them, means saving someones life, possibly stopping a house from burning down.To first responders the most important time is the first 5 minutes not what happens after 5 hours.
"In this day and age a persons house during a fire can flash over in 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Not a lot of time, even more of a chance for loss of life and total destruction to your home or business if Mayor Dickert has his way with the cut. The Racine Fire Department did a time study, their study shows that in normal traffic for a RFD unit to get from Lombard Ave to the Southside of Racine 18 minutes. Does anyone want to wait 18 minutes in an emergency?"
Read more:
Meanwhile, Team Porter's is going to get over a million tax dollars to start playing around with their failed store. Why don't they use their own money to rehab their building? Because lying John will give them our money instead, thereby reducing their liability to zero in case of failure. Then, we, the citizens, suck it up. In case of success, Team Porter's profits. It's win-win for Team Porter's and lose-lose for Team Racine Taxpayers.
"$240,000 that’s it. To keep a fire station open and not lose 3 firefighters. As on July 2011 our population was 78,853. That amounts to $3.08 per resident. The cost of a good cup of coffee, a happy meal, or a gallon of milk.
"Guess that is too expensive for the Mayor of Racine. Humble Park Fire Station may be forced to close, response times that have already risen since the City of Racine shut down the Marquette Station will rise even more.
"The City talks of Quality of Life for residents, zoos, beaches, Festival Hall. For the Racine Fire Department quality of life to them, means saving someones life, possibly stopping a house from burning down.To first responders the most important time is the first 5 minutes not what happens after 5 hours.
"In this day and age a persons house during a fire can flash over in 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Not a lot of time, even more of a chance for loss of life and total destruction to your home or business if Mayor Dickert has his way with the cut. The Racine Fire Department did a time study, their study shows that in normal traffic for a RFD unit to get from Lombard Ave to the Southside of Racine 18 minutes. Does anyone want to wait 18 minutes in an emergency?"
Read more:
Meanwhile, Team Porter's is going to get over a million tax dollars to start playing around with their failed store. Why don't they use their own money to rehab their building? Because lying John will give them our money instead, thereby reducing their liability to zero in case of failure. Then, we, the citizens, suck it up. In case of success, Team Porter's profits. It's win-win for Team Porter's and lose-lose for Team Racine Taxpayers.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Halloween Sunset
I haven't posted in a while and am going to try and get back into it. I have been posting lots of pics on my twitter feed and google+ account, both of which are good places to keep track of my latest.
However, tonight's Halloween sunset was particularly good. I wasn't even sure I would get anything since there were lots of clouds. However, the Sun is setting just north of Kitt Peak and I wanted to get that shot (I really hope to get it RIGHT behind Kitt Peak in a few days!) I was fortunate tonight and the sky was clear in the direction of Kitt least clear near the horizon. Enjoy these to enlarge them.
Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.
"Did You Know - 10 Halloween Facts"
Darn, I always dress up like a priest on Halloween in Alabama.
Someone Pooped in my Wheaties this Morning.

Oh…and don’t forget we get to add MORE money to “Jabber’in Johns” defense fund because he is such a…well everyone knows.
These people running for office brag about the millions of dollars they raised for their campaign let them pay the bill 100% for the additional security our state and local police departments furnish.
Committee of the Whole Meeting Tonight
Read more:
ggodmuls reveals that the vacant lots and buildings that lying John just bought for us will take $186,000 off of our tax rolls. That's money that the taxpayers must make up. Also, the old Belle City Foundry will need massive soil remediation. That's more money the taxpayers have to cough up for an empty field. Lying John, with the Journal Times' backing, inflicts these costs upon as as he attempts to close a fire station, take down more streetlights, and cut deeper into city services provided to the people who are paying the bills.
The mayor has never addressed the legal costs that he has also inflicted upon us. Not a word. What a coward. I think that yellow tie also runs down his back.
Party on, lying John!
Read more:
ggodmuls reveals that the vacant lots and buildings that lying John just bought for us will take $186,000 off of our tax rolls. That's money that the taxpayers must make up. Also, the old Belle City Foundry will need massive soil remediation. That's more money the taxpayers have to cough up for an empty field. Lying John, with the Journal Times' backing, inflicts these costs upon as as he attempts to close a fire station, take down more streetlights, and cut deeper into city services provided to the people who are paying the bills.
The mayor has never addressed the legal costs that he has also inflicted upon us. Not a word. What a coward. I think that yellow tie also runs down his back.
Party on, lying John!
Dear Madame Zoltar
Our magnificent, marvelous, masterly Green Bay Packers tamed
the Jaguars last week. Another win for
the Pack. The beat goes on. This Sunday, November 4, the Arizona
Cardinals get their wings clipped by the Packers at Lambeau Field, noon. O mighty Pack, drop those Cardinals like
a bad habit. Get in their faces
mercilessly. Cripple them
permanently. Go Pack!
Well, my dear Irregulars, I’m testing the waters of the
internet. Nothing too fancy: Ask YourFree Fortune Teller! Tell me what you
think. Today I may be a “free fortune
teller,” but if things go well, I will make some moola off of this.
We had all sorts of trick-or-treaters visit our home on
Sunday evening. Señor Zanza and I put
on quite a show for Halloween. Some of those kids will probably be
psychologically scarred for life. All
the candy and other treats were gone by evening’s end. Junior made sure of that.
I feel so bad for all of the people affected by Hurricane
Sandy. I’m sending them good vibes day
and night, as well as praying for them.
Our weather sure has been screwed up.
Mother Nature is acting nuts. I
wonder if she’s off her meds again? Oh
By this time next week, the presidential election will be
over. We may not have a winner, but the
election will be done. The Electoral
College is a strange place and it’s difficult to predict what they will
do. In any case, I’ll be happy just to
be rid of the robocalls and mass mailings, though I know the arguments will
continue to take place. We may become a
nation at war with itself. Remember: "A house divided against
itself cannot stand.”
you for reading my blog today. I enjoy
writing it and I hope that you enjoy reading it. Together, we can do anything.
do fools fall in love? Find out:
forget to turn your clocks back one hour this Sunday, or you’ll be early for
everything. Daylight Saving Time ends
and the long, dark nights of winter begin.
Brr. Stay warm, my dears. Sacredotal!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Journal Times Editorial takes City Hall to Task over Bathroom Remodeling Cost
Now that hell has frozen over, and the East Coast is underwater or snow, I, too, am beginning to believe that the Mayan calendar might be right.
Halloween Pictures!
Yes it is that time of the year. The reason I like this time of the year is to see what kind of costumes the little kids are going to wear also to see how crazy people decorate their houses. We just happened to stop and get some pictures this year. We didn't plan on going out and getting Halloween pictures when we seen these houses. The one above was on the north side of Racine.
This picture is also on the north side of Racine at the same house.
This picture is on Main St in Racine. I had to stop and take this picture from across the street.
This picture was taken on the north side of Racine across the street from the first picture.
This picture was taken the weekend my grandson was born up in the Menominee Reservation. Yes I stop on the side of the road to get this picture. The next two are going to be from the same house.
I hope everyone enjoys the Halloween pictures that we have taken this year. Please feel free to leave any comments. Happy Halloween to everyone!
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