From Mount Pleasant Patch:
"Racine's public access cable channel may disappear, if the city goes along with an alderman's proposal.
"Alderman Greg Helding wants to see the money the city spends on CAR25 put into the contingency fund, according to The Journal Times, and used to potentially keep future cuts in services from happening."
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I would miss CAR25's moderating power. Councilmen and others who are aware they are being filmed are less likely to act like swine. Of course, you could make the case that that drives all of lying John's backdoor deals, like the one he is trying to swing here by replacing the people who run CAR25 with his cronies. I am so sick of a lying mayor playing dirty with us all of the time. That also goes for his lying cousin and the ass-kissing Ald. Helding. Those three little pigs are destroying Racine.
Snow shoveling heart attack warning
3 hours ago
One of the great benefits of CAR 25 is the recording of the public meetings. public records and the ability to view are important.
I watch the parade and post prom. On occasion, ive peeked in on a meeting or two. The quality of the videotaping and the sound quality is very lacking. I've seen better high school productions.
Not sure how much I'd miss it if it went away. Should we really be funding this when we are resorting to turning off street lights? That is a safety and security issue.
It's amazing how Dickert cries about how broke we are, but he always finds funds for his pet projects. Sky Fall will get the contract. The emperor has spoken.
Alderman Greg Helding wants to see the money the city spends on CAR25 put into the contingency fund, according to The Journal Times, and used to potentially keep future cuts in services from happening."
CONTINGENCY FUND; are you kidding me, they are nothing but a “Slush” fund for whatever they want to piss away the money on!
When I read this, it tells me someone with their grubby little hands has a project they want to do with no questions asked. They can take the dollars out of the slush fund.
Unless I missed it, I didn’t see anywhere were they are going to take the dollars off next year’s budget which would be a reduction in taxes for the people; but to keep the money in the budget is just plain wrong.
Personally I don’t care if they get rid of car54, I have never watched it or don’t plan on watching it, but I do care what they are going to do with future dollars. Again, if they keep the dollars in the budget they are just screwing the people of Racine…AGAIN!
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