Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

Don't worry, you'll make it.


SER said...

oh boy, don't leave anything behind.......

lizardmom said...

I know that stuck feeling...

OKIE said...

I've been feeling like that for a few weeks.

kkdither said...

Happy Wednesday. It is a week of meetings and unusual schedules due to standardized testing. I feel like I could sleep a week.

Tried to see the aurora last night. I understand that our northern neighbors were treated to a St. Patrick's Day, green glow. In the city, I saw a muted red appearance on the horizon. Not sure, but it was probably just a glow of city lights. One of these days, maybe.....

OrbsCorbs said...

Happy Wednesday.

Toad said...

I've been sick now for nearly a week. I pray none of my good irregular friends don't get this crap. I think I could wallpaper an entire home with the goo In my chest.

kkdither said...

Toad, see a doctor if it continues. You lungs and the potential for pneumonia is nothing to play around with. Get some serious antibiotics if it doesn't get better soon.