Wolves in the Southern Baptist pulpits This report on the Southern Baptist hierarchy and various church leaderships attempting to protect sexual predators doesn't surprise me. Back when I was in the States, the pastor of our Southern Baptist church told me of two separate attempts to take over churches by people who were of nefarious attempt. Not all that glitters is gold and not everyone who says they are Christian actually serves Jesus Christ. This is the price of ignoring Paul's warning about wolves in sheep's clothing as well as the ill-considered belief in forgiving the unrepentant. http://voxday.blogspot.com/2019/02/wolves-in-southern-baptist-pulpits.html
Racine Council to vote on $2.75 million in street repairs
36 minutes ago
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Wolves all around!
All "Bibles" in English are interpretations - from manuscripts written in ancient times -
For the New Testament - it is Koine Greek -
Koine Greek (UK: /ˈkɔɪniː/, US: /kɔɪˈneɪ, ˈkɔɪneɪ, kiːˈniː/), also known as Alexandrian dialect, common Attic, Hellenistic or Biblical Greek, was the common supra-regional form of Greek spoken and written during the Hellenistic period, the Roman Empire, and the early Byzantine Empire, or late antiquity.
For the Old Testament - it is Hebrew.
Of course - those who composed the books of the Bible included or excluded, and edited texts based upon beliefs and motivations.
Translations are always subject to the Author's bias.... hence we have the abomination of an alleged Judeo-Christian faith?! There is NO such thing as any sort of Judeo-Christain faith!
Scofield put the Wolves in charge of the Sheep - and misdirected the Christian People as who to worship and honor.
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Scofield’s Abominable Study Bible
by jmichaelrios
I love the Bible, but I’ve hated reading it this past year, and the reason for my hatred has been C.I. Scofield.
By my count, I’ve now read through the entire Bible five or six times. I’ve read through the New International Version two or three times—once in High School when my faith came alive, once (I believe, but I’m not certain) in College, and once again in Seminary. When I was ordained I read it again, but this time for variety I read the New Living Translation. Afterwards, I read through the New American Standard, which is the version I personally use for preaching today. Last year, wanting to read still another translation, and always planning to spend time in the most famous of translations, I set myself to read the King James. The experience has been most miserable.
Scofield_Handsome VolumeThe edition I’ve read was a gift from my grandparents back in 1998 (likely a graduation present) and is quite handsome to look at—a hefty, burgundy leather volume with gold edges. It feels nice to open, and sits nicely in the lap, and looks impressive on my shelf, although its bulk rendered it inconvenient for travel so that I quickly found myself reading it only at home during my morning devotions. Devotions are meant to be a time of stillness before the Lord, a daily period of attentiveness to the word where we seek to hear His voice and attune ourselves to His presence throughout the day. They are not, as a rule, a good time for experimental reading, and yet into my efforts to engage the King James text an unsolicited voice kept inserting itself, noisily, bombastically, irritatingly. It was the voice of C.I. Scofield.
ScofieldCyrus Ingerson Scofield was a civil war veteran who came to Christian faith as an adult, later pastoring churches in Dallas and Massachusetts. Affiliated with D.L. Moody, Scofield later began work on his reference Bible, through which he popularized a new system of theological interpretation called “Dispensationalism,” developed by an Anglo-Irish man named John Nelson Darby. When Scofield’s Bible was published in 1909, at a time of great expectation about the end of the world, his interpretive matrix took fundamentalism by storm, quickly becoming one of the best selling Bibles in history. This is the Bible that created “The Thief in the Night,” Hal Lindsay, Christian Zionism, and Left Behind. In other words, it is the Bible which has dominated a very visible portion of the Christian imagination for the last 100 years.
Christian Israel - as the original manuscripts were translated by Ferrar Fenton.
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