the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Ed Diehl had an idea for
handheld sensors to detect threats from biological weapons. But that was
when he learned his first hard lesson about raising money for the
business he had chosen.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
They Live! BOHICA WI as State Rep Robin Vos Supports Increasing Taxes!
More of…. You can’t make this up!
WI Republicans graciously “allowed residents to ask questions” (under strict Supervision) while informing them they are going to raise taxes in various ways which will, basically, destroy the American Way of Life…. which has, from time to time, been defined as “Manifest Destiny” to the “Monroe Doctrine”, and finally based upon an unholy alliance with Saudia Arabia creating the “Petro-Dollar” in collusion with the 3rd Central Bank, soon after the collapse of the Bretton Woods Agreement and Nixon closing the Gold Window.
Read more:
Why Are Tech Oligarchs Coordinating Mass Censorship Of Any Mention Of White Nationalism, White Separatism, White Majoritarianism, Or White Self-Determination?
Augustus has an answer:
Every other group can freely advocate online for their tribal interests, but only Whites are banned from doing so.
Strange. Maybe we should ask the tech and banking oligarchs point blank why they censor and demonetize Whites speaking fondly of their own race, when they don’t extend the same swift and excessive punishment to racially proud nonWhites?
Maybe it really does come down to securing the parasite-host relationship in perpetuity.
I think it’s more primal than that even.
It’s raw hatred, compelled by raw envy, magnified by raw fear of the day that their rotten depredations are exposed to sunlight.

On the topic of White separatism, Igor thinks White Southerners would stay to the bitter diversigenic end, because their 300-year-old connection to blood and soil is stronger than their racial inclination for more seasonal climes.
The Special people, Umber people, etc THRIVE in the U.S because of White leeching. This is why talk of “separatism” is already being culled by the tech oligarchs. Minorities do not simply want to live in their own spaces. They want to live in their own spaces while leeching off the White Man to fund their welfare. If you kicked all of the White people out of CA for example, who would fund the millions of welfare recipients, illegals etc? You know the Jews wont stay their either.Les Saunders, Protestant, replies,
It was very deliberate, and very disquieting, that the tech companies explicitly proscribed white “separatism” along with white nationalism from their platforms.It’s a peculiar thing, this mass hysteria to condemn, demonize, and silence any discussion that takes on the hue of even mild pro-White advocacy.
They don’t want us to exist.
The idea that those whites who wish to preserve their culture, race, identity – their lives – should be made illegal to think or say, is compelling.
They’re saying: nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, White people. We’re coming for you.
Every other group can freely advocate online for their tribal interests, but only Whites are banned from doing so.
Strange. Maybe we should ask the tech and banking oligarchs point blank why they censor and demonetize Whites speaking fondly of their own race, when they don’t extend the same swift and excessive punishment to racially proud nonWhites?
Maybe it really does come down to securing the parasite-host relationship in perpetuity.
I think it’s more primal than that even.
It’s raw hatred, compelled by raw envy, magnified by raw fear of the day that their rotten depredations are exposed to sunlight.

On the topic of White separatism, Igor thinks White Southerners would stay to the bitter diversigenic end, because their 300-year-old connection to blood and soil is stronger than their racial inclination for more seasonal climes.
I don’t think the Southern Whites will leave in large numbers, especially if the local demographics improved. Their (our) ancestors have been there for centuries. Their graves are there. The towns, schools, churches – everything has a historical meaning beyond its function. Friends and families have relationships going back generations. In other words, they still resemble natives of a nation more than migrant trash. They won’t abandon it all to search for British weather.This cultural sterilization process (yes, it is happening all over America) will, as I have predicted, broaden the appeal of a generic “White identity”, specifically in America, where White ethnic and regional differences are being erased by hipster globalization. White nationalism and its cousin world-views will find more purchase in America than in Europe, because the latter still maintains strong geopolitical White ethnic distinctions. In America, those intraWhite ethnic distinctions are disappearing and subsuming into a larger “White American” identity that has ethnic boundaries marked as much by ideology as by lineage, and which are set apart and defined by the incoming deluge of Diversity™. We are rapidly approaching the day when American White ethnicities are an anachronism, replaced by two massive ideology-ethnicities (ethnologies): leftoid equalist GoonWhites and sane FreeWhites
But even though the South was spared genocidal levels of immigration until relatively recently compared to most of the USA, it is going through the same process of cultural sterilization. They may simply be generic “whites” with no cultural ties to the South in another generation (to the extent there are enough of them left to matter by then).
