The 39-year old son of the ruler of Sharjah — part of the United Arab Emirates — was found dead in London this week following what multiple reports described as a "drug-fueled orgy" in an £8-million Knightsbridge penthouse.
Sheikh Khalid bin Sultan Al Qasimi, 'crown prince' of the UAE's
Sharjah emirate, was laid to rest at a funeral service Wednesday
attended by UAE dignitaries and his father, Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad
Al Qasimi, but soon after staff at the London-based fashion house that
Khalid founded began revealing more details of the prince's extreme
playboy lifestyle which reportedly led to his tragic death. The crown prince threw wild drug-fueled parties and was often seen with models and celebrities, via The Daily Mail
The Sun was the first to report earlier this week that Sheikh Khalid
"may have died suddenly as a result of taking drugs" after police found
an as yet unknown amount of Class A drugs at his apartment after medics
were called. 'Class A' drugs include anything from crack cocaine to ecstasy to heroin, LSD, to crystal meth and others.
The Sheikh was well known in wealthy London social circles as frequently hosting meth-fueled orgies filled with high-class prostitutes, according to UK media, and was known for partying "days on end".
A staff member at the Qasimi Homme menswear brand the prince had founded told The Daily Mail:
"He enjoyed meth because it allows you to have sex for longer.
It was the worst-kept secret in the office, he had a real soft spot for
that drug. We always knew that he'd been taking it because he'd come
into work in a particularly bad mood. His behaviour would be really erratic."
The UAE crown prince of Sharjah at a London Fashion Week event, via The Daily Mail.
"On the whole, he was a nice guy, tough but fair but when he'd been up for several days at one of those parties, he could become quite a monster," the source said of the prince's party lifestyle.
The Westminster coroner's office indicated in a statement that
toxicology tests could take months as the crown prince was laid to rest
in the United Arab Emirates. Via
The Daily Mail: "The Knightsbridge Apartments where the prince was
found dead on Monday after a party where guests allegedly took Class A
The popular prince was buried at King Faisal Mosque in Sharjah, which is the city his father rules over in the UAE.
Sadly, his brother - who had originally been in line to succeed his
father as ruler of Sharjah - had also died of a party-lifestyle in 1999
at the age of 24. He'd been found at the royal family’s £3 million
English manor house in Sussex, which resulted in Khalid being named
crown prince. Via The Sun (UK)
A female staff member who worked closely with the prince told The Daily Mail: "As you can imagine, Khalid
was very popular given the amount of money he had and the type of
people he knew. There was no shortage of women after him."
"But he always treated his female staff with respect. He was an
incredibly hard worker and very driven, but he also partied very hard.
It's sad, because that's what killed him in the end," she added.
And another staff member, speaking anonymously to the Mail, backed up others' testimony related to his erratic drug-induced mood swings:
Khalid could become very unpredictable and we always knew to stay away from him after one of his famous parties. He was the boss so we couldn't really complain to him.
The source followed with: "It
was mainly his friends and business associates who were invited to the
parties, never us. We just heard about what happened at them."
And another had been quoted in The Sun as follows: “Like many young Arab men, Sheik Khalid enjoyed the freedoms he had in London. But it has ended very tragically.” UAE Emirs at the burial Sheikh Khalid on Wednesday, via The Daily Mail
Though expected to eventually ascend the throne as Emir of the
Emirate of Sharjah after his father, Khalid had lived in Britain since
the age of nine, and pursued a fashion career.
He was also known for pursuing architecture and as an award-winning
photographer, and was close to London's business and celebrity elite.
Good morning everyone I am sorry this is being posted late. I actually was able to get some sleep this morning since Drew has a four day weekend. I hope everyone has been enjoying their 4th of July weekend. Here are your questions.
1) With it being warm out are you using a fan or a/c to keep cool?
2) Do you go to a lake or pool to go swimming?
3) When was the last time you have been swimming?
4) With the weather we have been having would you like it a little cooler?
