From Knuckledraggin My Life Away:
Saturday, June 20, 2015
"Questionably moist"
From The Lonely Libertarian :
When I managed the auto repair shop in Chicago, on a hot summer's day a heavy set woman paid by pulling bills out of the middle of her bra. The currency was moist, but, what the hell, money is money.
When I managed the auto repair shop in Chicago, on a hot summer's day a heavy set woman paid by pulling bills out of the middle of her bra. The currency was moist, but, what the hell, money is money.
"イヌワシ、リラックスタイム/golden eagle having a relaxing time "
Published on Oct 27, 2013
"lazy and relax after training イヌワシ ラル
[UPDATE] listen the people who are talking about his noises, it's just
that he was 5 months old when I filmed it. all baby birds of prey are
peeping just like that and about the heavy rope, only when you start
training an eagle, fly with dragging it that makes the eagle strong and
quick to get muscles. you can watch his free flight on my other videos."
Madame Zoltar may have her parrot that likes to be petted, but this a golden eagle that gets into it.
"Developer Has Offer To Purchase Former Zahn’s Department Store Building"
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Photo Credit: Racine County Eye |
By Denise Lockwood in Breaking, Business · June 19, 2015
"Northterra Real Estate Group LLC, a development company owned by Caledonia resident Lee Jaramillo, has an accepted offer to buy 500 Monument Square — the former Zahn’s Department Store building — for an undisclosed amount.
"The 40,000-square-foot building, which was founded by Edward Zahn in 1898 operated as Zahn’s Department store, is owned by Tri-City Bank National Bank. The building has been vacant since 1981. Tri-City Bank inherited the building when it purchased the assets of the Bank of Elmwood when the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shut down the bank in September 2009.
"Jaramillo is about 90 days away from disclosing the names of the tenants of the building since he’s still in the process of negotiating the leases. But he did say the public-private development would not be conventional and would seek to ;bring life' to the downtown area.
"'We are talking with a couple of different groups,' Jaramillo said. 'We’re going towards a creative hands-on approach to this…. something that will help change the stigma of the downtown.'
"The building use will likely be a mixed use, but will not include housing or a sports-related use. Jaramillio, a former baseball player, also owns Forceout, a company that makes a protective glove used in baseball."
Read more:
Hallelujah! Let's hope that this deal doesn't fall through.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Four for Fridays
Hello everyone and welcome back! Another week has gone, but this one seemed to drag on and on. Maybe I got too spoiled from my time off. Anyways, your questions....
1) What do you think of the speed limit being raised to 70 MPH?
2) What was the cheapest you ever bought a car for?
3) What is your favorite candle aroma?
4) What was the most money you have ever found?
Enjoy your weekend!
1) What do you think of the speed limit being raised to 70 MPH?
2) What was the cheapest you ever bought a car for?
3) What is your favorite candle aroma?
4) What was the most money you have ever found?
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, June 18, 2015
“Tom Friedel feels disrespected and unrewarded for his work!!!”
From Racine Community Media:
"Breaking news!!!
"Racine City Attorney Scott Letteney:
“'Tom Friedel feels disrespected and unrewarded for his work!!!'”
Read more:
"Breaking news!!!
"Racine City Attorney Scott Letteney:
“'Tom Friedel feels disrespected and unrewarded for his work!!!'”
Read more:
Racine Showing of Pattern Or Practice Tonight
Bump: the showing is tonight.
Originally published on 5/11/15, 10:17 PM
Tickets go on sale May 15, 2015
Showing: Thursday, June 18, 7:30PM - 9:13PM
Originally published on 5/11/15, 10:17 PM
Tickets go on sale May 15, 2015
Showing: Thursday, June 18, 7:30PM - 9:13PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
"Aldermen approve $10,000 pay hike, 2-year extension for Friedel"
From The Journal
"RACINE — If City
Administrator Tom Friedel decides to stay on in his position, he will
see his contract extended by two years, and get a $10,000 increase in
his $99,237 salary.
