It's the start of a new year and a great opportunity to make some changes in your life to make you a better person. What's that? You're perfect already? Maybe you should resolve to be less arrogant. (or less ignorant)
People usually fail to keep their resolutions because they make them too big or general. Keep them small and manageable. Don't say "I'm going to try to be a better person". That's too general. Choose a few specific things that would make you a better person.
Write them down.
Keep them small and manageable.
Set specific goals.
Set different start times. You don't have to start them all on Jan. 1st.
Here are mine:
1: I need to lower my cholesterol. I don't have a number goal yet. And I'm still working on my low fat menu. I need to find out what's a realistic expectation.
It's around 200 right now. Is it possible to get it down 50 points by the middle of April?
I don't want to take drugs.
Several different types of fat, numbers and reading labels has me more confused that ever.
I've been searching for an "example" of a low cholesterol diet. One that says specifically what to eat, not one that says "eat lower fat meat". Lower that what? If you have one, please pass it along.
2: I resolve to clean and organize half of my basement by the first of April. Starting Jan 15th, three hours a week.
I have WAY too much stuff. I'm not a hoarder but I do hang on to stuff just because I "might" need it or could use it some day.
3: To continue #2, I resolve to clean and organize the upstairs of my garage by the end of June.
Starting April 1st, at least three hours a week.
4: Say NO! Unless it's an emergency. It's seems that people are always asking me for help. When I help them, I don't get MY stuff done. "I'm sorry, I'm really busy and just don't have the time." That should do it.
That's enough for now. If I accomplish my goals early I can always add more.
What are yours?