Saturday, April 26, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
Four for Fridays
Hello everybody and welcome back! Still on vacation and loving it! Yet, I'm still getting up early..... Hmmmm. Anyways, your questions...
1) What do you have a bigger collection of-books, music or music?
2) What do you prefer eating-salt water or freshwater fish?
3) Would you ever want to take a submarine to the bottom of the ocean and see what's down there?
4) During summer months, do you prefer grilling out or cooking indoors?
Enjoy your weekend!
1) What do you have a bigger collection of-books, music or music?
2) What do you prefer eating-salt water or freshwater fish?
3) Would you ever want to take a submarine to the bottom of the ocean and see what's down there?
4) During summer months, do you prefer grilling out or cooking indoors?
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, April 24, 2014
"Meet Boomer!"
Aw, what a cute little guy, as long as those teeth aren't too sharp.
Related: "Zoomer The Dog - 2013 New York Toy Fair - The Toy Spy" -
"March 2014 Property Report"
From Property Reports:
"According to the Wisconsin IPAS system, 151 documents were recorded during March of 2014 for the City of Racine. There were 32 foreclosures, and most homes sold for tens of thousands less than the assessed value. So far in 2014 there have been 97 foreclosures in the City of Racine during the first 90 days of 2014."
Read more:
"According to the Wisconsin IPAS system, 151 documents were recorded during March of 2014 for the City of Racine. There were 32 foreclosures, and most homes sold for tens of thousands less than the assessed value. So far in 2014 there have been 97 foreclosures in the City of Racine during the first 90 days of 2014."
Read more:
Our Weekend Up North!
We had a really nice weekend with both families we also did some birding while we were up there too. Friday we stopped by my son's house to see the Grandkids and give them their Easter Baskets and my younger daughter stayed by my son's house for the weekend. It was so nice to see them and my son also cooked out on his grill. Our Granddaughter even got Grandpa to get on the floor to play with blocks it was funny she would knock the blocks down to get Grandpa to keep building with her. Both of the Grandkids kept taking their bunnies we got them all over the house with them. There was no snow in Shawano Wi which I was really surprised.
Then we finally made it to Drew's parents house were we spent the weekend and there was some snow up there and the lakes are still frozen. It was so nice to get out of the car for the night. We sat up taking with his mom and dad and I started to get really tired and I was yawning from being tired with driving all day long. Then on Saturday we went and did some birding and then spent the day with his family is was so nice to see his sister and his brother-in-laws daughter. His brother-in-law was home sick with the flu we missed seeing him. I was a really nice day just being able to sit and talk with the family and we also got to see some pictures that his dad put on to a dvd.
Then Sunday we said goodbye to Drew's parents and we went to my older sister's house to spend time with my family and on the way we had to pick up my daughter at my son's house. When we walked into my sister's house we got attacked by our Grandkids. Our Grandson son kept saying Papa he wanted Grandpa. Everyone was sitting down to eat when we walked in the door so we got our food and the Grandkids wanted to sit on our laps while we ate our dinner so we had to share our food with them. At the same time we found out that one of my nieces is separated from her husband and the kids are moving her out of her apartment that day. The day was really nice to see everyone and to talk to everyone until my younger sister blew up and stormed out the door with something that someone had said and she scared the little ones really bad with it.
Here are some pictures from the weekend:
This is Skylee with her peeps on a stick and her bunny she is 2 years old!
This is Ace with his bunny he is one year old!
Deviled eggs my son made for Easter!
This is a Broad Winged Hawk I found in the Menominee Reservation and I was going about fifty miles and hour and seen it on the side of the road in a tree. I stopped and turned the car around to find it again to get a picture. At first I didn't know what I seen in the tree then I found it and took some pictures. This was on Sunday going towards Shawano.
Then we finally made it to Drew's parents house were we spent the weekend and there was some snow up there and the lakes are still frozen. It was so nice to get out of the car for the night. We sat up taking with his mom and dad and I started to get really tired and I was yawning from being tired with driving all day long. Then on Saturday we went and did some birding and then spent the day with his family is was so nice to see his sister and his brother-in-laws daughter. His brother-in-law was home sick with the flu we missed seeing him. I was a really nice day just being able to sit and talk with the family and we also got to see some pictures that his dad put on to a dvd.
