While Nancy Milholland’s TEA – Tards continue to slam City of Racine with such comments as:

I think their Hotel Logo will be a chalk picture of a body on the pavement, with a yellow police ribbon! Very colorful!!
“The Living Room Of Racine” For some reason a series of crime scene photographs of interiors would set the mood. The after effects of police doing a no knock entry. Visiting most living rooms in Racine would seem to involve great risk.
A prime example of an oxymoron……….”Crown Jewel”…….”City of Racine”!!!
Trying to figure out what kind of Racine is coming back because Racine’s peak was the 1970’s. Hey—That’s it, the hotels slogan can be “That ’70s show”.
It is the White Suburban stronghold of the TEA – Tards which is seeing an ever increasing amount of extremely violent crime perpetrated by out of control White actors.
From JT:
‘The best brother, son and friend anyone could ask for’: Wind Lake homicide victim identified
Ongoing investigation
At approximately 6:30 p.m. Thursday, multiple callers reported an incident at a home across from Gary’s Wind Lake Boathouse, 25716 W. Loomis Road, on the north side of Wind Lake (the waterway) and just east of the Wind Lake business district.
Schmaling said the suspect approached the residence in the 25700 block of West Loomis Road, “aggressively.”
“Smashing into a vehicle that was parked in the driveway, firing multiple rounds into the home and then ultimately gaining forced entry into that home,” Schmaling told reporters. “And firing again more rounds at individuals in that residence and ultimately striking one of them multiple times.”
Reportedly, Hoffmann fled the scene in a 2009 white Toyota Sienna minivan and was reportedly headed northeast on Loomis Road. Schmaling warned residents that Hoffmann was armed and dangerous and told anyone who saw him to call 911.
Schmaling said the victim, now identified by family as Bickler, was struck multiple times. As of Saturday, authorities had not yet officially released the identity of the victim.
Deputies administered first aid and used multiple tourniquets. Bickler was transported to Ascension Southeast Wisconsin hospital in Franklin, where he was pronounced dead.
Others were inside the residence at the time; however, they were able to escape uninjured. According to the GoFundMe page, a dog named Tucker was also fatally shot on Thursday.