"That was the decision made by the City Council Tuesday night which discussed the issue for more than an hour before voting 8-6 to approve the adjustment.
"The proposal to increase Friedel’s salary by $10,000 — a $5,000 increase the first year, and a $5,000 increase the second year — came from Alderman Q.A. Shakoor.
"While the salary increase proposal was contentious and spurred several motions, the vote to extend the contract by two years was approved 10-2."
Read more:
I thought they weren't going to give him any raise at all. It's like the Middle Ages here. Most of us are serfs and expendable. Royalty, on the other hand, are gods and goddesses.
The police and firefighters have been lied to and gave up raises and benefits because Racine is "broke." But when royalty is involved, there's plenty of money. If worse comes to worst, take down more streetlights in the hood.
June 16, 2015 10:23 pm • CARA SPOTO
"That was the decision made by the City Council Tuesday night which discussed the issue for more than an hour before voting 8-6 to approve the adjustment.
"The proposal to increase Friedel’s salary by $10,000 — a $5,000 increase the first year, and a $5,000 increase the second year — came from Alderman Q.A. Shakoor.
"While the salary increase proposal was contentious and spurred several motions, the vote to extend the contract by two years was approved 10-2."
Read more:
I thought they weren't going to give him any raise at all. It's like the Middle Ages here. Most of us are serfs and expendable. Royalty, on the other hand, are gods and goddesses.
The police and firefighters have been lied to and gave up raises and benefits because Racine is "broke." But when royalty is involved, there's plenty of money. If worse comes to worst, take down more streetlights in the hood.
"Ball Mason Jars spec. commercial"
Too crude, or not?
Dear Madame Zoltar
Hello, my sweets! How
are you? It looks like our temperatures
are finally hovering around seasonal.
Still a little cool sometimes, but that’s better than hot and
humid. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of
those days, too. That’s summer in Wisconsin. Very high heat and humidity I can usually
stand, but 26 below zero with 50 mph winds I don’t like at all. One of the great things about this time of
year for us “old folk” is no ice or snow to slip on while walking. Foot freedom until next December, or so. I can walk normally, even run. But when the sidewalk or parking lot is full
of snow and/or ice, it gets harder to deal with every year. It’s almost like my bones know they’re more
brittle, so I’m reduced to mincing, baby steps.
I hate it.
Now really people, how are you? Are you OK physically, mentally, and
spiritually? The comments section below
is a good place to complain if things aren’t so good. It helps to get it off of your chest. I’m beginning to feel arthritis in my hips
and knees. Sometimes it’s so bad,
especially in my right hip, that I have to take an extra dose or two of my
Madame Zoltar’s® General Purpose Pain Reliever.
I must be careful, though. Five
or six doses of that have put me on my butt.
However, I was feeling no pain, or much of anything else. It’s good to know that my Pain Reliever is a
multi-purpose product that will also remove paint, power your car, and get your
clothes stunningly white again, all of them, even those that were colored. That is, assuming that the Pain Reliever/detergent
doesn’t shred your clothes to pieces.
“Pain Reliever/detergent” reminded me of a news story I read
today: “Man dies after waiter accidentally serves him glass of detergent
instead of wine” -
But, how was the meal otherwise? Oh my,
I’m so nasty.
Guess who I heard from?
My ex, of course, after I published this: He said “The Shaman” was cutting deep into
his revenues. “Good,” I said. Then he started his regular spiel and trying
to hypnotize me. I reminded him that I’m
quite good friends with Señor Zanza. “I
have nothing more to say to you,” I said to him. “If you need to contact me, do it through Señor
Zanza.” I’ve not heard a word from him
since. When I asked Señor Zanza if my ex
has contacted him, he said, “You need to rest.
Don’t even think about him. I
take care of everything.”
That’s reassuring, I guess.