Friday, April 26, 2019
Four for Fridays!
Good morning everyone I hope you had a good Easter and enjoyed your week. As you see we did make it home from up north and Drew has been on vacation all week. Yes this is the start of migration. Here are your questions.
1) Have started your Spring cleaning?
2) Have you taken your car for a car wash since the last snow fall?
3) Have you cleaned your car out?
4) Are you ready for the Spring winter storm coming tomorrow?
Stay safe this weekend and try to enjoy the weekend!
1) Have started your Spring cleaning?
2) Have you taken your car for a car wash since the last snow fall?
3) Have you cleaned your car out?
4) Are you ready for the Spring winter storm coming tomorrow?
Stay safe this weekend and try to enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Dear Village Board,
Dear Village Board, With Foxconn in default on their agreement with WEDC, which stipulated Foxconn build a 10.5 G Manufacturing Facility.... and taxpayers on the hook for over a BILLION of borrowed money..... Why is Foxconn and the WI Republicans - who contracted the deal - Not held on the hook for Foxconn DEFAULTING on the deal? How come no concern for the Taxpayers who will be required to pay up and clean up Snotty Scottie Walker's failed deal? And the Foxconn CEO Terry Gou's Goo? See: A Desperate Foxconn and State Rep Robin Vos Now Seek To Renegotiate the WEDC Contract Which is Currently in Default Hopefully Governor Tony Evers can hold Foxconn and former Governor Snotty (uneducated) Scotttie Walker and Scofflaw and Charlatan State Rep Robin Vos accountable for their lies and coverups! Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
A Desperate Foxconn and State Rep Robin Vos Now Seek To Renegotiate the WEDC Contract Which is Currently in Default
Letter to MTP
Dear Village Board, I see that the Foxconn dividend is paying off for Claude Lois to manage Foxconn, while costing taxpayers more! MOUNT PLEASANT — The consulting company that provides Mount Pleasant with the project manager who oversees Foxconn matters is requesting a nearly 25% increase in its contract with the village. Milwaukee-based Kapur and Associates, which employs Foxconn project manager Claude Lois, has been getting paid $20,000 per month for nearly the last two years, equaling $240,000 per year. With the contract up in August, Kapur is requesting to be paid $24,000 per month — $288,000 per year. This is just the first in a series of steep and disastrous tax hikes which will occur in MTP and Racine County as the Foxscam has changed again. Since Foxconn's change in plans to build a Gen 6 Plant is a violation of the terms of their WEDC contract, which stipulates a Gen 10.5, from page 4 of the contract, which is attached for your viewing, Foxconn is now desperate to change the WEDC contract, while desperate Politicians like State Rep Robin Vos, Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave and MTP President Dave DeGroot will ignore the actual terms of the contract and focus on "employment". From JT: The Evers letter to Foxconn executive Louis Woo says Woo, at a meeting with Evers last month, indicated “Foxconn intends to suggest several changes to the existing agreement to better align the terms with the evolving project and global marketplace.” The letter says Foxconn will submit its proposed changes to the deal in coming weeks. Evers wrote that “to my knowledge, this was the first time either Foxconn or the State of Wisconsin had mentioned amending or changing the agreement.” Charlatans and scofflaws - ALL of you! BOHICA MTP and Racine County Residents for more taxes and fees! Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Dear Madame Zoltar
Madame Zoltar appears to be caught in a time warp circa 1787. We hope to have her up to speed by next week.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Summertime Heebie-Jeebies
From The Shepherd Express:
Art Kumbalek
Apr. 23, 2019
3:22 p.m.
Anyways, I want to go on record as the first Badgerlander this year to say, “Focking fall can’t come soon enough.” What we got up ahead is nothing but heat, noise, bugs, heat, a couple, three metric tons of seagull crap delivered downward indiscriminately daily, and more heat. April’s not even over and already I got the summertime heebie-jeebies, thanks for nothing, what the fock.
