What the hell is going on? Lying John keeps telling us how broke the city is, but he doesn't have any problem with giving the zoo over $600,000 tax dollars per year for the next four years. We get our streetlights turned off while lying John funnels millions of tax dollars to his cronies. There is money for everything that lying John wants, millions and millions of tax dollars. But for the taxpayers, they get their lights turned off and a boot in the ass.
Why didn't we hear about this when it happened, lying Journal Times? Your swine support the swine in City Hall. Racist pigs in suits.
Journal Times had the story about Team Porters on their site for a brief time. Journal Times knows we resent giving a million tax dollars to a millionaire for his private project. Pigs everywhere.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
Unfortunately, it is how things work. There is always money for projects they want, but not enough for common sense, reasonable basics.
I just got a postcard notifying me of the new expansion and renovation of my local elementary school that was built in the late 60's. They told us to expect potential heavy equipment and traffic disruptions. This building is newer than many, if not most, other elementary schools in the district. Wanna bet we aren't just fixing a necessary roof that is leaking or a poorly functioning boiler? Yet, there isn't enough money to adequately staff the building or the library with a bang for the buck aide.
Reminds me of trying to get a buck from my dad to attend a school dance.
I just read the link to Racine Exposed in the other blog about this....
On further thought, I really think I should run for Mayor. I've played Sim City and have made capital improvements, employed all my Sims and enjoyed a huge profit, without turning off street lights, reducing services, or raising taxes. That should bode well on the old Resume and the campaign trail, shouldn't it?
The power of the irregulars will carry you to victory.
Go for it, kk! I'll get you the mentally ill vote.
Orb's, You did It again.
When you can't remember the truth , get worn down by getting caught in lies and spend too much time dreaming up new stories - there is Liagra!
I think the Zoo is a great asset to Racine (along with our waterfront and O and H) so I am for giving this $$ to them. Finally one thing I can thank Dickert for. I love animals. And according to reports we do have an excellent Zoo.
I just wrote our state Senators. . I am appalled that our Governor decided to turn down healthcare funds from the federal level. We have a lot of working poor in Wisconsin. These healthcare dollars could provide relief to many and a safety net to more. How can you say we have a surplus (garnered on the backs of the middle class) then turn down federal funding for healthcare?
If you are the writing or fighting sort... it isn't too late. He still has time to reconsider. (Like that will happen)
Gov. Scott Walker is seeking to sell off hundreds of millions of dollars in power plants or other state assets to help pay some of the borrowing he is proposing as part of his two-year $6.4 billion transportation plan unveiled Friday.
Walker's plan would increase transportation funding over two years by about $500 million, Webster said. In addition to borrowing money, he would boost transportation spending by using money from the state account used to pay for schools, health care for the poor and other programs.
KK here is some more money Walker wants to steal from healthcare funds and schools, yet tell everyone we need to increase education in Wisconsin
this is the link about Walker selling the power plants and using money earmarked for schools and health care for the poor
Click Here to get the whole story from JSOnline.
To hell with the minions. Let them eat cake. Let us not forget that a huge chunk of federal change was tossed back and consequently gobbled up by another state which would have funded a light rail, linking Milwaukee, Madison, and the twin cities. I guess transportation is only important when it moves corporate interests.
KK, We are never going to get the filthy Rich, and the fucking generation, that doesn't want to help the needy with their HARD EARNED (My ASS) money to get It. The Rich want to be Richer, and the generation of wanna be's believe that these creep's ie: Walker are their savior.
Sorry I accidently typed FUCKING.
Won't the wannabes be surprised and unhappy when they find out their idea of rich nowhere comes near the bigwigs idea of what rich entitlement is.
We could be the most powerful, most rich, well fed, educated, healthy country.... IF we did what was morally right and helped each other rather than scooping as much pie as we each can for ourselves.
And I thought Orbs and I were the only ranters. I may have to go back to ranting school to sharpen my skills. :) :)
Legal, You came along after I explained my desire to attempt to become less of an Asshole, and try and keep my opinion In check, best as possible. Some things just tick me off too much to stay quiet. Walker Is affecting people In way's he could not even imagine, because, he has never experienced things that most of us old enough to remember have. I suspect most of us "Irregulars" have taken many lumps over the years. I guess If you have never suffered while growing up, you cannot possibly understand? That Is how I perceive Scott Walker.
Toad, First my post was in humor, as indicated by the smiley faces.
The reading of the rants and raves of others often times enlightened me of issues I may not have considered without such posts.
When I read the posts, I may or may not agree, but it really doesn't matter who agrees or disagrees.
I have been known to due a few rants, but I try to respect the other side as well.
Walker or Doyle, both unworthy of public service in my book.
Carry on Toad and enjoy your weekend.
HELLO!!!!!!!! I thought this was about $$ for the Zoo. Which I am for.You should all go visit it and see how the animals get along. Sometimes you can pet them. You can even 'feel' the lion roar. There are great animals there..not just a chicken and a cow!
