"It seems I have become a bird-watcher.
"Don’t get me wrong.
don’t have binoculars dangling from my neck, and I don’t carry a little
notebook. I do not wear baggy khaki shorts, nor a jacket with
‘leventy-seven pockets.
"(That, at least, is how I imagine a 'real' bird-watcher is tricked out — based on dozens of 1960s sitcoms.)
I do spend a lot of time in the backyard and tending the gardens, and
there’s seldom anyone to keep me company except the birds."
Read more: http://poststar.com/lifestyles/columns/natl/houseworks/yard-is-for-the-birds/article_23235db4-1f34-11e4-bda9-001a4bcf887a.html
Related: http://www.jtirregulars.com/2013/08/houseworks-by-steve-batie.html
Does drew have "baggy khaki shorts" or "a jacket with
‘leventy-seven pockets"?
Have you noticed the increase in bird photos and stories in the Journal Times?
Cudahy's Pancake House changing owners
47 minutes ago