Lying John has written a piece about CAR25 for the Journal Times in which he continues to lie: The lying mayor states that tax dollars are used for CAR25. That's a lie. It's funded by fees from Time Warner Cable and AT&T.
Why does lying John feel that he can lie to us with impunity? Look at the last time he tried to lie his way out of a situation - it costs us hundreds of thousands of tax dollars in legal fees.
Why doesn't the Journal Times call John on his lies? Why do they knowingly publish his lies?
We're a fucked up city, lied to by our "leaders." The FBI can't get here soon enough.
Fire crews battle large barn fire in Caledonia
9 hours ago
Orbi, c'mon the F B Idiots is an organization without leadership and has no moral compass. If the funding issue you bring up is correct, then the Journal Times has the responsibly to its readers to disclose these discrepancies. I can state this for fact. The Racine Journal Times had a copy of my criminal complaint filed to the Wisc. Dept of Justice involving the sworn false affidavit filed into court records by then Racine County prosecutor Michael Nieskes before he was appointed judge by Scott Walker. The Journal Times refused to print or mention the complaint.
The Journal Times lacks journalistic integrity. Oh yes, don't forget the paper is now called the John Dickrert Times.
I agree with the commenters on the Journal Times site who state that CAR25 is not negative about Racine. Dickert doesn't want local government in action broadcast or streamed. That's what's "negative" about CAR25, it shows the truth. The truth is anathema to Dickert.
"Oh yes, don't forget the paper is now called the John Dickert Times."
Can anyone photoshop a new masthead for the paper
to reflect their new name? Keep calling them that, it brings attention to their censoring and slanted reporting of local news.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.
We are all reporters of something or some style. As a good example today on the “Monday Blog” Marie reported on the “adventure” of obtaining a Passport for her daughter. Excellent article Marie and thanks for sharing.
Drew wrote to us/everyone about the ‘Dark Eye Junco’. Orbs showed us how to make babies…that was nuts!
We don’t hide under the tablecloth or in a corner somewhere, why then doesn’t the Racine Journal Times print what is going on in the city and about our local government? THEY (Journal Times) are protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution just as ALL of us bloggers are.
As far as I am concerned there is no room for politics in the “free press”. i.e. If you (the Journal Times) prints something our illustrious Mayor does not approve of and calls the Editor and ‘scolds’ him/her for doing so, the Editor should IMMEADATELY print an article informing their readers of such scolding. In short…throw it right back in his face!
I firmly believe by doing such the readership of the Journal Times would increase KNOWING they have the ‘steelies’ to print the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
One excellent thing about the JT Irregulars and it has been said many times, “We can all agree to disagree”, and we still get together and have most bodacious time!
I think we all need to make a concerted effort to insert the word "bodacious " into our daily repatoire. ;>
Thank goodness for the outlet of free speech the JTI provides. (Good observation and comment, SER)
Free speech at JTI is alive and well.
Bodacious was one of Patton's favorite acts.
I didn't realize we had so many Ruff/n/Ready fans here.
Bodacious is as bodacious does.
Dickert tells some bodacious lies.
Bravo SER! I applaud your comment! That is what makes the JTI so wonderful-our freedom to write what we wish, without persecution.
I'm taking my Marbles Home!
Take a peek, notice the new JT masthead. Nice job tricky.
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