Good morning everyone I hope that your week has been going good. This week has been crazy for me our Granddaughter has been back and forth to the doctor office with a rash on her face and it is swollen. I feel so bad for her and I just wish I could be up north for her. Here are your questions.
1) Do you remember your first place when you moved out of your parents house?
2) Was it everything you wanted it to be?
3) Was it real small or big enough for you?
4) Have you ever had a place that you were happy to live?
Have a great weekend!
Augusta Street home damaged in Friday night fire
3 hours ago
1) Do you remember your first place when you moved out of your parents house?
Yes I do, were you there?
2) Was it everything you wanted it to be?
Not quite, but close - were you there?
3) Was it real small or big enough for you?
Big enough for me and you too/
4) Have you ever had a place that you were happy to live?
I am happy to live, some place happier, How about you?
Another summer dog day in august, stay cool irregulars
1) Yes.
2) Hell no, but it was what I could afford.
3) It was a big, old flat that I shared with a roomie. OrbsCorbs' Law: unless you're romantically involved, moving in with someone will end the friendship.
4) My last place. I loved it there. Fucking bed bugs.
Thank you for the questions, THB. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Bed bugs along with numerous former eradicated diseases courtesy of open borders and easy visas.
1. Yes I do, such a long time ago when life was a little more fun.
2. No, but I made do until it almost was.
3. Just a two bedroom, plenty big enough for me.
4. Happy to live is a state of mind, Don't worry-be happy, so the answer is yes.
Hope everyone has an opportunity to enjoy our great weather.
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