It is always *AMAZING* to me that Government employees, from the elected, appointed, and laborers always forget that it is the private sector which provides the funds that pays them and provides them with jobs. Today most Government workers are overpaid, overcompensated, and have outrageously high benefit packages - including health care and retirement. Many of these people then retire early and double dip, or flee to tax free States - which is wrong, but that is the Wisconsin Way. What Progressive Wisconsin needs to do is to place a heavy income tax penalty on Government Employees who flee WI for lower or no income tax States. Health care benefits also need to be denied, unless provided in WI by a WI Provider. Government workers who choose to double dip, need to have their retirement pay and benefits ended - until they actually retire! SE WI has become Tax Hell WI, and is being looted by the Politicians for their own profit and gain. The Rule of Law is long dead in SE WI - and I fear any new Unconstitutional Laws; which will be proposed and passed; and the Secret Courts and Government which will uphold them. As for the Foxconn miracle - it has already been downgraded numerous times and is not likely to happen. SE WI taxes are approaching those of Illinois - see: And my commentary wouldn't be complete without sharing my latest Rebel Rousing! Walker was as bad as Evers - only he's a Democrat. I don't play R vs. D games anymore - I'm I. Government Logic = We don't need Farmers, we got Supermarkets. The best I can hope for is that gridlock occurs in WI - so that those whose finances don't rely on taxpayer subsidizes and are simple, can simply live. Evers vs. Vos. Trump vs. Hillary/Obama. Jay Hanson describes it eloquently: Here is a synopsis of the behavioral loop described above: Step 1. Individuals and groups evolved a bias to maximize fitness by maximizing power, which requires over-reproduction and/or over-consumption of natural resources (overshoot), whenever systemic constraints allow it. Differential power generation and accumulation result in a hierarchical group structure. Step 2. Energy is always limited, and overshoot eventually leads to decreasing power available to some members of the group, with lower-ranking members suffering first. Step 3. Diminishing power availability creates divisive subgroups within the original group. Low-rank members will form subgroups and coalitions to demand a greater share of power from higher-ranking individuals, who will resist by forming their own coalitions to maintain power. Step 4. Violent social strife eventually occurs among subgroups who demand a greater share of the remaining power. Step 5. The weakest subgroups (high or low rank) are either forced to disperse to a new territory, are killed, enslaved, or imprisoned. Step 6. Go back to step 1. Enjoy the decline.
Racine Council to vote on $2.75 million in street repairs
39 minutes ago
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