Fire destroys Jim Beam warehouse, bourbon flows into river
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — A fire
destroyed a massive Jim Beam warehouse filled with about 45,000 barrels
of aging bourbon in Kentucky, and state officials worried that runoff
whiskey seeping into nearby waterways would kill fish.
from four counties responded to the blaze that erupted late Tuesday. It
sent flames shooting into the night sky and generated so much heat that
firetruck lights melted.
might have been a factor, but fire investigators haven't been able to
start looking for the cause, Woodford County Emergency Management
Director Drew Chandler said.
warehouse was a total loss. Looking to reassure consumers of Jim Beam
bourbon, Beam Suntory indicated it amounted to a drop of the iconic
brand's total aging inventory.
No injuries were reported, Chandler said. The fire was contained but was allowed to burn until midday Wednesday, he said.
longer it burns, the more of the distilled spirits burn with it," he
said in a phone interview. "So when they go to put it out, there will be
less contaminated runoff that goes into a drinking-water tributary."
Wednesday afternoon, firefighters were dousing the warehouse's charred
remains with water to try to extinguish the fire, Chandler said. As they
kept working, the focus turned to the environmental impact of the
leaking bourbon.
The distiller
hired an emergency cleanup crew and state environmental officials were
coordinating efforts to control bourbon runoff into a nearby creek that
flows into the Kentucky River, said John Mura, a spokesman for the
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet.
"We do know there has been runoff enter the creek," Mura said. "And it has made its way into the Kentucky River."
runoff could have a "serious impact on aquatic life," he said. Runoff
is expected to create "low dissolved oxygen levels," which could result
in substantial fish kills, the agency said in a release.
officials warned recreational users on the Kentucky River that runoff
will result in water discoloration, foaming and an odor.
Beam Suntory officials said they are working with authorities to assess environmental effects.
distilling company said the multi-story warehouse that burned contained
"relatively young whiskey," meaning it had not reached maturity for
bottling for consumers. Bourbon acquires its color and flavor while
aging for years in charred new oak barrels.
the age of the lost whiskey, this fire will not impact the availability
of Jim Beam for consumers," the spirits company said in a statement.
Hello, my loves. How are you? It's been almost three weeks since we've last met. That's too far back for me to remember. Did I have any notable food? That I should remember. Oh my, I sound like a pig. Oink-oink. I'll be Madame Oinktar. When you call your pigs, I come running. Oh dear, now I've really lost it.
There, I got that out of my system. The cold, damp spring we had and the hot, damp summer that we're having make it difficult to do yard work. Fishing comes to mind. But I don't like to fish all that much. If I catch anything, I always turn it loose. I'm the same way about punishing Junior. I'm a pushover. No one forgives faster than me. No one forgets faster, either.
As you well know, I've spent the last two weeks tending to Mr. OrbsCorbs' wounds. He had surgery, the incision is near his crotch, the swelling has been dreadful. His entire leg balloons up and he says it's very painful. I've administered some of my pain relief and grow well products to him, but Vicodin seems to be the only thing that cuts the mustard. When he's on Vicodin, he's happy and easy to get along with. When he's not, he's not.
O.o Look at the time. I thought today was Tuesday. I have a lot of catching up to do. Even though this blog entry is only half-baked, I'm posting it. Sorry, I hope to have a better blog for you next week. I love you all.
I’m Art Kumbalek and man oh manischewitz what a world,
ain’a? So listen, I don’t have time to pony up a big honking essay for
you’s this week, and I’ll tell you why.
What with the Democratic debates underway, I need time to be mulling
who I’d fancy as No. 2 on the Kumbalek president ticket. I also need
time to ponder whether or not I’d consider the No. 2 spot on somebody
else’s focking ticket. If I did, I can promise I’d provide a heap of
contrast to that of former V.P. Dick “Head” Cheney during my
vice-presidential reign. I’d restore the American people’s faith in the
belief that the vice-presidency is a do-nothing position, which would also contrast with V.P. Pence’s know-nothing
approach. I could aspire to nothing more than sitting on my dupa and
collecting my big-ass veep paycheck; although, I may consent to attend
the occasional fancy-schmancy state dinner for some semi-leader from
some godforsaken part of the planet who had come a’ calling looking for
an Uncle Sam handout.