I’m not used to not being the boss and it’s hard for me to let go
control of some things. The Señor can
bring home the bacon for awhile if he so desires. I don’t mind relaxing a little.
Want to see something relaxing? Watch this:
Oh, wuggums, who’s a good boy, huh, who’s a good boy?
Enjoy the outdoors as much as possible, my lovelies. Things are still changeable, but I’ve finally
put away my winter coat and boots for the season. I hope it won’t snow for awhile.
To buy Madame Zoltar’s® General Purpose Pain Reliever,
Stay loose, kiddos. Summer hasn’t even officially
started. When driving, keep a lookout
for motorcycles and bicycles and kids running into the street. You never know when a child may dart
out. Protect your eyes and skin from the
harmful rays of the sun. I love you all!
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
"Sodom and Gomorrah"
From The Journal
"Letters to the Editor"
"Letters to the Editor"
"My parents would be shocked if they
came back and saw what was going on today. No morality or respect for
one another. What ever happened to the Golden Rule?
"I grew up in the ‘40s and ‘50s. We have changed 360 degrees since then. Murders, robberies and assaults on women are a daily occurrence. Chicago had 161 murders in the last 151 days. Women are having kids so they can get more welfare and young girls are having kids and not married. No morality, and more, there is no difference between now and Sodom and Gomorrah.
"They tell me I should roll with the flow.
John D. Grant
"I grew up in the ‘40s and ‘50s. We have changed 360 degrees since then. Murders, robberies and assaults on women are a daily occurrence. Chicago had 161 murders in the last 151 days. Women are having kids so they can get more welfare and young girls are having kids and not married. No morality, and more, there is no difference between now and Sodom and Gomorrah.
"They tell me I should roll with the flow.
John D. Grant
"City Administrator Tom Friedel currently recieves $5k in yearly raises!!!!"
From Racine Community Media:
"Read the Emails and Contract by clicking to enlarge the images above!!!
"Under the current contract City Administrator Tom Friedel was given an initial raise by Mayor John Dickert from $85K to $95K before Friedel had even started his first day!!! Also, Mayor Dickert awarded Friedel with a yearly $5K raise, which would bring Tom Friedel’s current contract worth well over $125K in base salary!!!
"Some Aldermen were shocked and dismayed when they learned what they voted on was changed in private by Mayor John Dickert.
"Alderman Jim Kaplan said 'I’am dismayed, disheartened and thoroughly disgusted with this outcome, where is the accountability?'
"Read the emails and review the contract for yourself!!!"
Read more:
What a farce.
"Read the Emails and Contract by clicking to enlarge the images above!!!
"Under the current contract City Administrator Tom Friedel was given an initial raise by Mayor John Dickert from $85K to $95K before Friedel had even started his first day!!! Also, Mayor Dickert awarded Friedel with a yearly $5K raise, which would bring Tom Friedel’s current contract worth well over $125K in base salary!!!
"Some Aldermen were shocked and dismayed when they learned what they voted on was changed in private by Mayor John Dickert.
"Alderman Jim Kaplan said 'I’am dismayed, disheartened and thoroughly disgusted with this outcome, where is the accountability?'
"Read the emails and review the contract for yourself!!!"
Read more:
What a farce.
The Real Consequences of New Education Legislation and Reform
The divide and conquer mentality, the cuts in funds, the starving out, have shaken the public schools ability to function. The top staff is looking - and leaving. Testing, and the push to hit standardized benchmarks are more important than teaching lifetime learning skills. For survival sake, teachers are discussing and helping kids on how to take a test: best test practices are included before testing: also akin to how to "game" a test if you don't know the answers. Teachers are graded on the results of these standardized tests. Schools, and the subsequent takeover of targeted schools are on the line. The testing is no longer a function of student growth, it is there to measure the teacher, the institution. Not that it is wrong to have accountability, but it shouldn't come at the cost of selling off our public schools. When parents of top students and the top performing teachers are worried, something is very wrong.
