I was thinking of something to post for some time now and I decided to go through all of my wildflower pictures and pick out some of the better pictures to post from over the years. I will be starting with when I first started taking the pictures back in 2012. Yes I have been taking the pictures to share with everyone for four years and I can't even believe this.
This is a picture of the very first Water Lily I had ever taken and the picture was taken at Tichigan Wildlife Refuge in Tichigan Wi on 6-3-2012. I have seen the flower before but never took a picture of it until this day.
This is the first time I ever seen or heard of this flower it is the Yellow Monkey Flower this picture was taken at Meyers Park in Racine Wi on 8-17-2013.
This is a picture of a Wild Rose this picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi 6-28-2013. I remember this day it was raining and yes we are crazy enough to go out in the rain to get some pictures.
This is a picture of a Perennial Pea this picture was taken on Shelter Valley Rd in Forest County 7-4-2014. This is one of the times we went up north and took one day to go out driving around looking for pictures of birds and flowers.
This is a picture of a Crested Dwarf Iris this picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi 6-17-2015. This is one of my favorite flowers to go looking for.
This is a picture of a Crinum Timeless Lily this picture was taken at Whitewater University College in Whitewater Wi 7-6-2015. I was there my daughter had an appointment so her step sister and I went driving around the campus looking at the flowers to get some pictures. her step sister and I had a blast just driving around the campus and we almost go ourselves lost. Why sit in the parking lot bored when you can drive around.
I hope everyone enjoys the pictures I just thought this may brighten up you day and hope that Spring comes soon.
Poets laureate excited for the opportunity
2 hours ago
Thank you for the colorful hope, THB. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a purple hyacinth bulb in a glass "bulb jar." I've never tried to force a bulb before. It is huge, fragrant and beautiful. It is a little hold-me-over until the real growing season comes again. Winter is always too long.
Thanks, THB, for the day-brightener. As soon as I saw the colors in your blog, I felt better. All of the pictures are beautiful.
nice!! I have an amaryllis growing on my counter. I didn't mean to own one, but this dried up thing was in a clearance pot that I wanted, so I thought, what the heck... and it's huge! The flowers are starting to finally open
You are all so welcome. I just wanted to brighten up everyone's dreary weather and I am so happy you like this.
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