Hello, my thunderstorm troopers! How are you?
Still wringing out the water from everything? I hope you weren’t flooded. The rest of the week is looking gloomy with
more and more rain in the forecast.
Meanwhile, Ms. Mary in Oklahoma
is dying of thirst. I don’t know if you
believe in global climate change, but something sure has been wacky with the
weather the last few years.
I’d like to get in a little picnicking before Memorial Day,
even if it’s just in our yard. We’ll
have to drag out the trusty old wood picnic table and benches. If they haven’t rotted out, we’ll have to
drag out the trusty rusty grill. There’s
nothing like food cooked on a grill and eaten outdoors. (By the way, “we’ll” = Señor Zanza and Junior
We’ll have to be a little careful with the lighting of our
grill. Señor Zanza seems to have no
conception of how much lighter fluid is needed to start the charcoal, even
after past explosions. Junior, of
course, just encourages him because he likes explosions. I want to eat my grilled chicken at the
picnic table, not in the ER.
The story of the firing and rehiring of St. Catherine’s High
School basketball coach Bob Letsch is a wonderful example of a community coming
together to make their wishes known and heard.
Obviously, those currently running the high school heard the community
and reacted by rehiring Mr. Coach.
Hurray for them and for everyone who worked for Mr. Coach’s
rehiring. May God bless you all!
I know it’s a cliché, but you should “stop and take some
time to smell the roses.” Roses come
later in the season, but nature is emerging, sprouting, and bursting out all
over the place. Take some time to walk
in a park with flowers and foliage.
Listen to the birds up above.
Watch the wildlife scampering below.
Even if it’s just a stroll around your neighborhood, many yards are
exploding with colors and greenery.
Can’t get out? Then
watch this:
Oh my, that was glorious.
Like you, my readers, are also glorious.
You are a member of our glorious family, the JT Irregulars. Thank you for reading my blog today.
Enjoy whatever weather you can in the coming week. Don’t put away the snow shovel just yet. When it’s cold and/or raining, then you can
shake your fist at the heavens above and ask, “What’s amatter, You?” Mouchard!