Saturday, September 26, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Too much candy: Man dies from eating bags of black licorice
A Massachusetts construction worker’s love of black licorice wound up costing him his life. Eating a bag and a half every day for a few weeks threw his nutrients out of whack and caused the 54-year-old man’s heart to stop, doctors reported Wednesday.
“Even a small amount of licorice you eat can increase your blood pressure a little bit,” said Dr. Neel Butala, a cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital who described the case in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The problem is glycyrrhizic acid, found in black licorice and in many other foods and dietary supplements containing licorice root extract. It can cause dangerously low potassium and imbalances in other minerals called electrolytes.
Read more:
A smiling whale makes a record deep dive
The elusive Cuvier’s beaked whale, already known for its prowess as a diver, turns out to have even more staying power than scientists thought.
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The Cuvier's beaked whale, whose deep dives can last an hour or more, typically spends only minutes at the sea surface before plunging back underwater. Credit: Todd Pusser/NPL |
The champion diver among whales can stay underwater for more than 3½ hours — an unparalleled diving record for any mammal.
Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris), which live in deep waters around the world, are capable of reaching depths of almost 3,000 metres when hunting for squid and other food. Scientists had previously estimated that these whales could hold their breath for around 30 minutes before exhausting their oxygen store. But observations among Cuvier’s whales foraging off the coast of North Carolina suggest they can dive for far longer.
Nicola Quick at Duke University in Beaufort, North Carolina, and her team fastened satellite-linked tags on 23 whales and obtained records from almost 3,700 deep dives over a 5-year period. The data reveal that the median duration of foraging dives was around a full hour, before the animal returned to the surface to recover.
One individual made two extreme dives of 2 hours 57 minutes, and 3 hours 42 minutes, respectively, which might represent the true limit of the species’ extraordinary diving capacity, the researchers say
Breonna Taylor case: Two police officers shot during protest after officials announce charges; FBI SWAT team at scene
N'dea Yancey-Bragg
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Two police officers were shot Wednesday night as emotions ran high and protesters took to the streets following a day that brought angry response to a prosecutor's decision to charge only one of the officers involved in the Breonna Taylor shooting.
Louisville Interim Police Chief Robert Schroeder confirmed that two officers were shot and were being treated at area hospitals. Both are expected to recover. An FBI SWAT team is on the scene to help with the investigation.
The Louisville Courier Journal, one of USA TODAY's partners on its national network, reports that one officer was shot in the abdomen and is in surgery, and a second was shot in the thigh.
One suspect is in custody, but the chief did not identify the suspect. “I’m very concerned about the safety of our officers. The safety of our officers and the community we serve is of the utmost importance,” Schroeder said.
He said the officers were shot after investigating reports of gunfire at an intersection where there was a large crowd.
Across the nation, other protests brought scores of people. But no other violence was reported as of 10 p.m. ET.
President Donald Trump said he was praying for the injured officers.
On Wednesday, a Kentucky grand jury indicted one of three police officers involved in the incident on charges of wanton endangerment for shooting a gun into a neighboring apartment. Former Louisville police officer Brett Hankison is facing three felony charges. Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove, two other officers involved, were not charged.
Taylor, a 26-year-old ER technician, was killed after officers used a search warrant at her apartment shortly before 1 a.m. on March 13, looking for drugs and cash as part of a larger narcotics investigation connected to her former boyfriend. She was shot six times
Downtown Racine's Holiday Parade canceled
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RACINE — Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on large crowds, the 2020 Holiday Parade, which was set for Nov. 14, has been canceled, the city and Downtown Racine Corporation announced Wednesday.
“The Downtown Racine Corp. looks forward to next year’s parade, which will be held on Nov. 13, 2021,” stated a release from Downtown Racine Corp.
Racine business owner denied a grant by mayor testifies before U.S. House subcommittee
A longtime Racine business owner who was denied COVID relief funds from the city due to her husband’s participation in a protest of state coronavirus restrictions testified before a subcommittee of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee Wednesday afternoon.
The purpose of Wednesday’s hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship was to focus on the importance of immigrants to the United States economy, especially as they make up a significant portion of essential workers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dimple Navratil, who co-owns Dimple’s Fine Imports in Downtown Racine with her husband, Denis Navratil, was born in India. She immigrated to the United States 28 year ago, and has been a citizen for more than 15 years.
She has operated the business for 27 years, 21 of those in Downtown Racine. Navratil testified about the impact that COVID-19 had on her business and the City of Racine’s denial of a Small Business Emergency Assistance Fund grant to her business.
In the spring, the City of Racine awarded $900,000 in grants to small businesses affected by the novel coronavirus. In round one, 18 local businesses received grants up to $15,000 each and in round two 146 businesses received grants ranging from $2,500 to $6,500
Mayor Cory Mason previously admitted that the denial to Dimple’s was at least partially based on Denis Navratil’s lack of compliance with state coronavirus restrictions.