And so best I meet up with my campaign brain trust, huddled as we
speak, over at the Uptowner tavern/charm school over by the Center &
Humboldt there. Tag along if you like, but you cover the first round.
Let’s get going. Emil: Any you’s guys know what “ramparts” are? Julius: Yeah, ram parts. That’s what they stuff in those sandwich gyros down at the Greek place, ain’a? Emil: That can’t be right. I’m talking “ramparts,”
like in the song you sing at the ballpark, what-you-call, “My Country
’Tis of Thee.” Little Jimmy Iodine: Any you’s guys coming by me for the Fourth? I got to know how many wieners I got to get. Ernie: I wish, but no. I got to go by my sister’s up there in Bumfock Washington County ’cause the nephew’s marching in the parade. Herbie: I feel for you, Ernie. Those high school
focking marching bands. there’s not a song been written that those
uniformed gangs of pimply faced masturbators with their blaring
blugelhorns can’t slaughter, ain’a? Ray: And speaking of bumfock… Little Jimmy Iodine: Hey, Artie! Over here. Put a load on your keister. Art: Hey gents, what do you hear, what do you know. Julius: I know that if either Trump or his Korean
boy-toy pay more than a buck-two-eighty for a haircut, they’re getting
big-time screwed. Art: So, you’s guys dream up some ideas for my campaign ads yet? Little Jimmy: I don’t know what kind of president
ads you should have that people will pay attention to. The only thing
that sells on TV is sex and the violence, I hear. Herbie: So what’s the problem? Here’s the TV spot I
got in mind: You have Artie dressed up like Uncle Sam wearing a Packer
jersey walking down a rain-slicked street. On either arm he’s escorting a
lady, and I say they be gorgeous Vegas showgirls to represent the
yearnings of the working-class male voter. Out of the dark, four
middle-aged white guys in suits show up. They look like fat-cat donor
lobbyists who just got expensive haircuts, what the fock. They start
messing with the ladies, waving big wads of cash and talking Tea Party
shit. Artie excuses himself to the ladies and proceeds to kick the
ever-loving crap out of this gang of four, and to drive home the
message, then pistol-whips the quartet into unconsciousness. As the sun
cracks the horizon and birds start a’ chirping, each gal lip-locks a
Kumbalek cheek as Artie stares into the camera and says, “I’m fighting
them so you don’t have to. Like it—or lump it.” Art: Abso-focking-lutely, Herbie. In 30 seconds,
I’ve reached three important voting blocs. One: the WrestleMania crowd
who go for action, admire hotsy-totsy ladies and always root for the
good guy to come out on top. Two: the ladies who feel safer having the
government as protector rather than corporate-style clowns who believe
equal-pay for equal-work is about as feasible as bicycles for fish. And
three: the gun crowd who’d understand I was no candy-ass when it came to
preserving the honor and well-being of my cherished ones. Ernie: Now all you need is a good overall slogan, something strong yet focking personal. Little Jimmy: Mister Truman had “Give ’em Hell, Harry!” How ’bout for you Artie, a nice simple “Go to Hell!”? Art: It’s direct, all right. Ray: How about “Go to Hell, Artie!” It’s always more effective to work the name of the candidate into the slogan, what the fock. Art: True, but I think you just came up with a
slogan for the voting public to use, a slogan that could never become
yesterday’s news, a slogan for all seasons: “Go to Hell, (Insert Name of Republican Candidate Here)!”
(It’s getting late and I know you got to go, but thanks for letting
us bend your ear, ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.)
A man accused by police of feeding methamphetamines to his pet squirrel to make him an "attack squirrel" has been arrested.
Police officers in Alabama had been looking for Mickey Paulk for nearly two weeks.
who had been hiding in a hotel, was arrested on Thursday after he
attempted to flee from drug investigators on a stolen motorcycle,
according to police. He crashed into an investigator's vehicle after a
brief pursuit, police said.
case against the 35-year-old Alabama man escalated June 17 when
narcotics investigators executed a search warrant "that yielded meth,
drug paraphernalia, body armor and a squirrel."
protestors in hard hats and umbrellas stormed Hong Kong's Parliament on
Monday, ripping down portraits, tagging walls and tying the flag of
British Hong Kong to the podium in anger over Hong Kong's recent attempt
to change extradition laws for China.
