Ted Pelkey's protest of his treatment by the town of Westford is lit at night.(Photo: Courtesy Ted Pelkey)
If you find yourself doing a double-take while driving down Route 128 between Westford and Fairfax — yes, that is a seven-foot-tall sculpture of a raised middle finger, carved from a 700-pound block of pine and perched atop a 16-foot pole on the property of Ted Pelkey.
Oh, and it's lit up at night.
Pelkey erected the provocative sculpture on Friday in protest of a long-running dispute with the town of Westford. The town's Development Review Board denied Pelkey a permit for an 8,000-square-foot garage he wants to build on his 11-acre property.
He spent $4,000 on the middle finger sculpture, carved in Vermont by an artisan he declined to name.
"We've been trying to put a business there for the past 10 years," Pelkey said. "It's just never-ending. They're railroading us really good."
Pelkey's business is currently located in Swanton, where he says he's running out of space. His main business is cleaning spools for a monofilament line company. Pelkey and his son also do some truck repair on the side.
"It's a low impact thing," Pelkey said of his business. "We have such little traffic you'd wonder if we were open.
Good morning everyone I hope you had a good week. Mine is going alright and I will be starting my Christmas cookies this weekend. Here are your questions.
1) Are you hibernating from the cold weather already?
2) Have you winterized your car yet?
3) Do you have anything in your car to keep you warm in case of emergency?
4) Do you have anyone to call in case of emergency?
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, left, with the help of the Mary and Don Miller family from Plainfield, Wis., flipped the switch to light the state Christmas Tree in the Capitol Rotunda, Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018 at the Capitol in Madison, Wis. The Senate and Assembly are set to send dozens of changes in state law to Walker's desk Tuesday. (Steve Apps/Wisconsin State Journal via AP)
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Demonstrators booed outgoing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday during a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony, a sign of tumult as Republicans in the Legislature met to push through measures to gut the powers of his Democratic successor.
The Legislature met deep into the night Tuesday to pass a series of bills, first unveiled Friday, that would weaken the governor’s office and transfer power away from the Democratic-elect attorney general and give it to the Legislature. The Legislature wasn’t expected to complete its work until early Wednesday morning.
Walker has signaled support, but he couldn’t escape anger over the rare lame-duck session even during what is normally an upbeat holiday tradition.
The governor, wearing a Santa tie, appeared unfazed as he flipped the switch to light the Christmas tree while one protester shouted “Hey Walker! Go home!” He left without taking questions from reporters about the bills being considered in the rare lame-duck legislative session. Walker, who has signaled support for the measures, later tweeted that he “can handle the shouts,” but he urged protesters to “leave the kids alone.”
Unfortunately, Madame Zoltar had cataract surgery and can't see the keyboard or what she's typing. However, she did offer this opinion, "The Packers should have kept McCarthy and gotten rid of Rodgers instead. But who wants the highest paid, injury prone quartersack in the league?"
I think what could cinch it for me is if I could get a message to Aaron Rodgers and let him know that if I was to be the coach, I’d abso-focking-lutely let him do whatever the hell he wanted to do at all times. I wouldn’t get in his way about anything. Call all the plays? You betcha. Call the other team’s plays to boot? Be my guest. Give Clay a sponge bath after practice? Here’s the soap. Bang Danica on the 50-yard line during halftime? No problemo. Have me stop by the Rodgers abode to do some light housekeeping and clean the toilets? Heck yeah, I’ve got rubber gloves and a dust pan, what the fock.
And I could be had for nowhere what they were paying Mike McCarthy—which I hear was about $6 million a year. I’d be happy to coach for half that figure, and what team doesn’t like to save some dough when they can? Hey, you tell me.
And then I’ll tell you’s I got to go, but you’re welcome to stick around and browse Art’s Holiday Ba-ding! Boutique ’cause why not this year give everyone on your goddamn Christmas list the gift of laughter? This gift won’t cost you a focking dime and you can use the money saved on a big ol’ bottle of holiday cheer all for yourself and drown your seasonal depression like a bag of cats over the bridge.
