Sunday, August 2, 2020

'BLACK HUMANITY NOW!' street mural complete

From The Journal

Rachel Kubik

RACINE — Painters of all ages and races spent the morning and part of the afternoon Saturday with rollers and brushes. They filled in chalked-in letters that formed a special set of words, significant to each painter in some way or another.
“I was looking for a meaningful way to bring a voice,” said Fredricka Hunter of Mount Pleasant, roller in hand.
“I’ve always believed God loves all and we’re all his children,” said Caroline Bonilla of Racine, working alongside Hunter.
As some painters danced to songs played by a DJ such as “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder while working, eventually the words “Black Humanity Now!” appeared on Wisconsin Avenue in front of the Racine County Courthouse, 730 Wisconsin Ave., in bright yellow letters.

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