Well, at least the Lenten season is over and I can stop worrying about what to give up for it. I noticed the other day that a lot of my fellow countrymen have given up reason and rational thought and gosh darn if it doesn’t seem permanent year-round, not just seasonal.
I gandered some kind of Associated Press-GfK poll that found 51% of Americans got some serious doubts about the reality of this Big Bang notion, and that about 4 in 10 cry “baloney” when they hear about evolution or that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old instead of 7,000 like they were taught over by the Church of Science is for Sinners.
These are the nutsticks that most likely don’t believe our modern birds are descended from the dinosaurs, but they ought to get down on their knees and praise evolution for making them get a little smaller, ain’a? ’Cause how’d you like to have to clean your windshield after a flying bronto-focking-saurus just dropped a load on it? Cripes, and when you consider the sheer poundage of that deuce-dookie descending from a couple hundred feet up in the sky, would you even have a windshield after that hit?
I’m sure they seriously doubt that many a modern man sporting the Homo sapien label carries some Neanderthal DNA in his genome blood—some more than others, like those crackpot backwoods Dairyland Republicans who periodically want to secede from the Union, maybe join Canada and get jobs in the thriving Canadian auto industry, ain’a? And don’t forget that according to archaeologists, for millions of years they say the Neanderthal man was not fully erect, which is pretty easy to understand ’cause you ever see any photos of the Neanderthal women? Oy vey! Ba-ding!
Science can teach us that nothing really is, or was, as it seems to be right here, right now, that the space between appearance and reality can be vast. Example: The Wizard of Oz. At the end, you find out the cowardly lion isn’t really a cowardly lion, the scarecrow isn’t really a scarecrow, and the tin woodsman isn’t really a tin woodsman―and really, what the fock is a tin woodsman anyways? No sir, I believe research would reveal that these clowns are actually just three itinerant farmhands hiding out in focking Kansas and that each one of them could have a police record yea long.
Another favorite example of mine: Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter—or so everyone would think. But in reality he was a guy with superhuman strength who could fly and who came from a whole ’nother planet, but no one knew the two were one because of Clark’s clever disguise of a pair of eyeglasses and a sunny disposition? What the fock.
So… cripes, my train of thought has become casualty to my Easter heat stroke; so I’m figuring the best I can do is to perform the post-Easter miracle of turning dollars into bourbon and gird my liver for my least favorite season of the year, ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.
I’m Art Kumbalek and man oh manischewitz what a world,
ain’a? So listen, last Sunday, the Easter, I was called to make one of
my rare appearances west of the Milwaukee River, nearly 25 miles or so
west of said river, to be sort of exact. I left near-the-lake Downtown
where it was a crisp and comfortable 50-plus degrees, and got out of a
car at my distant Southwest Side destination where it was close to
80-focking-degrees but it only felt like about 180. I thought I was
going to have the heat stroke and be dead and buried by May Day, which
reminds me of a little story:
So this funeral service is being held for a woman who’s just
passed away. At the end of the service, the pallbearers are carrying the
casket out when they accidentally bump into a wall and jar the casket.
They hear a faint moan, so they open the casket and wouldn’t you know,
the woman is alive. And not just barely alive, but she lives for another
10 years, and then dies. So, a ceremony is held and at the end of it,
the pallbearers are again carrying out the casket. As they carry the
casket towards the door, the husband cries out, “Fellas! Watch that
wall!” Ba-ding!Anyways, I want to go on record as the first Badgerlander this year to say, “Focking fall can’t come soon enough.” What we got up ahead is nothing but heat, noise, bugs, heat, a couple, three metric tons of seagull crap delivered downward indiscriminately daily, and more heat. April’s not even over and already I got the summertime heebie-jeebies, thanks for nothing, what the fock.
Well, at least the Lenten season is over and I can stop worrying about what to give up for it. I noticed the other day that a lot of my fellow countrymen have given up reason and rational thought and gosh darn if it doesn’t seem permanent year-round, not just seasonal.
I gandered some kind of Associated Press-GfK poll that found 51% of Americans got some serious doubts about the reality of this Big Bang notion, and that about 4 in 10 cry “baloney” when they hear about evolution or that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old instead of 7,000 like they were taught over by the Church of Science is for Sinners.
