Thursday, August 2, 2018

Race to the Bottom

Dear Village Board, 
Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave continues to lead Racine 
County in the race to the bottom -to no surprise. 
There is going to be a KA-BOOM alright in Racine County – but it will 
lead to a devastated tax-base, with a fleeing educated population who 
insist on The Rule of Law (which has been abandoned in Racine County) 
, while an uneducated horde invades to grab their “piece of the pie”, 
resulting in an abnormally high (and costly) incarceration rates 
(fortunately, Racine has a lot of open prison space) ,  deviant 
behavior,  stealing of people’s private property (by government decree 
& common criminals), destroying multi-generational Farms alongside an 
entire long established Community, loosening environmental protections 
(future costs to be determined) , permitting heavy metals water 
pollution (Future supplies of clean water will come from? TBD.) , 
instituting slave labor wages, providing taxpayer subsidies to 
multi-billionaire Corporations, and politician overreach. 
But the above just describes the current situation…. while the Tax- 
Farming Politicians claim that  Foxconn and more Industrial 
Civilization  is the Band-Aid to fix all those problems – so Racine 
County residents simply need to be re-assured by lying Racine County 
Executive Jonathan Delagrave that it is so. 
And in the aftermath…. 
Foxconn will provide very few jobs with (mostly) low wages (and temps) 
dependent upon government subsidizes,  and the “investment” will be 
financed by taxpaying  Residents – all on borrowed money from lenders 
which will have a first claim on taxpayers and require long term 
principle and interest payments. Foxconn will also be given “limited 
liability” for all the environmental damage they will create – and the 
locals will be stuck with all the long term bills and the 
environmental damage  after Foxconn has told SE WI  “SEE YA” , is 
gone, leaving the water supply of SE Wisconsin  heavily contaminated! 
What then? Import your drinking water from polluted and contaminated 
See the post: 
Don’t worry Racine County – Racine County Jonathan Delagrave wouldn’t 
lie to you when he said Racine County would go ‘BOOM” – he just failed 
to affirm that the “Boom” would lead to utter collapse and 
Tim & Cindy 

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