Racine Exposed:
"Recently, The Journal Times ran an article; Downtown Racine Corp. drives toward fundraising goal, that
seemed to cause a considerable amount of confusion concerning the
difference between the DRC (Downtown Racine Corporation) and BID #1.
The DRC is not BID#1 – The DRC is a 501(c)(3) Corporate Business where membership is voluntary. BID #1 is organized and ruled according to Wisconsin Statute 66.1109."
Read more:
I'm still confused, and that's the way lying John wants it.
By the way, I had a sudden inspiration for the Porter's project (if we can get to it before it's burned down): turn it into a casino. Win-win-win!
Casino at Porters is a great idea!
Oh I forgot, white people can't own casino's in this racist state of Wisconsin.
This state is truly a state of sin.
Ownership of casino's in wisconsin is only for indians operating as sovereign nations in local jurisdictions of government.
When it comes to gambling and casinos, the U.S. and wisconsin constitutions do not protect or apply to white or black wisconsin residents.
I know, but our mayor says he's part Native American. Doesn't that count?
Tens of millions of dollars have been thrown down a Black Hole known as Downtown Racine!
Honest men have lost their fortunes, and the corrupt, politically connected have made their fortunes!
The Downtown Dream is just a wealth redistribution scheme to enrich the politically connected. There has been NO POSITIVE RETURN on investment - nor will there ever be.
Look at the names involved - almost all are insiders - from every area of Racine politics - all repeating the same lie that investing in Downtown is investing in Racine's future prosperity - well it won't! It will lead Racine to bankruptcy.
OH THE BOATERS! The CHEAP Boaters of Racine - who are the biggest WELFARE RECIPIENTS in Racine - Possible the entire STATE.
Whether it's Federal, State, Local funds - it's all TAX MONEY!!!
Downtown Racine is the WELFARE QUEEN of Racine and Tom Friedel, John Dickert and Jim Ladwig are it's PIMPS.
Reef Point Marina is the WELFARE QUEEN OF WISCONSIN!
Fortunes are made depending upon who you know, and how you are connected!
Enjoy your coming Bankruptcy - Racine!
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