"MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Four members of a working group studying ways to
reduce drunken driving in Wisconsin — a state with notoriously lax laws
— resigned Thursday and said bar and tavern owners have too much
influence on the committee and are not interested in actually combatting
the problem.
"The task force members said in their resignation
letter to the head of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation that
there was no willingness to correct errors, contributions from doctors
and other experts were ignored, and 'procedural roadblocks' were put in
place by state officials working to update the highway safety plan.
Romanski, safety programs chief at DOT who was coordinating the group,
was not available to comment. A department spokeswoman said she was
working on a response to the resignation letter.
"The resigning
task force members said in their letter to DOT Secretary Mark Gottlieb
that the only named non-governmental partner working with the department
on the plan is the Tavern League of Wisconsin, which represents bar and
tavern owners.
"'This group has — at best — a serious conflict of interest,' the letter said."
Body of man found in house after fire
10 hours ago
That's a great headline!
I too belong to a Drunk Driving Group. Meet me at the Jail!
Join the Drunk Republicans of Racine!
If you run your cursor over the last three pictures really fast - you can even see him move! Just like one of those flip books!
WHOOOOOOOOAAAA! Don't tip over Rich!
Congressman Hank Johnson, a honorary Wisconsin Drunk, fears Guam will tip over!
I believe their gripe. Nobody really gives a shit. Up here the bars hand out beer, so your not without while driving to the next bar, and so on. 7 or 8 DUI's Is nothing here. Bartenders won't cut people off. On, and On. They care more about kids smoking here than they do DRUNK driving. That's why the people that come her look like they just walked of the set of "Mad Max" Disgusting City. A kid walked by my house the other day. He had so many holes pierced In his face, you could close his mouth, and plug his nose, and he would still be able to breathe.
I'm not particularly proud of Wisconsin being the booziest state in the nation.
As far as I'm concerned, the Tavern League are murderers.
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