From Racine Equality Project:
"Two different Downtown Racine Liquor License
Applicants, same general area. The only difference between the two
applicants is their Race and relationship with Mayor John Dickert. Doug
Nicholson is a White male who hosted fundraisers for John Dickert and
already operates two establishments with liquor licenses in Downtown
Racine, Envi and Ivanhoe’s, which are less than a block away from his
new establishment, Carriage House Liquors, which is located in an area
that is considered fragile and which already has an excessively high
number of establishments with existing liquor licenses."
Read more:
Korean dining spot opening soon in Hales Corners
2 hours ago
2 applicants, though they were what, ----5---- years apart?!?
Have other liquor establishments CLOSED within those 5 years, therefore lowering the saturation of liquor sellers in the area?
I guess if you take the time to think aside from the gut reaction of RACISM, perhaps it actually makes sense.
This is how basic corruption works. Dickert maintains a controlling influence over city council by threatening their positions and power. He sets everything up in backroom deals and then tells his city council minions how to vote. They usually don't even know what they are voting for.
If you are connected to him, you get special favors and rigged contracts. If you aren't connected, you can't get your foot in the door, and are ran out of town.
Civil rights don't exist in Racine. It is an elite club based on a pay to play corrupt scheme. How far does it go, and when will it end?
This isn't politics. This is criminal.
Doug Nicholson's new Liquor Store is an area that has a high concentration of Liquor Outlets. Recently there was a murder at ENVI, earlier there was a lockdown of the area due to a situation at the Raddisson, and the area over by Kenny's and Georges has had numerous shootings and police calls.
Then to top it off he got a facade grant when he still didn't even a have a license to operate a business. $20,000 for that? Where did the money go?
I so glad I don't live In that fucking city anymore, you couldn't possibly believe It. I'm on the phone up here constantly to the City Administrator for what really amount to petty things. I can't imagine living In a city that Is run like a Richard Daly, Chicago, of the 60s. It's appalling.
Did you know that Dickert has forced furloughs on police officers and firefighters, yet lies and tells the public that neither has had to take furloughs?? This is a fact people. Investigate. With crime the way it is in this city, I don't think furloughs are a real swift idea at this point. Call me crazy.
Anon is lying. The police and fire fighters are prima donnas who refuse to take the furlough days.
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