Well, the weather around here certainly has not improved. It stinks. I hate these last days before the snow. I hate it when it snows for Halloween. I hate when it snows in October. I just hate snow.
Below are the standings in the Irregular Fantasy Football League. As always, click to enlarge:
Surprise, surprise, I'm in second place behind Mr. OrbsCorbs.
Just for the record, I noticed that the Journal Times online has a new layout and font. It's pretty, but does nothing to address their lack of journalistic ethics in one of the most corrupt cities in the Midwest. Hey, JT, grow a pair, please.
I need to rest and recover after my recent misadventures in Banned, so I'm cutting this short. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive.
Don't forget to respect each other and put a little love in your heart:
Please donate: paypal.me/jgmazelis If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order. Thank you.
Harry birthday THB !
Senor Zoltar continues to travel in his Taurus (Time Machine) reaping havoc on all.
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