(Published Monday, July 1, 2019)
to the search warrant, investigators were informed that Mickey Paulk
kept an 'attack squirrel' inside his apartment, and that Paulk fed the
squirrel meth to keep it aggressive," the Limestone County Sheriff's
Office in Athens, Alabama, said in a statement.
Paulk wasn't home, however. The search for the squirrel's owner was on.
Italians are reeling from the revelation that a crime ring, which
includes a mayor, doctors and social workers, had been brainwashing
children to say their parents abused them, so as to easily sell them on
to foster families.
So far eighteen people, including the mayor of the town of Bibbiano, near Reggio Emilia in northern Italy, have been arrested.
They were suspected of working together to brainwash the kids, who were
taken from disadvantaged families under false pretexts, into believing
they’d been abused at home. This was later used as a justification to
seize the children and, basically, to sell them to foster parents at a
high price.
The psychologists at the Hansel and Gretel Association in the town of
Moncalieri, near Turin, have used a variety of bizarre techniques to
achieve their sinister goal.
They relied on persuasion to make their victims believe that their
parents hurt and sexually abused them; showed fake, childlike drawings
with added sexual details and even enacted plays, dressing up in scary
masks to represent their moms and dads as being vile and dangerous....
The people to whom the boys and girls were handed over reportedly
included sex shop owners, persons with psychological disorders and
parents whose children had committed suicide. It was under this ‘foster
care’ that at least two of the victims suffered actual sexual abuse,
according to reports.
The criminal organization was busted by police as part of an operation
codenamed “Angels and Demons,” which was launched in late summer 2018
after an unnaturally high number of child sex abuse reports were spotted
as coming from an area in the Reggio Emilia province. Those arrested,
as well as 27 others under investigation, have been charged with
mistreatment of minors, violence, abuse of office, fraud and falsifying
public records.
It appears that 30 children were kidnapped under color of law. The
primary difference is that in the USA and Canada, the people running
these child trafficking rings never seem to get exposed or arrested.
Every crime is always portrayed as some sort of one-off committed by a
sicko; all the evidence that the crimes are organized by authority
figures is dismissed as conspiracy theory. Just ask Jordan Peterson.
The Italians, however, are taking this case very seriously. The Deputy
Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini has announced
the commissioning of a federal inquest to investigate a child
trafficking ring that is very reminiscent of the "Veleno" case of twenty
years ago, when 17 children from two other towns near Reggio Emilia
were removed from their families by the local authorities under
similarly dubious circumstances.
The children-loving Italians are taking this news with their usual
equanimity, of course. I've seen more than a few calls for the death
Tiffany FitzHenry@Tiff_FitzHenry
Former Disney star Bella Thorne: "Getting molested from [the age of]
6-14... being abuse all the time...I was being molested....people have
no idea the type mistreatment I was dealing with [while a Disney star]
that everyone around me saw and did nothing."
Yes, Pedowood is real.
Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,
Let me warn you right up front – the information in this article
might freak you out. If what some experts are telling us is true, a
global food crisis appears to be inevitable. Even during good
years we have a really difficult time feeding everyone on the planet,
and now a major climate shift appears to be happening. Our sun has become exceedingly quiet,
and many experts believe that this is a sign that a solar minimum is
now upon us. Of course we have seen solar minimums happen quite
regularly in the past, and if this is just a normal solar minimum then
conditions should begin to return to normal after a couple of years.
Unfortunately, evidence continues to mount that we have entered what is
known as a “grand solar minimum”. In fact, Professor Valentina Zharkova
says that what we are facing is a “super grand solar minimum”, and if that is true we are going to be facing climate chaos like we have never seen before.
During previous “grand solar minimums” the globe was gripped by
devastating famines and vast numbers of people died. Could a similar
scenario potentially be in our future?