These are the nutsticks that most likely don’t believe our modern birds are descended from the dinosaurs, but they ought to get down on their knees and praise evolution for making them get a little smaller, ain’a? ’Cause how’d you like to have to clean your windshield after a flying bronto-focking-saurus just dropped a load on it? Cripes, and when you consider the sheer poundage of that deuce-dookie descending from a couple hundred feet up in the sky, would you even have a windshield after that hit?
I’m sure they seriously doubt that many a modern man sporting the Homo sapien label carries some Neanderthal DNA in his genome blood—some more than others, like those crackpot backwoods Dairyland Republicans who periodically want to secede from the Union, maybe join Canada and get jobs in the thriving Canadian auto industry, ain’a? And don’t forget that according to archaeologists, for millions of years they say the Neanderthal man was not fully erect, which is pretty easy to understand ’cause you ever see any photos of the Neanderthal women? Oy vey! Ba-ding!
Science can teach us that nothing really is, or was, as it seems to be right here, right now, that the space between appearance and reality can be vast. Example: The Wizard of Oz. At the end, you find out the cowardly lion isn’t really a cowardly lion, the scarecrow isn’t really a scarecrow, and the tin woodsman isn’t really a tin woodsman―and really, what the fock is a tin woodsman anyways? No sir, I believe research would reveal that these clowns are actually just three itinerant farmhands hiding out in focking Kansas and that each one of them could have a police record yea long.
Another favorite example of mine: Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter—or so everyone would think. But in reality he was a guy with superhuman strength who could fly and who came from a whole ’nother planet, but no one knew the two were one because of Clark’s clever disguise of a pair of eyeglasses and a sunny disposition? What the fock.
So… cripes, my train of thought has become casualty to my Easter heat stroke; so I’m figuring the best I can do is to perform the post-Easter miracle of turning dollars into bourbon and gird my liver for my least favorite season of the year, ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.
Dear City of Racine Alderpsersons, Did anyone catch that? It seems NOT! But just checking..... ¶1 BROWN, C.J. This case is about a liquor license revocation in which the city council acted upon a citizen complaint that was not sworn, as required by statute. This constituted a fundamental error that deprived the licensing committee of jurisdiction over the matter. Therefore, the subsequent revocation of the liquor license was invalid. We affirm the circuit court’s order vacating the licensing committee’s decision to revoke the liquor license. The Appeals Court AFFIRMED the local Circuit Court's Action - which made the egregious conduct of the Common Council even greater! You spent money to appeal a declared illegal action TWICE! Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
Monday, April 22, 2019
Sunday, April 21, 2019
ANALYSIS: Why the treasonous Left will suffer a brutal loss in the coming civil war as power, water and food supply lines are cut by rural patriots defending America
Civil War Two is rapidly emerging as an inevitable reality, given
that deranged Leftists have now convincingly demonstrated they cannot
coexist with anyone else in a civil society. Left-wing operatives
(lawmakers, fake news journo-terrorists and deep state actors) are
lawless liars, frauds, hoaxers and destroyers of civilization. They
steal elections, push fake news narratives, brainwash the public with
deliberate lies and indoctrinate children with hatred for their own
country. They are pedophiles, child traffickers, charlatans and tyrants.
The Left, as I’ve said before, is a “suicide cult,” and they will not
stop until they have criminalized, marginalized or mass murdered
everyone who opposes their authoritarian rule. (Face it: Two years ago
you wouldn’t have believed this, but now you know it’s true.)
As deranged and dangerous as Leftists have become, stopping them in a civil war scenario is tactically simpler than you might suppose, our analysis finds. That’s because Leftists are concentrated in cities, and every city is a death trap that depends on outside supply lines for its continued existence. To defeat the anti-American Leftist forces, pro-America forces don’t even have to enter the cities. They would only need to cut off the cities from rural America, which is where all the resources come from that keep cities alive
Read more:
As deranged and dangerous as Leftists have become, stopping them in a civil war scenario is tactically simpler than you might suppose, our analysis finds. That’s because Leftists are concentrated in cities, and every city is a death trap that depends on outside supply lines for its continued existence. To defeat the anti-American Leftist forces, pro-America forces don’t even have to enter the cities. They would only need to cut off the cities from rural America, which is where all the resources come from that keep cities alive
Read more:
People are pooping more than ever on the streets of San Francisco
One of America's wealthiest cities has a huge problem with public poop.
