Friday, March 27, 2015

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! It has been a rather quick week even though I had plenty of overtime. Maybe, I'm just getting used to it.... Anyways your questions...

1) What do you prefer to read, fiction or non fiction?

2) What national park would you like to visit?

3) What is your favorite candle scent?

4) Do you write yourself reminder notes?

Enjoy your weekend!


Beejay said...

1. Fiction....
2. We visited Glacier and I loved it. Would live to do Yellowstone, but it is always so crowded.
3. Apple Crisp.
4. Yep! Post-it notes are my salvation!

Tender Heart Bear said...

1) I like nonfiction because I like to read biographies.

2) Any of them never been to them.

3) Vanilla and Pine.

4) Yes all the time.

Have a great day

Beejay said...

THB, when I was a small child living outside of Oconto Falls. We had an outhouse attached to the house through a woodshed. My mother used one of those bottles filled with pine scent with a wick coming out of the top. To this day pine = poop concealer to me.


Toad said...

1. Non-Fiction

2. Grand Canyon again.

3. Pine Tree, more like incense.

4. No, I alway's forget to.

Yo Drew, How do you do?

Toad said...

Beejay, The "Pine Sol" smell gives me a headache, but I do remember those bottles with the wick. I'll have to look at "Air Wick" at the store, and see If It still has one?

OKIE said...

1. Fiction

2. Yellowstone.

3. Tis the Season.

4. Oh yeah.

Thanks Drew!

DodgeBoy said...

1) What do you prefer to read, fiction or non fiction?
a) Non-fiction.

2) What national park would you like to visit?
A) Yellowstone.

3) What is your favorite candle scent?
A) None. Scented candles give me a headache and irritate my asthma.

4) Do you write yourself reminder notes?
A) All the time. Sometimes I write a note to remind me to read my reminder notes.

OrbsCorbs said...

1) I 'd rather watch cartoons.

2) Any of them. I've never been to one.

3) "Poop Concealer" incense.

4) Yeah, and then I lose them.

Thanks, drew, for the questions.

Beejay said...

Orbs, you liked my "poop concealer" comment? Lol.

Toad said...

Orb's, You did It again. CARTOONS

kkdither said...

2.Initially, I wanted to return to say Big Sur, but that is a state park. I've been to Redwood, Mammoth Cave and the Great Smokies National Park, so I guess I'd choose the Grand Canyon, or Glacier National Park in Alaska. Are we planning a road trip again?
3. Vanilla or cinnamon?
4. Have to. I write notes then spend time looking for them.

SER said...

1) read, fiction or non fiction?
I don't read, just what's on the net.

2) What national park would you like to visit?
the one in Alaska, Glacier National????

3) candle scent?
Baked apple

4) Do you write yourself reminder notes?
HELL YES, full time, I even list them on my cell phone

Beejay said...

kk, if you plan aroad trip. Come down to SC. We have a place in the foothills of the Blueridge Mountains.

lizardmom said...

1. non fiction
2. Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Glacier to start!
3. vanilla or vanilla
4. all the time!