Ice Age Farmer has compiled a “Grand Solar Minimum Crop Loss Map” which you can view right here, and I appreciate our friends at ANP for pointing it out to us. Ice Age Farmer’s map shows that there
are literally dozens of locations all over the globe right now that are
reporting significant crop losses, and this is really unlike anything
we have ever seen before. Some parts of our planet are dealing
with horrific drought, but in the middle of the United States it just
won’t stop raining. In some areas of the world it is too cold, while
others are experiencing record heat. Everywhere we look we see extremes, and the behavior of our sun is the primary reason this is happening.
Last November I warned that we could be facing one of the coldest
winters in modern times, and that is precisely what happened. Back then
top scientists were warning us that a solar minimum had arrived, and since that time the behavior of the sun has continued to confirm that hypothesis…
The surface of the sun is normally a roiling, super-heated hellscape. But Nasa images have revealed that the face of our star is looking ominously calm right now, prompting claims it’s reached a stage of its cycle called the solar minimum.
During the minimum, there are significantly fewer sunspots and its
magnetic field weakens, allowing cosmic rays from outside our solar
system to rain down on Earth.
This solar minimum came early, and that is exactly what we would
expect if we were entering a “grand solar minimum”. Perhaps the best
known “grand solar minimum” in our history was the Maunder Minimum which stretched from 1645 to 1715…
The last time a deep solar minimum was in effect was the Maunder
minimum, which saw seven decades of freezing weather, began in 1645 and
lasted through to 1715, and happened when sunspots were exceedingly
During this period, temperatures dropped globally by 1.3 degrees
celsius leading to shorter seasons and ultimately food shortages.
The food shortages during the Maunder Minimum were quite severe, and the global death toll was enormous.
Could we be facing a similar scenario this time around?
Actually, economist Martin Armstrong seems to believe that it could be even worse…
The Maunder Minimum created such a deep cold in Europe and extreme
weather events elsewhere that what unfolds is a series of droughts,
floods, and harvest failures. Historically, this leads to massive
migrations, wars and revolutions. The fatal synergy between human and
natural disasters eradicated perhaps one-third of the human population
during the last event and this time we are crashing more rapidly than
before. Therefore, we may exceed more than a reduction in population of
one-third and reach the levels of the 14th century of 50%, which was
also combined with the Black Plague.
That layer of stress on the agricultural industry is only intensified
when you zoom out to the international level, where farmers around the
world are facing various dire situations. As one North Dakota farmer and
Twitter user Jordan Gackle pointed out in a recent thread: Drought is continuing to disrupt wheat crops in Australia forcing the country to import some of its wheat from Canada. Some farmers in Canada are now reporting long stretches without rain under the hashtag #drought19. Head over to China and you’ll find that a legion of fall armyworms are spreading rapidly and devouring key grain crops.
It is becoming quite clear that food prices are going to rise
substantially and that the world is going to produce a lot less food
than it normally does this year.
And as I noted earlier, we have a tough time feeding everyone on the
planet even during ideal conditions. Sadly, this even includes the United States…
So what will things look like if global food production drops 10 percent, 20 percent or even more?
We have never had to deal with anything like this in modern times,
and meanwhile the population of the planet has grown from 1.6 billion in
1900 to 7.5 billion today. We have entered the time of “the perfect storm”, and we are going to start to witness things happen that many people would consider to be unimaginable.
I truly hope that things will not be as bad as some of the experts
are suggesting. But as far as crop failures are concerned, we don’t
have to speculate. They are happening right now all over the planet,
and that means that global food supplies are going to get tighter and
tighter in the months ahead.
New York (CNN)A Canadian cartoonist's illustration of President Donald Trump
playing golf over the bodies of two drowned migrants went viral
Wednesday. Two days later, Michael de Adder said on Twitter that he had
been let go by a publishing company in New Brunswick, Canada.
De Adder's illustration depicted Trump askingthe two dead migrants, "Do you mind if I play through?"
Authored by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner via, Chicagoans are buried under so much pension debt it’s
impossible to see how their city can avoid a fiscal collapse without
major, structural reforms. The futility of paying down those debts becomes obvious when you try to figure out just who’s going to pay for it all.