What follows are a couple, three items that may interest you. Feel free to stroll around the page and choose whatever catches your eye. Ned walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and says: “Darling, this is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache.” His girlfriend is lying in bed and replies: “I think you’ll find that’s a sheep, you focking idiot.” And Ned says: “And I think you’ll find I wasn’t talking to you.” Ba-ding! Three men were waiting at Heaven’s Gate. St. Peter says, “OK, guys, pretty much anything goes up here, but whatever you do, never lie, or you will spend the rest of eternity with the ugliest woman in the universe.” They all agree and St. Pete gives them the green light to pass through. The first guy makes it a week before he lies about how rich he was on Earth. Bingo! Right at his side appears the ugliest woman he had ever seen. The second guy makes it another couple weeks before he lies about how smart he is. Blammo! At his side appears the second ugliest woman in the universe. So the first two guys are walking around with their grotesque gals when they see their third friend walking with the hottest woman ever seen by man. In unison they ask, “How did you land with that spectacular beauty when we get stuck with these loathsome ladies?” He nudges the babe and says, “Hon, tell them.” She says to the first two guys, “I lied.” Ba-ding! At a major medical convention a noted internist arose to announce that he had discovered a new miracle antibiotic. “What’s it cure?” asks a member of the audience. “Nothing we don’t already have a drug for,” the internist replies. “Then what’s so miraculous about it?” Internist says, “One of the side effects is short-term memory loss. Several of my patients have paid my bill three or four times.” Ba-ding! So this gal walks into the local dry cleaners. She places a garment on the counter and says, “I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon to pick up my dress.” The clerk, cupping his ear says, “Come again?” And the gal says, “No. This time it’s mayonnaise.” Ba-ding! Some shepherd pulled Mary aside shortly after the birth of the Christ child and all the hoopla with the three wise men had died down. He said unto her, “Don’t you think that instead of all this business about ‘Gloria in excelsis Deo’ etcetera, how about a nice simple ‘Season’s Greetings’?” And Mary said unto him, “What, my son has come to Earth to deliver the message, ‘Hello, it’s winter’? Focking forget about it.” Ba-ding!
Okey-dokey, got to close up shop. Hope you found something you liked, you cheap bastards, ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.
The events in Camden NJ bear a striking resemblance to the Dickert/Mason failed "Chicanery Row" project - except the demolition costs appear to be much lower.
"Camden's abandoned baseball stadium, once celebrated by local officials as a new beginning for the city's waterfront, will soon be demolished and replaced with three Rutgers University athletic fields.Here is the problem: the Camden County Improvement Authority approved a $1 million contract this month to demolish the 17-year-old stadium after $21 million in taxpayers dollars built the structure for an independent minor league baseball team as hopes it would draw economic development to the area.
At a groundbreaking ceremony in 1999, Gov. Christie Whitman said the "partners" behind the stadium "have heard the message from the movie Field of Dreams: 'If you build it, they will come.'"
However, that was not the case.
The goal in the early 2000s was to redevelop the Camden waterfront into an economic zone, but it has since been a financial disaster, all at the expense of the taxpayer.
"Unfortunately, the state, in its lack of wisdom, built a
baseball stadium for an unaffiliated, independent league (team) that
folded and $35 million disappeared," South Jersey political powerbroker George Norcross III said in 2017.
It's kinda interesting - watching it ll - knowing that the reason Nixon repudiated Bretton Woods and thus was born the Petro-Dollar, was because French President DeGaulle had insisted on trading his fiat dollars for gold!
“Well, we see that America has now begun to use its economic and
military might to take what it wants. And this returns the world to
something we have not seen for a very, very long time - where might
makes right. To the law of the jungle.”
PARIS (Reuters) - Workmen cleared away burned hulks of cars, scrubbed the defaced Arc de Triomphe monument and replaced the shattered windows of luxury boutiques in Paris on Sunday after the worst riots in the center of the capital in half a century.
Several thousand riot police were overwhelmed on Saturday as they fought running battles with protesters in the shadows of some of Paris’ fabled landmarks and through its fanciest shopping districts. More than 400 people were arrested and more than 100 injured, shocking Parisians and tourists alike.
At the base of the 19th-century Arc de Triomphe, police kept the public back as cleanup crews set about erasing graffiti, much of it targeting President Emmanuel Macron and some exuding anarchist sentiment such as, “Overthrow the bourgeoisie!”
“We’re already afraid of what’s going to happen next week. The violence is escalating at an exponential rate,” said Claude, a well-heeled woman who lives next to the Belle Armee brasserie that was set ablaze. “The state is losing control. They cannot let this happen. Maybe the army should intervene.”
Parisians and tourists surveyed the aftermath, capturing the moment on smartphones as the capital digested the chaos that now poses a serious challenge to Macron’s presidency.
