Monday, September 23, 2013

The Grandkids Are Growing!

I know this is a couple of weeks late. I was just trying to figure out how to write this and my younger daughter is going to Gateway College and working. So I have been busy picking her up from work.

Two weeks ago Drew and I took a trip up north for our granddaughters second birthday. I talked Drew into taking that Friday off of work so we could get an early start on the road. We stayed by Drew's parents house for the weekend it was great to see them and spend time with them. Also we made a stop on the way to do some birding, I am sure that is not a surprise with us. We also made another stop on the way up there that would be by my son's house to drop off a couple salads I made for the party. Our grandson was taking his nap but our granddaughter was sitting on the steps outside eating her lunch. It was funny because she tapped my pocket that had my wallet in it and asked me what is this. So I took it out and showed her and she knew how to open it up and she seen my money and said me. So the nice grandma I am I gave her a dollar and then she told me daddy.

We did make one more stop that was by my mom at her house. I just can't believe with what Drew and I did to help them that they do not have everything out of there still. The ceiling is falling more and the window is about to bust out of the wall. To top that off my sister stays there with her cat. I just hope with all that installation still coming down that her cat does not get sick from that.

We did make it to Drew's parents house finally and I was just so happy to get out of the car. It was a very long day on the road in the car. But I can tell you one thing it is all worth it to see both families that we miss. We had dinner with his parents and we just talked all night.

When I got Saturday morning Drew was gone but the car was there. He went out early in the morning birding down the road. I was joking around with his mom and dad saying if he gets lost in the woods that was fine because I had the debit card and my car keys. He could find his own way home. The sad thing is Drew knows I would never leave him behind.

The party was at 1pm. and we left early to see if my son needed any help with anything also I had to stop at the store for a couple of things that they needed for the party. When we got to the park were the party was at our granddaughter was wearing a princess skirt she looked so cute. Here is a picture of her when we seen her.

The theme of the party was Minnie Mouse so that meant everything was pink, black and white. She was playing little miss shy with us when she seen us. Grandpa was having fun taking pictures and looking for different birds at the park.

Then our grandson seen us and wanted out of his highchair to come and play with us. So I went and took him by us at the table and mom brought his toys for him to play with. But I think grandpa was having more fun with the toys. Then come to find out a little while later our grandson is walking holding onto his dads hand and I am talking about only holding one hand. Here is a picture of him walking.

He is getting so big and a very happy little boy. He wanted to go walking when he came back by us so I took him walking and he went straight for the swings. I put him in the swing and he just loved it then when I went to take him out he started to cry until I put him down to walk back. We just enjoyed ourselves at the party.

Then Sunday on our way home we stopped in Appleton to see my older daughter. She could not make it to the party because she had to work. It was great to see her because it is hard to see her when we go up there because of the hours that she works. We spent about two hours talking to her and just getting caught up.

Then when we finally made it home I could not believe it my daughter had the whole house cleaned and we were so happy. My younger daughter could not go up north because she had to work. We really enjoyed our weekend with the family. We are going to be going back up north next month for our grandsons first birthday.


  1. Nice story THB, Sorry EVERYTHING didn't turn out well, with Mom, but hopefully she will get things in order soon.


    As for your sister, I'm sorry THB but she is making a terrible mistake living there. Hopefully she won't get hurt.

  3. Mary, THB's sister never learned the term abandon ship.
    And yes they are very cute kids, keep those smiles coming.

  4. I'm told that grandchildren are for spoiling. You have a couple of adorable ones to spoil.

  5. Holy crap, my oldest grandson just turned 20

  6. Adorable! And they look so happy!

    I have to agree .. it's not safe living for your sister. It's not just the cat that is in danger of the insulation.

  7. Thank you everyone for the nice comments. As for my sister her cat comes before anything and she does not listen to anyone. According to her she is the only one that is right and knows everything.I found out that my mom might have an apartment soon. We just have to wait for the credit check to come back.