The total amount of city, county and state retirement debt Chicagoans are on the hook for is $150 billion, based on Moody’s most recent pension data. Split that evenly across the city’s one million-plus households and you arrive at nearly $145,000 per household.
That’s an outrageous amount, but it would be a clean solution if each
and every Chicago household could simply absorb $145,000 in government
retirement debt. The problem is, most can’t.
One-fifth of Chicagoans live in poverty and nearly half of all Chicago households make less than $50,000 a year. It wouldn’t just be wrong to try and squeeze those Chicagoans further, but pointless. They don’t have the money.
So if that won’t work, why not just put all the burden on Chicago’s “rich?” After all, Illinois lawmakers are pushing progressive tax schemes as the panacea for Illinois’ problems.
If households earning $200,000 or more are the target, they’ll be on
the hook for more than $2 million each in government retirement debts.
That’s an outrageous burden, too.
Saddling just a few households with all the debt will give those residents all the more reason to leave. And that will make the burden all the more unbearable for the Chicagoans who remain. The process to target Chicago’s “rich” already started earlier this year. That’s when state lawmakers passed a progressive tax scheme which,
if approved by voters in 2020, will hit Illinoisans earning more than
$250,000 with tax increases as large as 60 percent. Chicago’s special interest groups want to hit the rich as well. They’re demanding a dedicated city income tax and a financial transaction tax that will impact the city’s wealthier residents.
Trying to find some middle ground on divvying up Chicagoans’ pension
debts is also impossible. If all lower and middle income households
earning up to $75,000 are protected, that leaves just 37 percent of
Chicago households to pay the $150 billion bill. The burden on them
would total $393,000 each. Still crazy.
Slice up Chicago’s debts anyway you like it, but the result is the
same. There’s simply too much of it for Chicagoans to bear. Without
structural pension reforms, expect the city to continue its path deeper
into junk territory and an eventual insolvency. That will inflict
enormous pain not just on taxpayers, but on the workers counting on the
government for their retirement security.
Adding up the debt
For decades, official government reports have understated the true
amount of pension debt Illinoisans are on the hook for. Government
calculations have been criticized by the likes of Warren Buffet and Nobel Prize winners for
using improper actuarial assumptions. For that reason, Wirepoints’ uses
pension debts calculated by Moody’s Investors Service. The rating
agency takes a more conservative approach to measuring debts than state officials do.
Chicago has four city-run pension funds that collectively face a $42
billion shortfall. The Chicago Public Schools’ pension fund is short
another $24 billion. In all, there’s a $70 billion shortfall in the
city-based funds alone.
Chicagoans are also burdened with an additional $11 billion in debt –
their share of debts owed by various Cook County governments.
And Chicagoans’ share of state retirement debts for pensions, retiree health and pension bonds adds another $69 billion.
In total, Chicago households are on the hook for $150 billion in combined retirement debts.
Chicago the outlier
Not only are those debts overly burdensome to Chicagoans, but the
city’s debts alone make Chicago a major outlier nationally when it comes
to retirement debt.
According to Joshua Rauh of the Hoover Institution, the city of Chicago’s pension debts are now 12 times the size of its annual revenues. No other major city faces such a burden.
In fact, according to JP Morgan, over 63 percent of the city’s budget should be going towards retirement payments. That’s the worst of any major city in the nation, by far.
Too much debt is the key reason Chicago’s credit ratings have collapsed. Moody’s already rates Chicago one notch into
junk and the Chicago Public Schools five notches into junk. Detroit is
the only major U.S. city rated worse than Chicago (See Appendix 2).
Impossible without reforms
The above numbers show the impossibility of stopping Chicago’s fiscal decline without serious, structural pension reforms.
Some pension proponents will find offense with our use of Moody’s
debt numbers – they’ll say Moody’s assumptions are too pessimistic and
overstate the problem.
But the debt burdens are still unworkable even if official government
numbers are used. The average Chicago household is still on the hook
for $90,000 in debt under the official numbers, while households making
$200,000 or more would still face a burden of more than $1.2 million
each. Without structural changes, those numbers will only get worse.
For starters, lower discount rates and more conservative actuarial
assumptions continue to show that pension debts are much larger than
politicians say they are.
