From Racine Community Media:
From Racine Exposed:
"Any Comment From Racine City Hall?" on the four latest lawsuits brought against Racine, plus a look at the Osterman Ethics Complaint
From Racine in Ruins:
"Even with the outcome known we fight."
From Root River Siren:
"SCJ To Now Cut 300 to 400 Racine Jobs"
Fire crews battle large barn fire in Caledonia
8 hours ago
Reference: Root River Siren
The water witch from Burlington continues to spew her hate of anybody who does't follow the Democratic party philosophy.
Further she is a coward who doesn't allow open discussion on her site.
Cee U Next Tuesday
Meanwhile, Robert Lindsay has a column on Racine's most famous misogynist and Hero to former Mayor Becker - Paul Little, aka Max Hardcore!
Good Lord this guy is terrifying. Look at his eyes and his smile and the look on his face. He looks like a sexual sadist. If you watch his movies, it is pretty obvious that he is a sexual sadist. He got in trouble for inviting some woman over to his Hollywood Hills mansion and then kidnapping her and imprisoning her there for a couple of days while he tortured and abused her in various ways. He got off on that somehow but it shows you what he is like.
And City of Racine officials are so comfortable in their corruption and immunity from prosecution that they feel comfortable enough to openly discuss how they plan to violate City of Racine Ordinances to achieve their goal.
Keith Ballering and Eric Ennocenti were present to discuss the application of CVS for a Class "A" Retail Fermented Malt Beverage license at 1122 West Boulevard.
Alderman Helding informed the Committee that the City of Racine Code has an ordinance in place that does not allow for 2 establishments within 1,000 feet of each other and there is only 600 feet between CVS and another establishment. Alderman Helding indicated that the law assumes a denial, but the license could be approved with recommendations from the Committee with reasons why it would be acceptable and a 2/3 vote of the Common Council.
Of course, this is the same Greg Helding that assisted in making a "deal" with John Dickert so that Dickert's status would never be determined; demamded Keith Fair be removed from the Common Council without a conviction; practiced prima facie discrimination against bar owners of color; and suffers from paranoia and delusions by demanding to be armed in Racine City Hall against unknown, unnamed and invisible parties that he believes are out to physically harm him. That condition USED to be described as mental illness - it seems as though the Common Council of Racine has caught a case of it - mental illness is contagious - right?
The Root River Siren is always interesting - and her photoshop is of the highest quality. Given her close association with John Dickert - one must wonder how the Johnson Family will now view their relation with the City.
More of Downtown may be TOAST! with the J-Wax cuts - let it fail, and don't make the problem worse by creating more taxpayer dependent Downtown Welfare cases! City of Racine residential taxpayers cannot continue to provide welfare for every failed Downtown merchant!
The Root River Siren's page is informative and well written. However, I find my blood pressure going up way too high when I read these blogs.
The bickering between party allegiances and the illegal activity happening is maddening. One has to sift through volumes of material just to try to figure out if it is directed pettiness or actual criminal actions taking place.
I'll be studying this later and educating myself about this
Matter even tho I,m not exactly in the area.i admire you for your work in stopping corruption..... Really I do.
Just not hurting other s in the mean time is not fair..
I admire the fact that an individual section was done on this. More comments later. Waffling?
Regarding Root River Siren, I too have tried to comment on her site, only to be blocked.
Sheeple like her are blinded by political party affiliation.
The Root River Siren is an ongoing blog about an ongoing "POLITICAL PITY PARTY".
A washerwoman projecting her political ideologies on the net while attempting to hide her identity from the public.
Both the Damnocraps and the Repulsicans got to go.
Party affiliation and special interest are destroying our country.
Vote the person !
The CVS license to sell alcohol is interesting because :
1. it is in violation of City of Racine Ordinances.
2. West Racine has always actively OPPOSED bars and liquor stores - they were unwanted - and historically none were located in West Racine.
3. The owners of Port of Call Liquors had talked to their Alderman, Terry McCarthy and had made their opposition to the license known. Further, there were others who opposed it - and there seems to be an understanding that the license was NOT to be granted.
4. The discussion, led by Alderman Greg Helding on how to VIOLATE the City of Racine Ordinances, and the decision to "DEFER" the decision seem suspect - as if it would give credence to the understanding of people in the area that the license was denied - while QUIETLY slipping it in later.
