Hello, my dears! How are you? I'm doing well. The weather hasn't been too cold. (Just wait, it's only early January.) What we have had a lot of this winter is wind, especially from the west and/or north. Brr. Hang onto your hats (or turban).
The penultimate Green Bay Packers' former coach, Mike McCarthy, has been hired as head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. From the Journal Times online: Cowboys to introduce McCarthy as club's 9th coach Wednesday
Will the Packers go all the way to the Super Bowl? They better. But first they must defeat the Seattle Seahawks this coming Sunday. Go, Pack, go!
Go, Butterball, go! Mr. Mayor Cory 'Butterball' Mason has assembled a huge staff and they have eliminated two of the committees that oversaw development in Racine. Butterball sits on each of the remaining committees. I hope he doesn't break them.
Talking Racine provides a great service to Racine. Do Butterball and company think that no one watches these videos? What a disgrace.
The criminals in local government will persist until the electorate does something about them. Some individuals, like Mr. Harry Wait, have tried numerous legal maneuvers to catch the crooks, but, by and large, they go unscathed. A mass uprising is the only thing that will purge the crooks. We know that isn't going to happen. The crooks win.
I don't mean to drone on, and I know that I address the crooks in city government almost weekly, but something has to be done about them. I hate watching my lovely Racine contaminated and plundered by this soulless rabble. These hoodlums and hooligans should be tried and convicted of their crimes. Ptooie!
That's it, kiddos. I'm cutting it short this week. Junior has returned to school and Señor Zanza is out tending to his business. I have the house to myself. Wonderful! I can relax. I love you. Please respect one another.
Take care of yourselves.
Please donate: paypal.me/jgmazelis If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order. Thank you.
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Nothing like Banksters lending Federal Reserve Notes created from nothing - at interest - when the interest amount isn't created - to lead a Community into disaster. From the Wheeler report - cited by ordmm: Individuals and institutions investing realized capital gains by year’s end and maintaining the investment through 2026 can defer payment of federal capital gains tax for seven years, and reduce existing federal capital gains tax liability by upto 15%. Investors who maintain their Opportunity Zones-related investment for at least 10 years will pay $0 in federal capital gains. The Banksters from Brooklyn have taken over Racine.
Oh my.
Tenacity is one of many keys to remove the mobsters within government.
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