Between 2011 and 2018, San Francisco experienced a massive increase in reported incidents of human feces found on public streets.
In 2011, just over 5,500 reports were logged by the San Francisco Department of Public Works; in 2018, the number increased to more than 28,000.
The government watchdog Open the Books documented the sharp increase over time in a stunning chart, first spotted by the BuzzFeed editor John Paczkowski.
Notably, this is a chart of only documented reports — the actual amount of feces on San Francisco's streets is likely even higher than these statistics suggest.
But the problem is bigger than just keeping the streets clean — the issue appears to be related to the city's struggle to accommodate its homeless population amid skyrocketing rent prices and a decreasing supply of affordable housing.
A 2017 survey of San Francisco's homeless population counted nearly 7,500 people living on the street. That population faces limited public resources, and public bathrooms are no exception.
Whether the Poop Patrol is able to reverse the trend on San Francisco's streets remains to be seen, but there's an indication that the crew is a bandage on a problem much bigger than dirty streets.
Read more:
An inability to break free
The Z-Man observes how civic nationalists, melting-potheads, and proposition nationalists repeatedly fail to grok the reality of a demographically failed state:
- Aristotle, Rhetoric
Their attachment to racial equality, civic nationalism, the melting pot, and the concept of the nation as idea is emotional, not rational. Reason will not change their minds. Only emotion will do so, and the most convincing emotion is fear. They will not, they cannot, change their minds until they begin to fear for their lives, one way or another.
Those who have tried to engage with hardcore civic nationalists or evangelical patriots will have experienced a strange phenomenon where they appear to be strangely blind to certain topics. For example, the story about the black seeking out and throwing a white child over a third floor railing at the Mall of America. These super-normies respond to it by blaming communism or democrats. It’s as if the facts cause their code to reboot and they start repeating whatever they saw on Sean Hannity the prior evening.Aristotle explained this mysterious phenomenon: "Before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct."
If you press them on the obvious racial angle, they get flustered and either change the subject or break into a different chant about how America is an idea. It’s an odd thing that suggests these people have some sort of shunt in their consciousness that prevents them from seeing certain aspects of life. It’s not just a matter of self-censorship in order to avoid taboo subjects. Something seems to have been altered in their brains that prevents them from seeing anything that contradicts the colorblind fantasy.
It is an important fact for dissidents to accept. A lifetime of conditioning, perhaps generations of conditioning, have made it impossible for some people to ever look up and see the great divide, much less cross over to this side. Part of it is the normal desire of most humans to belong to the pack. To stand outside the main, with regards to biology, is a dangerous place. It is a form of self-exile. Naturally, most people would not choose it, even if it meant degrading themselves by repeating what they know to be untrue.
- Aristotle, Rhetoric
Their attachment to racial equality, civic nationalism, the melting pot, and the concept of the nation as idea is emotional, not rational. Reason will not change their minds. Only emotion will do so, and the most convincing emotion is fear. They will not, they cannot, change their minds until they begin to fear for their lives, one way or another.
Mount Pleasant Biggest Foxconn Loser?
Bruce Murphy - Apr 19th, 2019 10:20 am
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Mount Pleasant’s annual budget is just over $15 million, yet in late 2017 the village and Racine County (whose budget was $151.6 million that year) jointly approved a figure 50 times higher than the village’s budget — $764 million in spending — for land acquisition, road construction and new sewer and water lines, all for the Foxconn project.
“The Foxconn site currently has one traffic stop; when it’s finally finished, it will have 12,” the Guardian reported. “Approximately 42 miles… of water pipes are being added, alongside 26 miles of gas pipes and 28 miles of telecom wires.”
Yes, the village and county were spending and building big because Foxconn would need all this for its promised $10 billion plant employing 13,000 employees on a campus that would be four square miles in size. So the village had to buy up land from owners— thousands of acres — needed by Foxconn to create the eighth wonder of the world.
But some homeowners resisted or balked at the price being offered and the village felt pressured to move quickly so as not to lose the Foxconn project. So its leader decided to pay “for the assessed value of homes plus an additional 40 percent and $50,000 per additional acre of property,” as the Racine Journal Times reported. “The village also pays for any relocation costs, and reimburses the property owner if they obtained their own assessment during the negotiation process.”
