I'm visualizing a kid taking this to school in 2013 and "surprising" his class mates on the playground with it. I'm also trying to visualize the number of local/state/federal agencies that would be quickly involved.
Reminds you of just how innocent we were back then.
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
Do kids still play cowboy? I'd assume they would be more interested in video games.
Did you see where a little girl was suspended ( I think) from school because she had a piece of paper in her pocket that was torn and looked like a gun????
MC, there have been a few cases where kids have been suspended because of over reactions on stupid shit....
Should students have been suspended for taking 'energy mints' at school?
A group of high school students were suspended and missed homecoming for using "energy mints" containing caffeine, even though they are legal.
The 7 dumbest reasons schoolkids get suspended
Click Here to read the story.
Whatever happened to getting suspended for smoking or drinking?
The paranoia in the country is palpable. I've said that I could never make it as a teacher, and that was before shooting them and students became a regular thing. I couldn't cut it as a student, either. Fear of getting shot, fear of gangs, fear of fear. I'm glad I went to school in the "old days."
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