It's amazing to what I see while I'm out in the meadows, woods, marshes and shorelines. Not just birds, but other creatures as well. Winged, furry, slimy, scaled, cute and creepy-they all have passed in front of my lenses from time to time....
Always still an impressive sight to see, even though the the DNR claims there are about 1.4 million White Tailed Deer in the state. Quite honestly, I'm not surprised at the number. I do see deer on a regular basis around the county including the one pictured here at Shoop Park on 5 23 2013. I'm sure that many of you have seen a deer before, my question is when is the latest one you have seen one and where?
I had just wrapped up a birding trek at Shoop Park on 4 20 2013 and was heading home. Satisfied with quality pictures of Willets, when I came across what appeared at first to be a dog. It looked at me for a second. A coyote! It was digging in the golf course for what, I don't know. Perhaps a ground squirrel or a chipmunk. As I watched it for a few minutes digging away. It would occasionally stand there and seemingly pose for pictures, then it took off into the woods. Talk about a lucky day!
Slinking away among the rocks along the lake shore, snaking away like a ninja, stalking every crack and crevice in search of food-the American Mink. Many people have never seen a mink. Imagine my surprise to see this little furball skulking around the rocks by Myer's Park! The darn things are hyper active fast! All the photos that I took came out were blurry blobs. Tender Heart and I got lucky.... We saw one skulking around the rocks by the Festival Hall on 4 16 2013. We first saw it from the boat landing. Tried a few shots and failed. We then drove around the block to the Causeway and relocated it scurrying on the piers. That's were I got it! On the pipeline between the pier and the rocks-a place where it couldn't hide!
Being there at the right place and the right time is essential in finding wildlife. Gotta play with Lady Luck sometimes. Such case is the truth when Tender Heart and I seen a North American Porcupine crossing a road in Langlade Co.on 6 17 2012 Yep, just wandering across the road on Hwy 55 by the great big potato field between Langlade and Lily. Tender Heart thought I was crazy for getting out of the car to snap the picture. Why? I wasn't in any danger. Porcupines can NOT shoot quills. These docile creatures spend most of their time in the trees and are rarely seen.
Anyways, this is not all I have taken. I've gotten picture of more mammals, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies and of course, birds, birds, and more birds! More to come!
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
Great blog and photos, drew and THB. I love your passion for wildlife because we benefit from it.
Do throw in the other animal pictures! They are just as great as the bird shots. Nature for shut-ins, or those who work and are too wiped out afterwards to go find it themselves.
I think the last deer I saw up close (not driving by) were at Sander's Park, just north of KR. It is amazing to stand near a wild animal of such stature.
I saw a coyote last year at the sturtevant fireworks. He was either on his way, or coming from the landfill.
Earlier in the year I spotted a Deer by the Root River across from the former Whitman Publishing Co. building on Mound Ave. There is a parking lot across the street - then a steep bank down to the Root.
I have also seen numerous woodchucks near the River - one on Liberty St. near the 5th. St. yacht Club,and one near Racine St. and Water St. There was recently a dead Possum in the road there.
There are Beavers in the Root River from the Park High School area - West. I haven't seen them, but the evidence from downed trees is everywhere.
Around 20 years ago I saw a Deer running down the street near 21st. and Taylor.
Wildlife is everywhere in Racine
Great pics and narratives.
Thanks for the post.
The porcupine reminds me of the BMW joke, it goes as follows:
What is the difference between a porcupine and a BMW?
On a porcupine the pricks are on the outside.............
And I shall post up more pictures!
Wildlife is everywhere in Racine... I've seen deer while birding at Colonial Park. (Also seen evidence of Beaver there..)
A pair of Coyotes was seen by Tender Heart and me by Gateway as well as Red Fox.
The last time I saw deer was on 4 Mile on the way to work earlier this week. A pair of deer were in the road. (Lucky for me, I keep on eye out for these creatures in the morning) I had come within two feet from them. They wouldn't move. I beeped my horn and each ran in a different direction. One realized the it was going the wrong way, slipped and fell in front of the car.
Good one legal!
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