That raised the costs of the project.
So did Foxconn’s delays and changes in plans. Originally, the village and county took short-term loans to pay for the development “in expectation that Foxconn would begin to develop those areas within the next five years. But plans for the project changed, and those short-term loans were refinanced into long-term loans, a major factor in the increase in interest payments,” the newspaper reported.
The amount of borrowing led Moody’s Investors Service to lower Mount Pleasant’s credit rating last September and in January Moody’s added another cautionary note, as the Journal Sentinel reported.
The village expects to recoup the entire cost of the project through a Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) district it has created. Its financial consultant has estimated the Foxconn TIF will generate $30 million of revenue a year, based on Foxconn being assessed for $1.4 billion in taxable improvements by January 1, 2023. And if the company doesn’t meet this target by then, which seems increasingly likely, it will still be taxed based on $1.4 billion in improvements under the contract.
But what if the company refuses to pay? What if it folds up its tent and leaves town? Then the village would have to go to court to try and enforce the contract. By contrast, most of the state subsidy for Foxconn is incentive-based: the money comes as the company meets goals in hiring and capital investment. Racine County and Mount Pleasant are spending nearly all the money upfront, which is far more risky.
Meanwhile the village has huge swaths of land that have yet to be developed by Foxconn and probably never will. In early April, Village trustees “voted to allow the leasing of portions of the Foxconn development area to local farmers,” the Journal Times reported. The village is leasing 1,066 acres for $180 per acre to two farmers. One of them, Tom Fliess, Jr., is leasing land he sold to the village for $1.675 million in August 2018.
Village Trustee Gary Feest wasn’t crazy about the deal, the story noted: “I’m a little uncomfortable that the village is becoming a land broker here,” he said. “It’s just we buy all of this land, remove the people from it and now we’re making money from it.”
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) represents much of Racine County and portions of Mount Pleasant, and he promised that Foxconn would deliver “a $10 billion development project, 13,000 careers and new opportunities throughout Wisconsin. The Foxconn project is a worthwhile investment that will transform our state and help build a strong, healthy economy.”
So when taxpayers look for who to blame when their massive investment is not repaid, they might look first to their local state representative. Which might explain why Vos is desperately trying to blame Gov. Tony Evers for Foxconn’s reduction in the size of the project. Evers has announced he wants to renegotiate the contract given Foxconn’s many changes in its promised deal. In June 2018, Foxconn confirmed it would no longer build the Gen 10.5 plant it was contractually required to do and would instead build a Gen 6 plant, which would require an investment of only $5 billion or less. Since last fall it has stopped promising to invest $10 billion. As for those 13,000 jobs, the company said in August 2018 that the vast majority of those promised manufacturing jobs —- if a manufacturing plant is ever built — would actually go to robots. But all signs suggest it isn’t even building that and is instead creating a small assembly plant.
The massive shrinkage in the promised investment, size of the plant and number of manufacturing jobs all came before Evers was elected, but Vos is trying to blame this on Evers. “It is beyond my level of understanding to think that a Governor of Wisconsin is rooting for the failure of the largest economic development project in our state’s history!” he told talk radio host Jay Weber. Evers is “doing harm” by seeking to renegotiate the contract, Vos declared.
You can expect to hear much more of this from Vos, as voters in his district begin to realize that the “$10 billion development” and “13,000 careers” he promised will never materialize and that their massive tax investment was a sucker’s bet. It may just occur to some of them that their state representative failed to protect their interests.
If you think stories like this are important, become a member of Urban Milwaukee and help support real independent journalism. Plus you get some cool added benefits, all detailed here.
The filth pigs of San Francisco
Remember, this is how the people who claim to be our moral and intellectual superiors actually live:
The reasons one should support Christian nationalism and Western civilization aka Christendom is not limited to a personal belief in Jesus Christ as Man's savior. On the political side, even if you lack religious faith, a mere preference for indoor plumbing will suffice.
This is the dyscivilizational reality of the promised shiny, sexy, science fiction seculartopia that was promised by the progressives. Rivers of blood and public streets lined with shit.