“Macron has a problem on his hands. Everyone’s fed up. He’s got to listen more,” said Amaya Fuster, eyeing graffiti daubed on a Printemps department store window that read: “There’s enough money in the coffers of businessmen. Share the riches!”
t appears Mr. Bhatia’s reelection campaign has begun with the traditional strategy of selectively focusing on presumed accomplishments, hoping voters won’t recall his liabilities and missteps on Election Day.
Bhatia is correct on one item: Six of the seven village trustees are working together as one body under the leadership of Village President Dave DeGroot, the only village leader to have ever been censured in the history of the community.
Together, with Mr. Bhatia’s full endorsement, he and his friends voted to “blight” 3000 acres of private property, intentionally opening the door to eminent domain seizure of land to convey to a private, foreign corporation - a company that is no longer making the same product line described in the developer’s contract and altered their workforce projections that was originally agreed upon.
Together, Mr. Bhatia and his friends sat stupefied and confused when residents came forward to reveal malicious eminent domain actions and threats made to them by staff and contractors - seemingly unaware and uninformed about the activities taking place on their behalf. At the time, Mr. Bhatia admitted not to understanding the meaning and impact of his vote upon the residents in the audience, and then sat silently when Special Counsel called the same residents a “bunch of a holes” publicly and on record.
Together, Mr. Bhatia and his friends failed to provide promised leadership and oversight authority to the community for stormwater pollution and erosion control for the Foxconn development - leading to a DNR citation and fine for polluting the Pike River watershed before Foxconn put up the first wall of the first building.
Together, Mr. Bhatia and his friends voted to increase the construction costs for a proposed EMS station which is now more than 100% over budget because they failed to require the most basic cost projections from Chief Stedman - who coincidentally makes campaign contributions to the Village President, Trustees Eastman, Clausen and to Bhatia.
It has come to my attention that a licensed Gaming Hall, located at 1661 Douglas Avenue, has failed to pay it's property taxes due since 2011 and is in arrears for $217,604.36. This is an outrage! And the Business license needs to be pulled ASAP, the County needs to begin the tax delinquent foreclosure process, the Building Inspector needs to ensure that the property meets code compliance, and it needs to be sold to a RESPONSIBLE Developer - once the tax foreclosure process is done.
See the attached property tax bill - from Racine County Tax Records
The Common Council needs to protect the taxpayers who pay their fair share and level the playing filed. Allowing a Gaming Operation to exist within City limits - which refuses to pay it's property taxes - IS AN OUTRAGE!
Especially since the Chairman of the Gaming Operation is none other than Talking Racine Panel Member and former Racine County Supervisor Ken Lumpkin!
In attempting to find the answer to the question of why the Racine Equality Project shattered into disarray following the Complaint which was filed against Racine County Supervisor Monte Osterman, an investigation has discovered that at the same time (former) Racine County Supervisor Ken Lumpkin, also a member of the Racine Equality Project, was the Chairman of the 501c-3 non-profit Northside Redevelopment Project INC., located at 1661 Douglas Avenue, also known as Flatiron Village Mall.
RACINE — The City of Racine may decide to settle a lawsuit related to when a dog was shot and killed as police executed a search warrant in December 2016.
The Racine City Council’s Executive Committee is scheduled to meet in closed session at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday in room 303 at City Hall to discuss a possible settlement between Susan Harmon and the city.
The committee does plan to go into open session to take action on the settlement. No dollar amount has been set yet in the case.
A settlement may have been reached on Wednesday, but further action is needed before any damages are awarded.
City Attorney Scott Letteney plans to brief the committee on the case and a settlement can only be awarded after it is approved by the City Council.
Dear Village Board,
The Fascists have unmasked themselves - *RESIST HATE* applies....
The election results have....... disturbed the *POPKORN KING*
Robin Vos is a serial Polygamist - and Adulterer! God be damxed.
MADISON — GOP state lawmakers want to limit the powers of incoming
Democratic Gov-elect Tony Evers and Attorney General-elect Josh Kaul,
and impose new restrictions on early voting, under bill drafts for
consideration during a lame-duck session next week.
One of the bills would limit the ability of the new Democratic
attorney general to represent the state when laws are challenged.
The Assembly could also vote next week to bar early voting from
starting earlier than two weeks before an election — despite a federal
judge's ruling two years ago that struck down similar restrictions,
calling them racially discriminatory.
One proposed change would move Wisconsin's presidential primary to
March, a change local election officials have said would be
"impossible" to carry out.
Another would give GOP lawmakers more power over Gov. Scott Walker's
economic-development agency, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.,
which Evers has sought to dissolve.
Just say NO to a Fourth Reich!
Tim & Cindy