The inaugural meeting of the JT Irregulars Illuminati was held this afternoon. An agenda was prioritized and is in the process of implementation. Oaths were sworn and a line was drawn in the sand. The JTI Illuminati will continue to meet secretly until their goals are achieved.
Semper Vigilavi!
longevus et prosperabitur
What? Huh? I vote to not recognize secret meetings and secret agendas. I'm currently picketing in front of the club house.
What? I'm shooting off an e-mail and I too am voting NOT.
There are other factions that are forming. Night and better clubhouse
These are not the illuminati but fakes
I was told that the JTI Illuminati are considering radical changes to the political landscape. I was also told that if I repeat that information, I will be disappeared. Bye.
Novus Ordo Seclorum
As president Obama stated, the public is fed up with Washington,
Does that include Washington street?
Applications will be mail within a week or two....
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