Teacher certification is at question right now. Lowering qualifications to teach is proposed, and is soon likely to pass into law. Allowing those to teach, without training and certification, without college degrees, at secret pay scales will definitely drop the professional level to which we are currently accustomed. Those who are in the trenches with our children are worried, very worried about what this will do. They know the outcome. We are dumbing down our K-12 schools.
Now that these measures are in place at the local level, the same is occurring at at the state level. This is a very interesting read on some of what is occurring at our top Wisconsin school, and at our other UW schools. It is much the same situation that is happening at our city level across the state.
If all this is to save the taxpayers from some of governments uber intrusion on the current employed and taxpayer, then why are we more in debt than we were prior to this divide and conquer assault on public workers and education? And why have our taxes remained pretty much the same? Wouldn't an educated person ask, "where is our taxpayer money going?" Have you heard that the current freeway repairs might need to be stopped, or the timeline extended due to lack of funding? Why are the taxpayers funding a huge portion of a for-profit business by constructing a new arena in Milwaukee... without blinking an eye?
This isn't just crapping on the current workers, despite the fact that that seems to be a popular notion, and an easy-sell by the current proponents. This is starting a ripple that will become a tidal wave in the future. The kool-aid out there is scary-dangerous. Think twice and consider the consequences before drinking it.
Teacher certification is at question right now. Lowering qualifications to teach is proposed, and is soon likely to pass into law. Allowing those to teach, without training and certification, without college degrees, at secret pay scales will definitely drop the professional level to which we are currently accustomed. Those who are in the trenches with our children are worried, very worried about what this will do. They know the outcome. We are dumbing down our K-12 schools.
Now that these measures are in place at the local level, the same is occurring at at the state level. This is a very interesting read on some of what is occurring at our top Wisconsin school, and at our other UW schools. It is much the same situation that is happening at our city level across the state.
If all this is to save the taxpayers from some of governments uber intrusion on the current employed and taxpayer, then why are we more in debt than we were prior to this divide and conquer assault on public workers and education? And why have our taxes remained pretty much the same? Wouldn't an educated person ask, "where is our taxpayer money going?" Have you heard that the current freeway repairs might need to be stopped, or the timeline extended due to lack of funding? Why are the taxpayers funding a huge portion of a for-profit business by constructing a new arena in Milwaukee... without blinking an eye?
This isn't just crapping on the current workers, despite the fact that that seems to be a popular notion, and an easy-sell by the current proponents. This is starting a ripple that will become a tidal wave in the future. The kool-aid out there is scary-dangerous. Think twice and consider the consequences before drinking it.
Monday, June 15, 2015
"Tag team scammers not go as planned."
"Slow Motion Lightning! [Filmed With iPhone 6+]"
Advertising is going to kill YouTube. When you watch this video on their site, none of that other shit pops into the video. But if you embed the video, crap starts popping up that you have to close if you want to see the full video.
As soon as something good happens, "they" try to own it or tax it or advertise on it.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
"Group practices the healing power of prayer"
From The Journal
"MOUNT PLEASANT — An avid runner who competes in marathons and triathlons, Claire Weslaski’s hard-core training was disrupted about two years ago.
"Weslaski, 49, of Caledonia, developed a heel spur, a bony growth on the heel that can cause pain. She tried icing it and stretches, but 'nothing was working,' she said. 'It’s a total life disruption.'
"With a half-marathon scheduled for the end of October that year, Weslaski said she thought she’d have to compete in a 5K instead.
"A few people then referred her to the Healing Rooms of Greater Racine and she went in for a session about a week before the race.
"'After they prayed over me,' they said, ‘stand up. See how you feel,’ said Weslaski, president of Image Management in Racine. 'It wasn’t like ‘throw the wheelchair away.'
"But every day after, her pain lessened, she said. While she did compete in the 5K instead of the half-marathon, 'I did it without any pain in my heel at all,' she said.