5. Obviously CVS is LYING if they say that ending tobacco sales won't hurt their profitability - otherwise they would not have asked for a license to sell alcohol in conjunction with ending tobacco sales.
6. IF CVS doesn't like it - then they can close down - OR the Common Council can change the City Ordinance.
7. The City Ordinance was put in place for a REASON - and it is discussed at length:
Alcohol License Overview for Racine County
Municipal governments in Wisconsin have the ability and authority to control the number and location of alcohol outlets in their community. This report provides a summary of current research on outlet density and a numerical overview of the number of alcohol outlets by municipality and county. The number and location of alcohol outlets has a significant impact on the social and economic welfare of the community.
It's time that the Common Council and Mayor of Racine RESPECT and UPHOLD the laws - instead of violating and circumventing them.
IF they don't like it - then they can change the law. WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF - and WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?
Where is the Racine County DA?
I have never attempted to post to the Root River Siren's page, so therefore I don't know about her criteria for blocking or removing content.
I do know she mostly supports one side of the political agenda. She and I agree on many issues. It is important that both sides are able to view material from alternate perspectives, so we can make up our own minds. It is unfortunate that there can not be civil discussions between both sides. The lies and deceit and personal agendas have pushed us too far apart.
I might have more insight.... I know that one major employer in the city of Racine has recently transferred their prescription drug services to CVS. Could that have an impact on our local representitives decisions?
CVS said that their reason to stop sales of tobacco products was more in line with their vision of being a health care provider. They said they would lose a ton of money in the process, according to news reports. Adding alcohol to their product selection does not fit the above vision, so something does not fit.
Just a question... doesn't Walgreens sell alcohol and tobacco?
Alcohol if not abused could be considered a wonder drug.
Alcohol when abused, could also be considered a wonder in one wonders why their life slid into the gutter.
Richard , in government, the laws are written to control the people, not the politicians.
Government officials violate laws on a daily basis, usually without scrutiny or sanctions.
The city attorney is the responsible official who should be watching city of Racine government.
One more item for the record, I always agree to disagree. Without discussions, there can be no middle ground.
CVS bans cigarettes, but will others follow?
The company said the move makes sense. CVS (CVS, Fortune 500) estimates it will lose about $2 billion in annual revenues. That is a fraction of its overall business, which is also increasingly providing health care services like walk-in clinics and prescription drug coverage.
CVS took in nearly $94 billion in revenue in the first nine months of 2013, up slightly from the same period in 2012, according to its most recent filing. In 2012, it reported $123 billion in revenues, a 15% jump from the previous year.
I still find it amazing that ghetto people smoke when cigarettes cost almost $8 pack.
From the study Alcohol License Overview for Racine County
Alcohol Licensing and Density
All alcohol use occurs within the larger context of the community. The number, location and operation of licensees have a dramatic impact on the community alcohol environment. It is more prudent and economical for a community to deny an application than address the consequences of over-concentration or poor operation. Reducing outlet density is difficult and time consuming. Community safety and economic development are well served by planning and the careful review of all license applicants.
The cities of Madison and Racine have partial density limits targeting their local alcohol related problems. Each community approach targeted a specific concern; in Madison, the proliferation of alcohol outlets near the UW Madison campus and in Racine, the large number of locations licensed for off – premise s alcohol sales. In both communities, limitations on additional alcohol outlets were part of broader plans to prevent and reduce alcohol related problems. Both communities adopted ordinances to prevent or limit the number of additional outlets recognizing a municipal ordinance establishing a ceiling or a numerical limit on the number of licensees is more stable than political agreement.
Daily, I read/scan online the JTI, the Journal Times, Racine Uncovered, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Google News, Racine Community Media, Racine in Ruins, Racine EXPOSED!, and Milwaukee County Corruption. I also check out other stuff, but not regularly.
Yeah, I too visit Racine Community Media for some good stuff and also Racine Exposed, and this site also has good stuff...not really shocked about the hat lady, seems to me she's been involved in quite a bit of shadiness in the past, read the complaint if you haven't already, I saw it at Racine Community Media.
I feel like I'm being held hostage by our city government. They are stealing our tax money without any remorse. It's a total joke to them.
Were I went wrong, the day I retired, the next day I should have moved to Mexico, I could have lived like a King down there.
That store on High Street was Stegman's Liquor when I was growing up. He delivered.
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