Infotainment - Racine, Wisconsin, USA
We have the brightness of Milwaukee to the north and that diffuses tour chances. But, you bet... I'll give it a shot!
I shall try as well as we have clear blue skies.
Gave it a try, a couple times. Nada. Thanks for making me step out, though. I'm pretty sure I saw a beautiful rendition of Orion up there. The sky was crisp and clear!
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We have the brightness of Milwaukee to the north and that diffuses tour chances. But, you bet... I'll give it a shot!
I shall try as well as we have clear blue skies.
Gave it a try, a couple times. Nada. Thanks for making me step out, though. I'm pretty sure I saw a beautiful rendition of Orion up there. The sky was crisp and clear!
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