I don't understand why the residents of Racine are having streetlights turned off in their neighborhoods while numerous businesses in our "acclaimed" downtown don't pay their tax bills.
See: http://racineexposed.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/ethical-standards/
and http://racineexposed.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/a-failed-mayor/
Lying John begs the nonprofits to pay for his incompetence, but his friends in his downtown do not pay taxes. Not one streetlight would have to be turned off in Racine if downtown businesses paid their "fair share." Residents already pay through the nose to subsidize downtown. That's still not enough - lying John let's his friends ignore the law while piling more and more debt on residents' backs.
Party on, lying John!
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
There are several businesses around the Corner House Restaurant (1500 block Washington St.) that are not please with Mayor Dickert's efforts. Many refer to Mayor Dickert as unresponsive and anti business.
kk has referenced my ship, men in black and TSA just seen leaving donut shop, got to fly.
Andromodo has spoken
The City of Racine doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem!
The levels of debt are becoming unsustainable and take more of the budget to serve every year.
City salaries and compensation MUST be cut! The fools in the Common Council should have never allowed the debt to be run up to the levels it is at - over $100,000,000 alone for the City!
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