Between 2011 and 2018, San Francisco experienced a massive increase in reported incidents of human feces found on public streets. In 2011, just over 5,500 reports were logged by the San Francisco Department of Public Works; in 2018, the number increased to more than 28,000.As I have repeatedly stated, the choice is not between Right and Left, or between Republican and Democrat, or even between conservative and progressive. The choice is between the Good, the Beautiful, and the True and the Evil, the Disgusting, and the Lie. The choice is between the hope of Jesus Christ and the despair of Satan.
The government watchdog Open the Books documented the sharp increase over time in a stunning chart, first spotted by the BuzzFeed editor John Paczkowski. Notably, this is a chart of only documented reports — the actual amount of feces on San Francisco's streets is likely even higher than these statistics suggest.
"I will say there is more feces on the sidewalks than I've ever seen growing up here," San Francisco Mayor London Breed told NBC in a 2018 interview. "That is a huge problem, and we are not just talking about from dogs — we're talking about from humans."
The reasons one should support Christian nationalism and Western civilization aka Christendom is not limited to a personal belief in Jesus Christ as Man's savior. On the political side, even if you lack religious faith, a mere preference for indoor plumbing will suffice.
This is the dyscivilizational reality of the promised shiny, sexy, science fiction seculartopia that was promised by the progressives. Rivers of blood and public streets lined with shit.
Holmes vs Wahlen
Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, How ironic is it that when City of Racine, then under Mayor John Dickert, decided to take legal action against a Black Man who owned and operated the Park 6 Business, it acted upon an unverified complaint submitted by Kurt Wahlen! And that only later, the local Circuit Court's prejudiced decision was overturned in the WI Court of Appeals! Holmes v Wahlen, 2012 WI App 123 APPEAL from an order of the circuit court for Racine County: BRUCE E. SCHROEDER, Judge. Affirmed. Before Brown, C.J., Reilly and Gundrum, JJ. APPEAL from an order of the circuit court for Racine County: BRUCE E. SCHROEDER, Judge. Affirmed. Before Brown, C.J., Reilly and Gundrum, JJ. ¶1 BROWN, C.J. This case is about a liquor license revocation in which the city council acted upon a citizen complaint that was not sworn, as required by statute. This constituted a fundamental error that deprived the licensing committee of jurisdiction over the matter. Therefore, the subsequent revocation of the liquor license was invalid. We affirm the circuit court’s order vacating the licensing committee’s decision to revoke the liquor license. ¶2 Kurt Wahlen, chief of police in the City of Racine, initiated liquor license revocation proceedings against Thomas Holmes, d/b/a Park 6 and registered agent for Park 6, LLC, with a citizen’s complaint. The complaint was not “sworn,” as required by WIS. STAT. § 125.12(2)(ag) (2009-10).1 Wahlen, “as a resident of the Municipality of the city of Racine,” alleged in his complaint that Holmes’s operation of Park 6 constituted a “disorderly or riotous, indecent or improper house,” and “created undesirable neighborhood problems” in violation of state statutes and municipal ordinances. The complaint formally presented the matter to the city clerk for issuance of a summons and to proceed to a due process hearing for a determination of whether Holmes’s liquor license should be suspended or revoked. The Public Safety and Licensing Committee held a hearing, after which it recommended to the Common Council that Holmes’s license be revoked. The Council voted to revoke Holmes’s license. Now, here comes a complaint against malfeasant City Attorney Scott Letteney, by Harry Wait, and suddenly a verified complaint is required! RACINE — Board of Ethics Chairwoman Mary Wyant decided the complaint filed by Harry Wait of the Town of Dover did not meet the board’s requirements and will not be accepted by the board for discussion. "In early March, Wait, a citizens’ rights advocate and member of HOT (Honest, Open and Transparent) Government, alleged that City Attorney Scott Letteney has “an extensive history of egregious conduct while in office, undermining the interest of the people and the City of Racine,” and recommended sanctioning and removing Letteney from office". You can't make this up - it is true! City of Racine is a CRIMINAL and Discriminatory Organization - acting upon unverified complaints against Persons of Color Operating a private business, while refusing unverified complaints against White City Actors. The City of Racine is a Terrorist Organization! Which actively discriminates against People of Color and fails to respond to bona-fide Citizen Complaints. Sincerely, Tim & Cindy
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