Then Sunday we said goodbye to Drew's parents and we went to my older sister's house to spend time with my family and on the way we had to pick up my daughter at my son's house. When we walked into my sister's house we got attacked by our Grandkids. Our Grandson son kept saying Papa he wanted Grandpa. Everyone was sitting down to eat when we walked in the door so we got our food and the Grandkids wanted to sit on our laps while we ate our dinner so we had to share our food with them. At the same time we found out that one of my nieces is separated from her husband and the kids are moving her out of her apartment that day. The day was really nice to see everyone and to talk to everyone until my younger sister blew up and stormed out the door with something that someone had said and she scared the little ones really bad with it.
Here are some pictures from the weekend:
This is Skylee with her peeps on a stick and her bunny she is 2 years old!
This is Ace with his bunny he is one year old!
Deviled eggs my son made for Easter!
This is a Broad Winged Hawk I found in the Menominee Reservation and I was going about fifty miles and hour and seen it on the side of the road in a tree. I stopped and turned the car around to find it again to get a picture. At first I didn't know what I seen in the tree then I found it and took some pictures. This was on Sunday going towards Shawano.
"Miley Cyrus - The Backyard Sessions - 'Jolene'"
That's a Miley Cyrus that I like.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
"Sympathy For The Devil"
From Racine Exposed:
Read more on Racine County Dustrict Attorney Rich Chiapete's DUI and surrounding circumstances:
Read more on Racine County Dustrict Attorney Rich Chiapete's DUI and surrounding circumstances:
"Frank Lloyd Wright-designed S.C. Johnson research tower finally goes public"

By Meg Jones of the Journal Sentinel
"Racine — For decades Frank Lloyd Wright fans have flocked to the S.C. Johnson & Son corporate headquarters to ogle the beautifully designed and innovative buildings that inspired employees to invent consumer products found in kitchen cabinets throughout the world.
"After tourists trooped through the great workroom inside the administration building and craned their heads to look up at the giant lily pad-like structures supporting the roof — the famous Wisconsin architect compared them to a glade of trees — they stopped to take pictures of the glass tube-enclosed research tower, glowing like a candle in the center of the complex. And they asked: Can we go inside?
"Always the answer was: Sorry, no.
"But starting May 2 the Johnson Wax research tower will open to the public for the first time. The prospect of seeing one of the few surviving Wright-designed corporate offices from the inside has prompted intense interest with most of the free tours already reserved throughout May and into June. Two-hour tours of the administration building and research tower will be offered from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays."
Dear Madame Zoltar
Hello, my sparrows and robins! How are you?
We received a real taste of warm weather over the Easter weekend, but
now we’re back in the cooler. “They” say
the aftereffects of this past winter will last a long time. We’ll probably have a cool spring. Maybe even more snow. A friend told me yesterday that up north
there’s still snow on the ground. Oh
my. Most of our early spring blooming plants
can take some snow, but a hard frost will nip them.
The spring cleaning continues at home, both indoors and out. I thank the Lord that I have Señor Zanza and
Junior to do the heavy work outside. If
only the weather would cooperate. One
day it’s in the 60’s, the next, the 40’s.
And we’re cleaning part-time as I have my business to run, Junior has
school, and Señor Zanza has what he calls his “enterprise” to tend to.
Attention: I have a suggestion to make to the powers that be
in downtown Racine. I know that you have your First Fridays (and
even some Third) and various other events and celebrations throughout the
year. However, your big one, Party On
The Pavement, needs to be balanced by a Spring Fling early in the year. Spring is the time of rebirth and the
celebration would be conducive to a great crowd. By the way, I think that’s the 3rd
or 4th suggestion that I’ve given you. Wise up.
Another announcement I have to make is that I officially
proclaim that I back both the medical and responsible recreational use of
marijuana and/or its components. I
believe that it should be regulated in a manner similar to alcohol. Taxed, too.
Unlike alcohol, I believe the tolerance level for users driving under
the influence should be 0%. With other
states decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana, I don’t think it’ll be too long
before researchers come up with a portable marijuana detector similar to a
breathalyzer. For the sake of honesty, I
have to admit that some components of my own elixirs and potions may contain a
small dose of cannabis, just like many other medications may contain alcohol as
one of their components. The dosage in
my products is so small as to be undetectable.
If someone were to try to get “high” using my products, he or she would
have to consume trainloads of products to get any effect. I don’t think the effect would be pleasant.
Here’s a short, cute video to brighten your day:
Thank you my dear friends for visiting my blog today. I love entertaining guests. “You are a stranger but once here,” they say,
but actually I get stranger every day.
