Hello, my children of the sun! How are you? Have you been enjoying the absolutely fabulous weather we've been having? Tomorrow might even see the 60's. Now the thing is to heat up slowly, not suddenly one day it's SUMMER, in the 90's outside for the next three months. We've been extraordinarily lucky thus far this year. It's almost as if I don't want to upset the apple cart by talking about it too much. Sometimes, if you're bragging about your conversations with certain individuals, you might not wake up. Ahem.
I'll tell you that I haven't really been following local politics too much since the departure of lying John. I hope Mayor Mason is better than his predecessor. He almost can't do worse. A rattlesnake would do better. If only there were some way to force those who supposedly represent us to truly represent us. I suspect that 95% of politicians above the local level are criminals, thieves, liars, etc.
I suppose I've been absorbed by Mr. Trump's buffoonery. At first, I was afraid that he would start a nuclear war. He appears to have stepped back from that position. Whew. However, he now seems intent upon dismantling our government. It's almost impossible to keep up with his shell game. He's not my president and never will be. Nor is what's-her-name, Hillary. Corruption and madness shall soon overtake Washington. Wait, they already have.
I suspect the departure of Paul Ryan is somehow related to Trump's BS. He wants to stand true to his party, but the new head is an asshole whose commands he could never follow. How many more good people will the Trumpster chase out of Washington? How many are left? Take us on a Magic Mystery Tour, please, Mr. Trump. Blind us to reality and make your warmed over poop sound intelligent.
So I don't know what is going on in downtown this weekend, but I'm sure it's good. Things will just continue to ramp up with the warmer weather. By June-July, we're awash in celebrations and other events. By that time, some of the stuff has to be moved to the weekdays in order to fit it all in. My personal favorite is the 4th of July parade. I rarely go anymore, but it's the best big-little parade. Does Milwaukee do a parade on Independence Day? How about Chicago? Kenosha? I know that some of the smaller towns west of here do up the 4th of July. Raymond has a parade and fireworks, I believe. Others have one or the other.
Is Caleb Robinson doing Smok'd on the Water again? Mr. OrbsCorbs exposed me to Chicago hotdogs and I now love them. Mr. Robinson appears to be the only one who can get it right. (PS - it starts with the dog. If you're not using Vienna Beef franks, you're not making a Chicago dog.) I can't believe some of the crap that passes for Chicago dogs out there. I hope to see Caleb's hotdog cart at some of the festivities. Get there early, before they're sold out.
Well, thank you for reading my blog this week. I love readers. The more, the merrier. I love you.
Enjoy the weather. There's supposed to be some rain out there, for the plants have to drink once in awhile. Let's hope this isn't a false start to spring. I hate seeing everything get nipped by frost. If you're near the lake, you can plant your tomatoes a couple of weeks early. There's a micro-climate there and it protects the more tender plants. Don't push your luck, though. Plant too early and get bit by Jack Frost. Chomp, chomp.
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Fire crews battle large barn fire in Caledonia
9 hours ago
Thank you, Madame Zoltar, for wishes granted.
I will take the 90 degree weather after the snow storm I had to put up with when I was taking care of my mom last week.
Raymond does do a 4th of July parade and fireworks we have gone there. I know Chicago does it to it is by Navy Peir.
Yes that little town of Raymond puts on a nice fireworks show
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