Last night a tornado did go through Shawano Wisconsin and it the path of it was my mom and sister's mobile home. The funny thing about it I never received a phone call of what happened. The way we found out was Drew had seen a post that my older sister in Appleton had put on facebook saying my mom and younger sister's mobile home ceiling had fallen on my mom. I thought that was really nice of my family not to think about me just because I am not up there.
I called my mom last night and she said she had just gotten done being checked out by the paramedics and they wanted her to go to the hospital but she said no. I said to my mom why not and she said that she was alright. Then she told me that a tree on the side of the house split in half and fell on the roof, when the tree fell my mom was sitting in the corner on the couch watching t.v.. My mom was holding the ceiling up yelling for my sister and my sister said just a minute I have to find my cat, so the cat was more important than my mom. My mom was all shook up while I was talking to her. My told me that the paramedics had to get her out from under the broken ceiling. The paramedics had a hard time getting over to my mom's house because of all the power lines and trees down. They did get out of there last night and are staying with my older sister in Appleton.
After I talked to my mom I called my son to make sure him and the kids were all right and to see if he could go over to help my mom get out of her house. I tried calling him about six or seven times and I was starting to freak out because I couldn't get a hold of him. Then about five minutes after I stopped calling him he called me back. He said mom I am sorry but my phone was dieing from everyone calling him to make sure they were alright. He also said that he took the kids downstairs and stayed under the stairs until it was all over. I was happy about that, then he said he was on his way to my mom's to help her out but it hard to get there with all the trees and power lines down. He was going up and down side streets to get there. He said the alarms went off in town by him but my mom said the one right out of town by her never went off.
Here are some pictures my son took last night of my mom's house.
I talked to my mom earlier today and she was back at the house getting more things out for her and my sister. There is no electric on in the house because of the tree, so my mom was taking everything out of the refrigerator giving some to my son and taking the rest to my older sister's house. My mom's head is still hurting her and she found a bruise on her knee this morning. She also said that when she got to my sister's house that she had to take another shower because she was all black from the ceiling falling. For me the main thing is they are all alright up there and safe now. I just wish I was up there to help my mom out any way I can. I just feel so bad I was not there for her when she needed me but at least my son was there for her.
Here is a picture of my son today being really goofy thinking he can lift the tree up of the house. Yes he has my goofy sense of humor.
I just wanted to share this story with you about how bad a storm like this could be. The news said it was a F1 or F2 tornado.
Snow shoveling heart attack warning
3 hours ago
¡Ay, caramba! What a mess. I'm glad that your mother wasn't hurt too badly. The roof cave-in pictures are frightening. One minute you're watching TV, the next minute you're under a pile of debris. I hope the family gets settled soon.
Ceilings can be fixed. So glad they are all okay. That would be very frightening.
So glad they are okay! The losses are minimal, can be replaced, but lives cannot.
THB I'm so glad everyone is alright. Tornadoes are more terrifying when you don't know they are happening.
Wow-close call-mother nature is on a rampage all over the world, glad for no serious injuries.......
Yikes! Close one! Glad she is doing all right. Hope the repairs and speedy.
That was a very scary night for us.
Today my mom is meeting the claims adjuster at her house. When she called them yesterday they told her that the people that own the trailer park are liable for the damages. If the roof is repairable they have to pay to have it fix if not they have to replace the trailer. The reason for this is it was a very old tree and they were told to take it down a long time ago. We are all hoping that this is all taken care of real quick for them.
We would like to thank all of you for all your nice comments!
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