Beam me up, Madame Zoltar:
Take care of yourselves my wonderful friends. After a hard
fought winter, we have a hard won spring.
Enjoy it. No matter what, at
least it isn’t twenty degrees below zero.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
"Świeta Wielkanocne! Dzielnica Cudów! JFZ"
Jasny gwint!
That's more firepower than I ever played with. How do I make one?
Monday, April 21, 2014
"The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall)"
This is old, but still funny.
Also see: "Honey Badger Houdini - Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem - Natural World - BBC Two" -
Local Loyalty - Black-Eyed Press
Welcome back!
This week brings us to a very unique
and awesome place -
This one is going to be hard to put in to words,
all that Black-Eyed Press is all about.
Located at
1515 16th Street,
1515 16th Street,
is an amazing, complex, intriguing,
artistic, incredible, expansive place.
When I asked Samira what her place was all about,
she said it was a community print making studio.
After visiting, it is that, but so much more.
At it's core, it's a print and book making studio.
Besides doing that, Samira is also very talented in various types of art, and origami, to name only a few. Her talents seem endless.
Once a month, usually the 1st Saturday of the month, she hosts a
Book Arts Guild from 10-2. You learn how to make a new, hand bound book, marble paper, how to print, do collages, and more.
Local artists can also rent space, and use equipment they otherwise wouldn't have access to.
There is also a program for teens, 14-19, that works on writing and printing their work, both in word and in art.
Open studio nights will begin this summer.
Her goal is to build a community, providing resources and space.
Her goal is to build a community, providing resources and space.
Within the building she is in, are over 30 other artists and studios.
I know my words can't do this place justice, it's awe inspiring.
To for more information contact Samira,
Phone: 262.994.8780
She was an amazing host, sharing her passion with me of what she is doing. I thought we'd connect for maybe 20 minutes, and ended up visiting for 2 hours!
Please check it out,
I think you too, will be amazed.
Of course, I can't conclude the feature without those 3 chosen words :)
1. Encouraging
1. Encouraging
2. Engaging
3. Creative.
Yes, yes and yes!
Let your creative side come out, whether in writing, drawing, painting, book making, paper creations, she's here to help!
Don't forget to let her know you saw it here!
Thank for reading!
Thank for reading!
Sunday, April 20, 2014
"Racine – A City Under Financial Siege"
From Racine Exposed:
"The Government Wide Financial Analysis revealed that difference between the the net assets and net liabilities fell by $49,153,636 from 2009 until 2012. That’s a NEGATIVE. In 2009 net assets exceeded liabilities by $271,291,402 and in 2012 that number was $222,137,766. On average, that is a loss of $16,384,545 per year.
"Even more alarming is the City’s growing Other Post Employment Benefits obligation, which grew from $55,005,102 in 2009 to a staggering $115,787,911 in 2012. That’s an increase of $60,782,809 in ONLY 3 years. Further compounding the problem is that in 2009 those promised OPEB were UNDERFUNDED by $15.4 Million, which grew to $18.5 Million in 2012.
"Then in 2012, the City experienced a shortfall of $2.5 Million in the budget for it’s self-funded Health Insurance fund, in spite of having budgeted a whopping $18.7 Million for this expense.
"In the meantime spending at all levels increased with no realistic plan from City Hall being formulated to control those costs. The financial crunch time grows closer."
Read more:
"The Government Wide Financial Analysis revealed that difference between the the net assets and net liabilities fell by $49,153,636 from 2009 until 2012. That’s a NEGATIVE. In 2009 net assets exceeded liabilities by $271,291,402 and in 2012 that number was $222,137,766. On average, that is a loss of $16,384,545 per year.
"Even more alarming is the City’s growing Other Post Employment Benefits obligation, which grew from $55,005,102 in 2009 to a staggering $115,787,911 in 2012. That’s an increase of $60,782,809 in ONLY 3 years. Further compounding the problem is that in 2009 those promised OPEB were UNDERFUNDED by $15.4 Million, which grew to $18.5 Million in 2012.
"Then in 2012, the City experienced a shortfall of $2.5 Million in the budget for it’s self-funded Health Insurance fund, in spite of having budgeted a whopping $18.7 Million for this expense.
"In the meantime spending at all levels increased with no realistic plan from City Hall being formulated to control those costs. The financial crunch time grows closer."
Read more:
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