Thursday, March 5, 2015

You know you're getting older . . .

You know you're getting older when AARP Magazine's cover boy is:


lizardmom said...

old age just creeps up on you! Some older rockers aged fine, others, pretty scary, just like us common folk

drewzepmeister said...

I do have a copy of the magazine...

kkdither said...

He still has his swagger. I don't like it when I read someone younger than me passed away, "from natural causes." Yikes.

OKIE said...

OMG, KK, I thought the very same thing. He's coming here one of these days. I should check it out.

Toad said...

Who died? Regarding the AARP magazine. Some of them came WITH a free download of Dylan's new song. MINE didn't. but I would take good care of It, and put It away. It will be very valuable when HE dies.

KK, Why do people seem to be dying so young these day's? Everyday In the Obit's someone In their 50s goes.

kkdither said...

Has it really changed? It is probably that we just notice it more, Toad.

OrbsCorbs said...

I get the magazine, too, and am in the middle of reading the interview. I don't know nothing about no downloadable song.