Friday, July 10, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

Happy landings to you.


lizardmom said...

made it thru the night with just a single coughing fit, I almost feel rested! Happy Friday to all!

OrbsCorbs said...

Hello, Friday. Everyone likes you. Monday, I hear, is storing up weapons and ammunition for an assault on Friday.

Tender Heart Bear said...

We are heading back up north to tomorrow my kids bought me a ticket to go and see the band Alabama, Kentucky Headhunters and Union Station Band in concert in Appleton on Saturday I can't wait to go. I am going to take pictures and I will share them with everyone next week. We are also bringing the grandkids back with us for a week. Have a great weekend everyone.

OKIE said...

THB - That sounds like a great trip. Good bands, that's for sure.

IT'S FRIDAY!!!! Just the name sounds good.

Have a great day Irregulars.

lizardmom said...

OKIE, I was thinking about you just a bit ago. How dare I pick MY raspberries as soon as I get home BEFORE feeding the birds??? Boy, did they carry on and ream me out, yikes! made me giggle a little actually!

OKIE said...

I hear you LM. They wait on the fence for me and as I walk to the feeder a bunch fly out of the bushes. To add to my minor woes, when I went in the garage to get some seed, I saw a little varmant scurry away. Picked up the bag and sure enough, there was a little hole in it. Second one that has happened to. So I will go to the store and get a big container to put it in. And of course, some de-con.

kkdither said...

I'm battling chipmunks again. Those #%^^^& are digging everywhere.