The flap on right is for entry/exit. This is the box Chalie's 7 ft. cat tree came in. It's 24" x 28", and 15" tall. And, no, the vacuum cleaner hasn't made it this far yet. I swear the carpet is 1/2 cat hair.
Elmo knows when I take the vacuum out of the closet. He immediately goes under our bed until I bring the vacuum in there and then he runs out to the other bedroom. It's pretty funny.
Charlie doesn't like the vacuum cleaner, either. His favorite hiding spot is in one of the cabinets below the sink. He has a few others. And I swear, when a cat doesn't want to be found, no matter where you look, you won't find him/her. Then just when you stat panicking, he/she comes strolling out like nothing ever happened.
He needs someplace to hide from that nasty vacuum.
I have an afghan over a chair. Elmo is laying underneath it. It's his new hiding place.
Elmo knows when I take the vacuum out of the closet. He immediately goes under our bed until I bring the vacuum in there and then he runs out to the other bedroom. It's pretty funny.
Charlie doesn't like the vacuum cleaner, either. His favorite hiding spot is in one of the cabinets below the sink. He has a few others. And I swear, when a cat doesn't want to be found, no matter where you look, you won't find him/her. Then just when you stat panicking, he/she comes strolling out like nothing ever happened.
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