Visa recently completed a study and found that people who use their credit cards at fast food restaurants spend (on the average) 30% more then if they paid with cash.
So when you get on the scale and it says "one at a time please" maybe you should pay cash the next time you stop for the special burger you have a taste for.
It is sad to see kids so heavy. More and more of the teens I see are already morbidly obese. Too many junk calories in, not enough exercise. The statistics do not bode well for longevity, and the cost for medical will be astronomical.
NBC Nightly News did a story on how Dr.'s are discovering kids have high blood pressure because of all the salty foods they eat.
Maury Povich did a show on obese kids one day which is what caught my attention. The mothers were letting 4 year olds drink 32 oz. of soda. Why? "Because they wanted it". Whose the parent.
I have never used a Credit Card at a Fast Food Restaurant.
Got fluffernutter?
Good nutrition starts at home.
In this day of the information age, everyone has access to medical and nutrition information.
Medical conditions can be created when individuals choose to be stupid, lazy, irresponsible, etc.
You can't fix stupid.
On a positive note,
Have any Irregulars reached out to help Beth @ WAR?
Another one is Backpacks kids use. they carry every book they have along with extra shoes and junk. Doctors are predicting bad back for these kids as they age.
I tried to use that credit card, but it didn't go thru, over the limit.
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