"'I said ‘Jesus will heal you. If he did it 2,000 years ago, he’ll do it now,' Weslaski said.
"The Healing Rooms of Greater Racine is a faith-based group of Racine County residents that meets twice monthly to pray over people. They also may lay their hands on those seeking such prayers, said Director Craig Husch, 58, of Racine.
"'The one prayer we know won’t be answered is the one we don’t pray,' said Husch, who teaches at Christian Life School in Kenosha.
"Members of the Healing Rooms of Greater Racine say their informal Christian organization is devoted to praying for individuals with illnesses, injuries or physical ailments. This Racine County group is a member of the International Association of Healing Rooms, according to the organization, which is headquartered in Spokane.
"The group meets from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. They meet at the home of group members, 1925 Grand Prix Drive, Mount Pleasant. There is no charge for visitors, Husch said.
"Other nearby healing rooms are located in Zion, Ill., Pewaukee and Mukwonago, according to the International Association of Healing Rooms.
"Husch said his group — which currently has 14 members and has been operating for about three years — is not affiliated with any particular local church. He said group members, himself included, belong to a variety of churches.
"Typically, there are at most three people praying for the person in a bedroom-style room. They don’t use 'exuberant' televangelist styles and 'nobody’s gonna holler at you,' Husch explained.
"Husch said the group does not advocate that people stop seeing doctors or taking their medication.
'We don’t practice magic here. We just do what we can,' he said."
Read more:
I've not heard of "Healing Rooms" before. I may check out the Racine group.
June 12, 2015 7:00 pm • By Kristen Zambo
"MOUNT PLEASANT — An avid runner who competes in marathons and triathlons, Claire Weslaski’s hard-core training was disrupted about two years ago.
"Weslaski, 49, of Caledonia, developed a heel spur, a bony growth on the heel that can cause pain. She tried icing it and stretches, but 'nothing was working,' she said. 'It’s a total life disruption.'
"With a half-marathon scheduled for the end of October that year, Weslaski said she thought she’d have to compete in a 5K instead.
"A few people then referred her to the Healing Rooms of Greater Racine and she went in for a session about a week before the race.
"'After they prayed over me,' they said, ‘stand up. See how you feel,’ said Weslaski, president of Image Management in Racine. 'It wasn’t like ‘throw the wheelchair away.'
"But every day after, her pain lessened, she said. While she did compete in the 5K instead of the half-marathon, 'I did it without any pain in my heel at all,' she said.
"'I said ‘Jesus will heal you. If he did it 2,000 years ago, he’ll do it now,' Weslaski said.
Not ‘magic’
"The Healing Rooms of Greater Racine is a faith-based group of Racine County residents that meets twice monthly to pray over people. They also may lay their hands on those seeking such prayers, said Director Craig Husch, 58, of Racine.
"'The one prayer we know won’t be answered is the one we don’t pray,' said Husch, who teaches at Christian Life School in Kenosha.
"Members of the Healing Rooms of Greater Racine say their informal Christian organization is devoted to praying for individuals with illnesses, injuries or physical ailments. This Racine County group is a member of the International Association of Healing Rooms, according to the organization, which is headquartered in Spokane.
"The group meets from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. They meet at the home of group members, 1925 Grand Prix Drive, Mount Pleasant. There is no charge for visitors, Husch said.
"Other nearby healing rooms are located in Zion, Ill., Pewaukee and Mukwonago, according to the International Association of Healing Rooms.
"Husch said his group — which currently has 14 members and has been operating for about three years — is not affiliated with any particular local church. He said group members, himself included, belong to a variety of churches.
"Typically, there are at most three people praying for the person in a bedroom-style room. They don’t use 'exuberant' televangelist styles and 'nobody’s gonna holler at you,' Husch explained.
"Husch said the group does not advocate that people stop seeing doctors or taking their medication.
'We don’t practice magic here. We just do what we can,' he said."
Read more:
I've not heard of "Healing Rooms" before. I may check out the Racine group.
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