“We were very upset and sad,” Dimple Navratil said of the city’s denial of the grant and the reasons for it. “We considered leaving the city. We considered selling the building and moving out.”
Butterball playing politics with a pandemic . . .
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Justice 4 Angel 6 years later!
Justice 4 Angel
6 years later!
For an understanding of how egregious, inept and outrageous city of Racine officials misconduct was, you need to click below:
A tentative settlement offer is in the works between
City of Racine and Kurt Hanson due to the egregious and criminal acts conducted by City of Racine police department.
Word has it that Kurt Hanson's settlement offer for the illegal and criminal acts of killing Mr. Hanson's dog is $135,000 dollars !
We believe bringing this case before a jury or a judicial verdict could well exceed $500,000 dollars
What would your $ award have been?
You read - You decide.
Judge Lisa NeubauerScott Letterney
As the city of Racine Machinery Row* fiasco continues
to wind its way through the courts, city attorney
Scott Letteney is becoming more desperate to thwart any courtroom advances from plaintiff's.
In recent court filings concerning Sam Azarian et al vs. City of Racine, case #19CV1524, Scott Letteney on September 11, 2020 filed a 40 page document into the Court of Appeals titled "DEFENDANTS PETITIONERS' PETITION FOR LEAVE TO APPEAL NONFINAL ORDER AND REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY RELIEF". In this petition, Letteney questioned the competency of Racine County Circuit Court Judge Jon Fredrickson. "as to whether the circuit court lacks the competency to hear Plaintiffs-Respondents........"
The Court of Appeals promptly calendared Letteney's petition and 10 days later Letteney's petition was denied.
The second major litigant taking the City to task of fraud and illicit dealings concerning Machinery Row is Patrick Fagan.
Plaintiff Patrick Fagan has filed a motion to recuse the city's "go to" judge - Eugene Gasiorkiewicz in case #18CV1227, Patrick Fagan vs. City of Racine/Redevelopment Authority of the City of Racine.
In Patricks' filing he has cited Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz as a judge that "cannot act in an impartial manner", citing Sandy Weidners case #17CV1644, where Gasiorkiewicz acted in a most bias and prejudice manner, wrongly denying litigant Sandy Weidner the statutory right to amend her complaint within six months of filing.
The courtship between Letteney and Neubauer appears to be strained for the time being.
Perhaps Neubauer didn't like Letteney's reference of Judge Fredrickson as lacking competency, or maybe Neubauer doesn't want the wrath of the public to again verbally attack her character.
But keep this in mind, Neubauer still calendared Letteney in ten days, while she failed to calendar Sandy Weidner case for over 4 months until a complaint was filed against her.
And now losing the city's "go to" Judge in the Patrick Fagan vs. City of Racine case has got to hurt.
* episode # 192
People With COVID-19 Are Significantly More Likely to Have Eaten at a Restaurant
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Alexander Spatari/Getty Images |
Eating at a restaurant could present a bigger risk for coronavirus exposure than many may realize. In fact, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), those who tested positive for COVID-19 were significantly more likely to have eaten at a restaurant in the previous 14 days than those who tested negative.
The study, just published in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, looked at data for 154 people who had tested positive for COVID-19 and 160 controls who tested negative at 11 health care facilities around the country. Specifically, the researchers analyzed participants' data regarding demographics, underlying medical conditions, possible exposure to the coronavirus, mask-wearing habits, and other community behaviors, such as going to a restaurant, going to a salon, or attending an indoor gathering.
After analyzing the data, there actually were not a ton of statistically significant differences between the participants who tested positive and those who tested negative. But there were some: People who tested negative were more likely to be white, have a college degree, and have at least one underlying health condition compared to those who tested positive.
Read more:
Dear Madame Zoltar
Meanwhile, Junior is doing well. He's back in school and that's best for him. He gets to look at girls all day long, so he's happy. That's more than I could give him. I'd have to hire some cheerleaders to work out in our yard. He'd love that.
I'm doing OK. The pandemic still has my business screwed up. People are afraid to meet in person. So I do virtual readings for some and the rest get the real me. But the numbers are off. I'm barely making enough to feed us. If thee's any excess at the homeless shelter, Señor Zanza brings it home, but that's rare. Often we just have soup for supper. When I can, I'll slip Junior a piece of fruit. He needs it; he's a growing boy.
Hey, whatever happened to that "brain" that was found in Myers' Park on the beach? Was it really a brain? Whose was it? Don't you hate it when the Journal Times doesn't follow up on a story? That could make a good horror movie: "The Brain on the Beach."
Racine would make a good horror movie on any day. The paper is full of the trials and tribulations of Racine's poor. And still the majority isn't reported. Mr. McMayor Cory 'Butterball' Mason doesn't want to paint too dark a picture of Racine, so the newspaper is instructed to keep down the gore. We don't want to scare away all of the investors clamoring to give us their money. Right, Butterball?