Second, as in-migration into Chicago slows and out-migration increases – a fair assumption given that Chicago has shrunk four years in a row – the debt burden on those who remain will rise.
And third, the risk of a recession is growing now that the nation’s
economic expansion has lasted an unprecedented ten years. Any
significant pull-back in the stock market would deal a major blowto Chicago’s deeply underfunded pension plans. Tax hikes won’t solve Chicago’s massive debt problem.
Only structural reforms, including changes to cost-of-living
adjustments – will make the city affordable again for the ordinary
Chicagoan. And that requires an amendment to the state’s constitutional protections.
I have the Authority to act on a Death Warrant - for Bearing False
Witness, Theft, and Lying/Deception.
BS: From a Jewish point of view, where we don't believe in the
divinity of Christ. There you can make an argument, that the Gospels
which were written significantly-
JR: He was just a prophet.
BS: No, no, no. We don't even think he was a prophet.
JR: What do you think he was? What do you guys think he was?
BS: Well, I, I, I, what do I think he was historically? I think he was
a Jew who tried to lead a revolt against the Romans and got killed for
his trouble. Just like a lot of other Jews at that time who tried to
lead revolts against the Romans and got killed for their trouble.
JR: So he became legend, and story, and it became a bigger and bigger
deal as time went on.
BS: Yeah, he had a group of followers and that gradually grew.
Barb and Don Elmer chose to falsely accuse Timothy Scott Elmer, their
adopted child - of being a Child Molester - based upon False
Timothy Scott Elmer was investigated by the Kenosha Police Department
- which repeatedly violated his rights - and found no evidence for
the alleged crimes.
Multiple People escaped their crimes - for bearing false witness and
threatening the person of Timothy Scott Elmer, whose name was damaged
and smeared.
Let me state: That under Christian Law - Timothy Scott Elmer has the
right to execute every person who falsely testified against him - to
include Barb and Don (now deceased) Elmer.
That also includes accomplices, David and Kathy Brask of Illinois -
who have also conspired to steal the possessions of Timothy Scott
Elmer stored in basement of Don & Barb Elmer - by previous agreement
in exchange for work performed.
BS: From a Jewish point of view, where we don't believe
in the divinity of Christ. There you can make an argument, that the
Gospels which were written significantly-
JR: He was just a prophet.
BS: No, no, no. We don't even think he was a prophet.
JR: What do you think he was? What do you guys think he was?
BS: Well, I, I, I, what do I think he was historically? I think he was a
Jew who tried to lead a revolt against the Romans and got killed for
his trouble. Just like a lot of other Jews at that time who tried to
lead revolts against the Romans and got killed for their trouble.
JR: So he became legend, and story, and it became a bigger and bigger deal as time went on.
BS: Yeah, he had a group of followers and that gradually grew.
JR: Do you think he was resurrected?
BS: No. That's not a Jewish belief.
JR: Okay. I just wanted to check.
BS: We're not into miracle stories, no. That's not.
JR: You don't have any miracles?
BS: Not by Jesus. There was in the Old Testament. Yeah, you've got Moses splitting the sea and all that.
JR: What do you think happened there?
BS: What do I think happened there? I'll go with my Maimonidean
explanation. There was, it says in the Bible, there was a strong east
wind. So there was a naturalistic explanation for a physical phenomenon.
JR: That makes sense.
BS: That's what Maimonides is constantly trying to do.
Big Bear sums up Shapiro and the so-called conservatives
who are foolish enough to support him against the interests of their
nation, their families, and their faith in a succinct manner: If you're a Christian and you just heard that and you ever support him again, you're a liar, you're a satanist, and you're evil.
The inescapable historical fact is that Muslims have FAR more in common
with Christians than Jews do. It is considerably more accurate to talk
about shared Islamo-Christian values than Judeo-Christian values. Notice
that Shapiro's Maimonidean answer about Jesus Christ is very, very
different than even the non-believers of Jesus's day, as well as being
very different from whom we believe Jesus Christ to be. When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his
disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some
say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or
one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I
am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living
God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was
not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.
- Matthew 16:13-17