Hello, my electoral collegiates!
How are you?
Yesterday was the big vote day.
I write this, Mr. President Obama has been re-elected.
Of course, I knew the outcome.
Unfortunately, it would have been unethical to
reveal such information before the results were official.
Mr. Mitt Romney has conceded. Too bad they both didn't.
Ha-ha, we can only wish.
I saw some small patches of snow on the Wisconsin
weather radar. Yuck. I’m OK with a white Christmas, but I’m no fan
of blizzards, ice storms, snow drifts, and deep freezes. Last winter was perfect from my perspective,
but I know that the landscape suffered for it.
Because of the drought, many foods have risen in price. So, let there be snow this winter, but,
please, no monster storms. And no
accumulations above 6 inches. Please?
Our phenomenal, sensational, stupendous Green Bay Packers slaughtered
the Cardinals last Sunday.
Hip-hip-hooray! I love Green
Bay! For their
efforts over the weeks, the Pack has earned a well-deserved bye week. Their next astounding performance is
scheduled for November 18, noon,
against the Detroit Lions in Ford Field.
May the Pack maul them.
I received another delightful e-mail from the ebullient Mr.
SER. He wrote:
Dear Madame Zoltar,
With the end of the world coming on or about 12/21/2012 what’s the chance of
having you work your magic and move Christmas from December 25th to
November 22nd, Thanksgiving Day?
The only real problem I see is what will happen with all the
Christmas trees….
Dear Mr. SER, thank you for contacting me. Personally, I’d like to see Christmas moved
to the Friday after Thanksgiving, thus giving us two big holidays in a row and
two days to recover. Or we could go
pedal to the metal with Halloween II, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year in
one weekend.
In any case, I’m not sure that my “magic” is up to such an
undertaking. There would be a lot of
ticked-off merchants besides the tree salesmen.
The best way may be to just tell everyone you know that you
are celebrating Christmas along with Thanksgiving this year. I mean, certainly if we can have Fesitvus
Poles, then we can have Christmas any darn day we want. Experts agree that December 25 is probably
not the date of Jesus Christ’s birth. It
was put there to coincide with the pagan solstice activities. So let’s get creative with Christmas. What’s the worst thing that could happen? The world will end? Ha!
Enjoy our brisk days and longer nights, my dears. The end of Daylight Saving Time always seems
like the beginning of winter to me. It’s
the darkness earlier in the evening.
Remember to change the batteries in your car flashlight and key ring
Keep your eyes peeled for children getting onto and off of
buses. Soon we’ll be slip sliding down
the streets. Be careful, my loves. Hippophile!