What horsepoop Butterball pitches. Is anyone dumb enough to believe him? Is anyone with money that dumb? I don't think so. Why doesn't Butterball live in the ghetto? How about coming home to gunfire and betching? Why does Butterball feel like he's good enough to lord over us, but too good to live with us? Screw you, Butterball!
And screw your lying brother for turning the City Hall Annex into your personal COVID-19 lab. Everyone is sick of your lies.
Everyone with brains wants out of Racine. Permanently.
Oh my!
We're tired of a lying pig supposedly representing us. Please defund the mayor's office.
Please be sure to respect one another. It's our best hope for peace.
Please donate: If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Nearly 300 Kenosha teachers report absent Monday, forcing 7 schools to transition to online learning
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The Kenosha school district is transitioning to online learning at seven middle and high schools after 276 teachers reported absent Monday.
The absences started trickling in Sunday evening, forcing the district to announce the switch in a 10:30 p.m. Facebook post.
As of Sunday, the district was reporting 10 cases of the coronavirus among its students and staff.
Asked Monday if the absences were part of an organized demonstration against working conditions related to the pandemic, district spokesperson Tanya Ruder said, “That I don’t know at this time. We are having to do some research.”
Kenosha teachers do not have to provide a reason when initially calling in sick, Ruder said. Beyond the 276 teachers, non-faculty staff also reported absent for Monday, but Ruder did not have a number.
Tuesday, Ruder said faculty absence rates returned to normal.
She said 266 of Monday's absences were excused. Seventeen people reported symptoms of the coronavirus. The district is still following up with 10 teachers who did not report to work.
Read more: to lose 120 police officer positions under Mayor Tom Barrett's 'sobering' 2021 proposed budget
Alison Dirr
Milwaukee would lose 120 police officer positions through attrition under Mayor Tom Barrett's proposed $1.55 billion 2021 budget, which he presented to the Common Council on Tuesday morning.
The Fire Department will lose one engine, which could likely result in a firehouse being closed, and vacant positions will go unfilled in other city departments, Barrett said. There will be an additional fee for street lighting and a $10 increase in the wheel tax.
"I have presented many budgets to the council and we have worked on them together, but this is by far the most sobering one because it's really the year when our budget challenges have reached a pretty dramatic crescendo," Barrett told the Journal Sentinel.
The city knew it was going to be facing a difficult budget even before the coronavirus pandemic and economic fallout and the marches for racial justice, he said.
Gov. Tony Evers issues new COVID-19 emergency order, extends statewide mask mandate
"End School To Prison Pipeline" - New Kim Klacik Ad Highlights How Liberals Destroyed Baltimore
Readers may recall, in mid-August, we pointed out Kim Klacik, the GOP congressional candidate from Baltimore, is attempting to take late Elijah Cummings' congressional seat in Maryland's 7th congressional district.
However, there just one problem, she's a Republican, nevertheless, a young black millennial, who has been embraced by President Trump and top Republicans.
For more color on Maryland's 7th District, which covers the northern and eastern boundaries of Baltimore County, the majority of Howard County, and a decent chunk of eastern and western parts of Baltimore City, which have been dominated by Democrats for a little more than half a century.
Klacik was propelled into the spotlight in August when her campaign released a video of her walking the streets of Baltimore. She showed people "the real Baltimore," outlining how decades of Democratic policies have imploded communities:
"Democrats don't want you to see this. They're scared that I'm exposing what life is like in Democrat-run cities. That's why I'm running for Congress Because All Black Lives Matter Baltimore Matters And black people don't have to vote Democrat."
Two weeks later, in early September, Trump tweeted that he "fully endorsed" Klacik.
Now the Baltimore-based GOP Congressional candidate is out with another political ad bashing Baltimore liberals for destroying the city. She focused on Baltimore's trash problems, dilapidated row houses, and the "black struggle of people in Baltimore."
"I see a Baltimore that picks up trash," Klacik said. "There are piles of garbage all around Baltimore. It makes life unsafe for our families. I'll work with city leaders to get Baltimore Solid Waste Bureau the resources it needs to take out the trash."
"Our streets should be a reflection of our leaders: clean, not dirty," she said, adding that she wants to "end school to prison pipeline" and introduce the school choice plan, a program backed by Trump.
Klacik said there are more than 17,000 vacant row houses in the city, calling them a "scar on the face of our city" (read: "Baltimore Continues To Struggle With Thousands Of Vacant Homes").
"A broken Baltimore doesn't have to be our future," she said.
Trump has criticized the liberal-run city for years. In 2019, he called the metro area, which is about a 40-minute train ride from Washington, D.C., a "disgusting" and "rodent-infested mess."
Klacik's new ad puts Baltimore Democrats to shame and points out their decades of failures.