Kenosha just approved the agreement to hear Racine's ethics complaints.
Kenosha Mayor Keith Bosman is proposing that all failed ethics
complaints result in the charging party having to pay costs and expenses.
This, of course, will dissuade people from filing legitimate ethics complaints for fear they will have to pay for them.
None of this appears in the Journal Times.
The City of Racine is at war with its residents.
Body of man found in house after fire
11 hours ago
Daffy Duck has a message for Lying' John and his Two-Faced Cousin Tommy!
You're Despicable!
I think it’s a terrible state of affairs when the Journal Times refuses to print what is going on in the city.
It makes you wonder what city hall is holding over the heads of the Journal Times; are they behind in their taxes and the mayor is letting them slide; are they receiving money from the city to stay in business?
Who knows, but there is definitely some wrong.
You can read more about Racine in the Journal Sentinel out of Milwaukee.
Maybe the Journal Sentinel should buy out the Journal Times so we can get a real newpaper.
definitely something wrong
slight correction there...
Remember The John Dickert Times head censor, Mark Lewis, help the total failure JD write the 10 year plan. Someone ought to tell them western countries dont use ten year plans, only the current/former communist countries do.
Bend Over, Here It Comes Again!
Mayor John Dickert Declares WAR! Against Citizen Ethics Complaints
Looks like everyone wants to cover this story!
Expanded coverage at:
Racine Exposed
Mentioning Mr. Lewis in comments on the Journal Times site leads to immediate banning and deletion.
Mr. Lewis is another in a line of carpetbaggers running the Journal Times. None of them come from Racine and none of them give a damn about Racine. We are just another step in his career. He will do whatever is "best" for Lee Enterprises. We don't even figure into the calculations.
As for Mr. Lewis' collaboration on lying John's Ten Year Hoax, it's the antithesis of ethical journalism. Lewis is Dickert's propaganda minister.
Looks like the coverage of this *EXPLOSIVE* story is still growing!!!
From the Mount Pleasant Patch.
Mayor John Dickert Declares WAR! Against Citizen Ethics Complaints
Richard Head is a delusional freak. He points to 3 articles HE posted as proof that the so-called story is exploding. Get a life, please.
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