We must have the most unjust justice system in the world.
As an example, in the State of Wisconsin a 5th or 6th time drunk driver can receive a $600 to $10,000 fine and 6 months to 6 years imprisonment
Here is a person that has the high potential of seriously injuring or killing an innocent person!
BUT…copy (pirate) a DVD you can get 5 years imprisonment and $250,000 fine.
No wonder Dickert gets away with the shit he does……
Blind Justice.
The inconsistency and incongruity of sentencing is shameful. Judges claim that sometimes they are forced by sentencing laws to mete out unjust "justice."
The biggest lie, though, is "justice for all." Justice is for sale. Whoever can afford the best and most lawyers wins.
Orbie, you have a valid point about justice for sale. Also for sale are the writing of laws to enrich the politicly connected and wealthy.
What is needed is an army of good people to turn back and or destroy the current evil in our society.
The biggest lie, though, is "justice for all." Justice is for sale. Whoever can afford the best and most lawyers wins.
When I first read this statement the first thing that came to mind is the case against Curt Johnson. The law says ‘you’re innocent to proven guilty’; but in sex cases I truly believe ‘you’re guilty to proven innocent’.
He (Curt) may have done something but I do not believe to the extent of what was said since the girl will not divulge papers requested by the attorneys. Fortunately for him he has the dollars to continue his “fight” to prove innocents. Without his kind of wealth he could end up taking over Becker’s cell when he was release.
I can't make a call on Johnson's guilt or innocence, but the handling of his case proves the preferential treatment that the rich and powerful receive. It's just the way it is.
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