Sassa, how easily we get sidetracked by other agendas.
Here is my take on the Zoo..
The Zoo is a valuable asset to the citizens of Racine county.
The Racine Zoo goes deep into the roots and beginnings of JTI rregulars.
The monkeys in the Zoo were the inspiration of our beloved Orbs Corbs.
So as I often say, learn history.
My question is , How much revenue does the city take in from the ownership of the property?
Admittance? vending? parking? donations? ect ect ect.
Or in other words, what is the true cost to the taxpayer?
Carry on.
Their costs are from donations, dues (me $50.00) bricks they sell (me $3 @ $75 each). I don't believe the city gives them much, which was way they started charging entry fees. They have to feed the animals (enormous amount), belong to zoo registry (they have produced noted animals) side bar...they mated a golden eagle with a bald eagle, had an egg which was destroyed by hooligans. They mate elephants tigers giraffes, for fees for other Zoos. They are almost self sustaining.
A subsidy of over $600,000 a year is hardly self-sustaining. I'm not against the zoo. I spent a lot of time there as a kid. My problem is with the amount of the subsidy and the fact that we still haven't been officially told that this happened; i.e., lying John already signed a contract committing us to that subsidy with NO discussion. He's great for making promises and signing contracts, but when the time comes to pay the piper, we pay the price, not him.
Raise more money for the zoo by raising membership and entrance fees. The zoo is perfectly situated for fundraisers. Anyone remember Safari Day? The zoo made a ton of money off of that.
People are losing their homes at over the rate of one a day in Racine. Lying John is turning off our streetlights to pay his legal bills. Racine has been number one in unemployment for as long as I can remember. We can't afford giving over half a million dollars a year to a zoo. Take the cost of keeping up our streetlights out of this giveaway of tax dollars. My God, everyone but Dickert's friends are broke. His cronies suck up all the tax dollars in Racine and then he lies for more, more, more.
Why wasn't this discussed publicly? Because our mayor is a lying pig.
Orb's, Your spot on. $600K Is hardly a small amount of money. I for one thing would request an audit, to find out where all the money Is going. Jen, and Chuck Johnson poured a ton of money into the Zoo. They were, and I suspect Jen still Is, a big contributor to the Zoo. I suggest this should happen prior to any money being given to support the Zoo. It perhaps suggests something Is wrong, and the Zoo's future may be In danger, and nobody know's It except the special few. What I really find amusing, Is that the Zoo was free for as long as I could remember prior to at least 1992 when I left the city. The City, has fewer people living In It year after year. It stay's In that 80K area. Why Is the Zoo, which now collects a fee, and has vendors making money etc. having problems? They didn't have problems for decades, but that was before people decided Elephants, Giraffe's, and other very expensive animals had to be included. I enjoyed seeing, just the Monkey's, Lion's, Tiger's, Bear's, Orangatan's, Dead Alligators, camel's, and all the other neat animals. Oh Well, gotta keep up with the joneses.
Hooligans used to take that poor alligator and stick him under the lifeboat at Zoo Beach. Imagine the lifeguard's surprise.
Orbs... you must be "speak no evil"
and "see no evil" cause I know
you "hear no evil" on this site.
(as there was not a third monkey)
Sassa...I know you did not mean that chickens and cows are not important.
I love animals, but 600 K is a lot of money when a firehouse was being eliminated, and streetlights,
are darkened, etc. Zoos cost lots, but need to get grants, etc.
The children's safety is important..
there is nothing more important than issues concerning lives at risk.
All the schools should be made safe
in every way....m pecking away at the problems all the time
like mad hungry chickens...
get rid of the mad cows grazing on the fat of the land.
Amtrak already runs between Milw-Twin Cities daily, it's called the Empire Builder. That train comes within 30 miles of Madison. It would make more sense to use existing track and work on the final 30 mile link to Madtown.
"Let us not forget that a huge chunk of federal change was tossed back and consequently gobbled up by another state which would have funded a light rail, linking Milwaukee, Madison, and the twin cities"
I do believe the initial plan was to use and upgrade existing rail lines. There was also a provision that would order new high speed trains to run on these lines.
The company that was to build them existed right in Wisconsin. The building of these trains would have brought jobs to the state; it also would make places like Racine more viable to purchase homes, raise the tax base, create new jobs here... hmmm. Walker failed on that one.
Opponents argument was that it would cost the taxpayers down the road in operational fees. Sounds logical, but experts said it would be less cost than repairing and constructing roads to accommodate the increase in traffic... which is what is now being proposed without the one time help of huge federal funds.
But again, I digress.
I loved the zoo. The fact that it was one of the last free zoos was a city pride point. I used to go quite often and walk through. I haven't been there since they started charging, on top of already existing tax dollars we pay. It is a small zoo. You can go to Milwaukee for just a couple of bucks more and really enjoy a whole day. That isn't right.
I agree with orbs. There are other things of much more urgency than funding the zoo to that extent. I, too, wonder about fund management issues.
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