Monday, April 18, 2016

Open Blog - Monday

If you say so.


  1. forecast of 70 today, I'll take it!

  2. I saw the 80's for you guys which is great. We had a rainy weekend which so far has resulted in almost 4 inches of rain. It was great. Rained hard, quit for a while, then rained again. No flooding here. Round 3 comes in tonight. We need it and we like it.

    I almost got into trouble this weekend. Apparently it was "no yelling at the kids while playing soccer" this week. I didn't get the memo. I heard another grandparent say it was stupid. No one yells at the kids except to cheer them on. Oh well, what do you do.

    Have a great start of the week Irregulars. You are warmer than us.

  3. You know you are busy when you realize you haven't used the rest room all day and it is 2pm. When Monday is this outrageous, it flies right by. Had the windows open and heard some birds squawking. I love Spring!

    Okie, I've heard you mention this no yelling day before. Is it a regular thing down there?

  4. Must be KK. Stupid rule as no one is harassing the kids and parents are behaving themselves. At our games anyway.

  5. Friends don't let friends say they are going to off themselves without saying anything in rebuttal. They say how important you have been in their lives. They list the litany of good you've done in your life. They say they love you. They say they need you. They speak of your value and the sadness this would bring to so many people who know you for the good in you. They tell you that tomorrow, the day after that, and the day after that will bring new, and hopefully a clearer perspective and path through this madness. You've been betrayed. Betrayed by those you'e trusted. I don't know how to fix the things you list here. I do know that your "solution" is not the answer, and I won't let you say it without fighting for you, because you are my friend. You are our friend.

  6. Thanks for the pep talk, kk, but it doesn't work anymore. "They tell you that tomorrow, the day after that, and the day after that will bring new, and hopefully a clearer perspective and path through this madness." Do you have any idea how many years I've been told that? Just hang in there, just one more day. And I do and I get fucked, over and over. When do things change, when do they get better? 10 years? 20 years? 50 years? 100? This didn't just start yesterday. I've been a loser from the start. Some are winners and some are losers. I'm the latter, and just smart enough to recognize it. And I'm just too tired to deal with it anymore. Soul tired. I just can't take it anymore.

    There is some sort of sick naivete about me. Or, rather, a morbid attraction. I always pick those who hurt and damage me. Always. All the time. Ever since I can remember. I stopped going out with women because I realized that any woman I was attracted to had major malfunctions (like me). I can no longer tell truth from lies. I don't know who or what to believe. I've prayed every day for 23 years, often many times a day, and this is where it's gotten me. The Lord plays favorites. He always has. He has no use for people like me. I'm an embarrassment.

  7. I disagree with your assessment. When you say you always pick those who hurt and damage you, I think it is the other way around. They see your kindness and choose to prey upon it. I hope my words don't sound like a pep talk or simply shallow. I am very sincere in saying that opting out is not the answer. I have to admit, when the shit hits the fan for you, it comes by the dump truck load. The best thing I can think of to say is to do what is minimally required and sift though the urgent issues small bit by bit.

  8. Orbs, you are our family, and an important part of it. We had no idea the evil that would rain down on us, nor could we expect the toll it took. I've always been too trusting, always. I have been hurt far too many times due to it. It's a good trait but one that causes us to fall victim to some really bad intentioned people. It's not our fault, it's not your fault. I don't know what to say to help you understand just how important you are to us all here. You do truly have people who care about you so very much.
